Tania Sorbello s234250_ETL203_Assignment 2

Graduation Party – Curricular Connections

Curriculum Connections: Year 6 / Level 6

The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics(Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2013)

Progression Point
“At Progression Point 6.5, a student progressing towards the standard at Level 7 may, for example:”(Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2013) / Specific activities relating to Progression Points
Number and Algebra
  • “investigate and calculate ‘best buys’and solve problems involving simple ratios, with and without the use of digital technology
  • solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
  • Use a variety of methods to solve linear equations with whole number solutions”
/ Students:
  • Calculate and compare costs and make financial decisions to work within a budget
  • Apply discounts to prices
  • Calculate the number of guests and amounts required for invitations, food etc.
  • Use calculators and other digital technologies to assist in their calculations.

Statistics and Probability
  • “create side-by-side column graphs
  • interpret secondary data presented in digital media and elsewhere, including consideration of sampling, misleading displays, bias and purpose
  • determine probabilities by symmetry and counting”
/ Students:
  • Create and interpret column and pie graphs
  • Consider information from external providers as they attempt to find the most economical way to plan each function stage
  • Interpret how discounts can affect the overall pricing of items.

Cross-Curricular Connections

AusVelsAchievement Standards

Year 6: Level 6


AusVELS Standard / Learning Focus / Specific Learning Outcome
English: Writing
  • “They explain how their choices of language features and images are used.
  • They demonstrate understanding of grammar, make considered choices from an expanding vocabulary, use, accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity and make and explain editorial choices.”
/ Students:
  • Undertake written tasks
  • Contribute to decision making about text format and structure.
  • Focus on spelling, grammar and punctuation as they edit their text.

English: Speaking and Listening
  • “Students listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas.
  • They understand how language features and language patterns can be used for emphasis.
  • They explain how their choices of language features and images are used.
  • They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, using a variety of strategies for effect.”
/ Students:
  • Participate in class discussions
  • Spokespersons articulately present their contribution
  • Contribute to decision making about text format and structure within their group.

The Arts

AusVELS Standard / Learning Focus / Specific Learning Outcome
The Arts: Creating and Making
  • “They consider purpose and suitability when they plan and prepare arts works for presentation to a variety of audiences
/ Students:
  • Plan and create function invitations
  • Find ways to create invitations that are attractive and economically viable.

  • They evaluate the effectiveness of their arts works and make changes to realise intended aims.”

Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

AusVELSStandard / Learning Focus / Specific Learning Outcome
ICT for Visual Thinking
  • “Students use ICT tools and techniques that support the organisation and analysis of concepts”
/ Students:
  • Conduct independent research, using both traditional research methods and online tools.

ICT for Creating
  • “They use design tools to represent how solutions will be produced and the layout of information products.
  • Students select relevant techniques for minimising the time taken to process data, and apply conventions and techniques that improve the appearance of the finished product.”
/ Students:
  • Utilise word processing and other digital tools, such as hyperlinks, Microsoft Word, Excel and other online tools.
  • Use simple formulae in Excel to perform calculations and create graphs

ICT for Communicating
  • “At Level 6, students use email, websites and frequently asked question facilities to acquire from, or share information with, peers and known and unknown experts.
  • Using recommended search engines, students refine their search strategies to locate information quickly. “
/ Students:
  • Utilise word processing and other digital tools, such as hyperlinks, Microsoft Word, Excel and other online tools.