
Under Pressure Diversaka UP Divers

1410 E. Monte Vista Avenue

Vacaville, California 95688

Bylaw 1.Organization

1.1Name: The name of this club is UNDER PRESSURE DIVERS.

1.2Establishment: This club is established by the Sports Cove and is governed by these


1.3Purpose: The purpose of this club is to enhance the sport of diving and diving

experiences for all its members and to provide a mutually beneficial forum for the

sharing of those experiences.

Bylaw 2. Membership

2.1Members: Club members shall be those members in good standing who are current

with their dues. Only club members in good standing may vote or hold club office. Only

members in good standing may act on behalf of the Club, at the direction of the Board of

Directors. All members must sign a “MEMBER LIABILITY WAIVER”.

2.2Dues: Dues are payable each year on or before January 1st. Any new member joining

the Club after September 30th will owe only one half of the fee for the remainder of the

year. To maintain membership privileges, dues must be paid in full by February 15th.

Single Membership : $25.00 per year. Single membership is allowed one vote.

Family Membership: $40.00 per year. Family membership is allowed two votes.

2.3Privileges of Members: Members will have the following privileges:

  1. May vote in annual and special elections.
  2. Recall members of the Board of Directors and determine club policy.
  3. Participate in all Club activities at no or reduced cost.
  4. Bring ideas and or concerns to the Board for consideration and discussion.

2.4Guests: A guest may participate in club activities, which are not limited to members only, after signing a “GUEST LIABILITY WAIVER”, and may Scuba dive upon proof of certification, for a period of time not exceeding two consecutive months commencing on initial visit.

2.5Misconduct: The Board of Directors shall have full power to suspend or expel any member for any misconduct or acts wheresoever or whensoever committed, which in the sole opinion of the Board of Directors are prejudicial to the reputation or best interests of the UPD Club.

2.6Membership Meetings: Membership meetings will be held on the 1st Tuesday of each

month at a location designated by the Board of Directors.

Bylaw 3. Assumption of Risk

3.1 Assumption of Risk: UP Divers members attending any Club activity or exercising any right or privilege incident to membership in the Club shall do so at their own sole risk and hazard, and every member by applying for and accepting membership in the Club assumes all risk and hazard and agrees to hold the SPORTS COVE, UP DIVERS,and all of its members, officers and directors, harmless and free from liability of any kind or nature and resulting from any injury, loss or causes whatsoever.

Parents and guardians of all minor members likewise by acceptance of membership of such minors assume all risks and hazards incident to such membership and agree to hold the Club and its officers, directors and members free and harmless from any liability whatsoever.

A guest at any Club activity assumes all risks and hazards and must sign a guest liability waiver. Guest agrees to hold the SPORTS COVE, UP DIVERS, its officers, directors, and members free and harmless from any liability whatsoever.

Bylaw4.Board of Directors

4.1Number: The Board of Directors (BOD) will consist of 10 members, elected by the Club Membership. AllBoard Member terms are for one year, from Jan 1 to Dec 31. Nominations will be submitted at the Octobermeeting with voting in November. Newly elected board members shall take officeJanuary 1st.

4.2Powers: The BOD shall have the authority to make rules and regulations for carrying

out the provisions of these Bylaws. Notices shall be published in a Club newsletter or

other publication provided to all members. Other powers are as follows:

  1. The BOD may call and conduct special elections in accordance with these Bylaws.
  2. The BOD may fill vacancies from its elected members in good standing.

4.3BOD Responsibilities: The BOD shall assure that the activities and services provided

for the members comply and are consistent with these Bylaws. Such activities may

include but are not limited to financial management, membership services, and

production of publications, diving excursions, fundraising activities and membership

social gatherings. Authority may be delegated to carry out such activities, but the BOD

shall retain overall responsibility and control.

4.4Officers: The newly elected BOD will fill the following office positions:

  1. Board Chairman

A.Job Responsibilities:

  • Oversees the BOD members
  • Conducts all club meetings
  • Oversees all club activities
  • Works with each BOD member on their job responsibilities
  • Appoints committees for various club needs.
  1. Secretary

A.Job Responsibilities

  • Provides agendas for all club meetings.
  • Records minutes of all club meetings and board meetings.
  • Acts as timekeeper for meetings to start and end as planned.
  • In the absence of the Board Chairman, will take over responsibilities and functions of the Board Chairman and conduct meetings.
  1. Treasurer/Membership Coordinator

A. Job Responsibilities

  • Works with the BOD on budget for events
  • Maintains the checking account.
  • Makes deposits
  • Prepares monthly treasurer’s report for the club meetings
  • Keeps a current listing of paid club members.
  • Maintains the Club Membership List which includes phone numbers and emails.
  • In the absence of the Board Chairman and Secretary, will take over responsibilities and functions of the Board Chairman and conduct meetings.
  1. Meeting Coordinator

A.Job Responsibilities:

  • Acts as Public Relations Contact for the club.
  • Coordinates the location, dates and times for all club meetings.
  • Arranges for guest speakers
  • Sends meeting and activity notices
  1. Communication/Newsletter Coordinator

A.Job Responsibilities

  • Develops and publishes the monthly newsletter
  • Works with the BOD in setting and publishing Club activity dates
  • Takes photographs or video and publishes them to Facebook, newsletters, etc.
  1. Activities Coordinator: will be assisted in these responsibilities by the other BOD members and the club membership

A.Job Responsibilities

  • Establishes a club calendar
  • Establishes a budget for each activity.
  • Works with the Chairman to insure safe dive practices are followed at all club meetings and diving activities.
  • Coordinates and prepares inventory for all club supplies
  • Appoints a coordinator for all activities who will oversee and report on the event.
  1. Travis AFB Liaison

A.Job Responsibilities

  • Will represent diving and similar Dive Club activities on TAFB.
  • Negotiates and provides contract of scheduled dive classes with Sports Cove dive shop each year.
  • Assists dive team professionals in organizing base classes, diving activities and trips, and follow up training.
  • Liaison will be offered free UPD family membership and dive instructions.
  1. IT Liaison
  1. Job Responsibilities
  • Will provide technical support to UPD for websites and newsletter/communications/Calendar forums.
  • Will provide technical support for FACEBOOK updates.
  • Will provide technical support to establish an interactive UPD activities Calendar on the UPD website.
  • Will provide technical support to establish an “on line activity sign-up” for activities on the UPD website.
  1. Sports Cove Advisor (not an elected position)
  1. Job Responsibilities
  • Will be the point of interface for Sports Cove, working with the meeting coordinator and all Board members, representing Sports Cove interests
  1. Dive Instructor Advisor (not an elected position)
  1. Job Responsibilities
  • Manages, trains and supervises the Professional Dive Team to include encouraging them to lead trips and dive activities.
  • Ensures that PADI Diving Standards and procedures are followed and maintained.
  • Works with Sports Cove and Dive Club Board members to encourage safe diving, as well as provide opportunities to enroll and successfully complete advanced and specialty classes.
  • Will be the single point of interface for Dive Instruction, working directly with all Board members, as a resource, to coordinate Dive Instruction schedule, dive instruction outreach, and dive instruction activities.

4.4.1Qualifications for all board Members:

  1. Must be able to make BOD meetings – generally last Wednesday of every month.
  2. Must perform membership outreach.
  3. Must participate in Dive Club functions.

4.5Committees:The Board Chairman, with board approval may form committees for

standing purposes as well as for special needs and events. Members of these

committees will be appointed from club members in good standing. The BOD may

dissolve committees once their purpose is no longer necessary or productive.

4.6Open Meetings: All meetings of the BOD and its committees shall be open to

attendance by any Club member. The BOD reserves the right to convene privately in the

first twenty minutes for the consideration of any sensitive matter. BOD meetings shall

be held at least once per month, at least 1 week prior to the regularly scheduled

memPbership meetings.

4.7Quorum: A quorum for BOD meetings requires a minimum of 7 voting members.

4.8Special Meetings: BOD business may, if necessary, be conducted at a special meeting.

The Chairman or any 4 BOD members with may call a special meeting at least

48 hours notice by telephone or email.

Bylaw5.Nominations and Elections

5.1Nominations: The BOD will appoint a nominating committee to present a slate of candidates. The nominating committee shall be made known to the general membership 30 days prior to the general meeting prior to the election meeting in November. The committee shall contact possible candidates and ascertain their willingness to serve. It will also consider all candidates suggested to them by regular members. The nominating committee shall present a slate of candidates on the date of election. Further nominations may be made after the slate is presented at the election meeting. All candidates must be members in good standing from July to September to be considered for election as BOD members for the following term. The nominatingcommittee shall be in charge of holding the election and counting the votes.

5.2 Annual Election: An Annual Election shall be held on the 1st Tuesday of November

each year. This election and any special elections shall be conducted by written ballot. Anyone receiving a majority vote will serve on the BOD.

Bylaw6. Functions and Services

6.1Newsletter: The BOD shall arrange for a Club newsletter to be distributed regularly to all club members by e-mail. Additional printed copies will be made available at all

membership meetings and at Sports Cove. The newsletter will give notice and report the

proceedings of the BOD, club meetings, elections and other news, including the

announcement of social events and outings.

6.2Activities Calendar: The BOD shall arrange for a Club Activities Calendar to be

prepared quarterly, and to be distributed regularly within the newsletter.

6.3Publications to membership: All publications shall be reviewed by the BOD prior to

theirdistribution to general membership.

6.4Special Activities: At the BOD’s discretion, the UP Divers may provide funding for activities for members if sufficient funds are available.

6.5 UP DIVERS will not provide alcoholic beverages at any club sponsored activity.

Bylaw 7. Finances

7.1Receiving and Expending Funds: The Club may assess and collect dues from its

members. Dues are payable by February 15th.

Expenditures shall be consistent with all rules, policies and directives of the BOD. All

expenditure reimbursement requests must be accompanied by an itemized receipt.

Any single expenditure over $200.00 shall be brought before the Club membership at a

regularly scheduled membership meeting for approval by a majority of members in


7.2Fundraising and Fees for Outings and Activities: The BOD may conduct fundraising

and other activities, including outings, which require members and others to pay a fee to

participate. Such fees may include both direct and indirect costs and provide for

operating expenses. Announcements of fundraising events shall indicate intended use of

the proceeds.

7.3Authority over Deposited Funds: The BOD shall have authority over allfunds

deposited in accounts in the name of the Club and its entities. Every bank and savings

account will maintain a list of authorized signatures. A withdrawal or payment from

these accounts will require at least two signatures. No two signatures may be from the

same household.

7.4Requirement to Deposit: Unless otherwise specified by the BOD, all moneys received

by the Club shall be deposited within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt, in the

SportsCove Special Account.

7.5Prohibitions: The Club maynot borrow money, own real estate, or contribute from its

general funds to political campaigns, candidates or their parties.

7.6. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the club shall be from January 1st through December 31st

each year.

7.7Books and Reports: The Club Treasurer shall keep proper books of accounts and shall

report balances, revenues and expenses of the club to the membership at each regularly

scheduled membership meeting, and at the end of the fiscal year.

7.8Review: As soon as practicable, after the close of the fiscal year, the BOD will review

the books.

Bylaw 8. Dissolution

8.1Dissolution: Upon dissolution of the Club for any reason whatsoever, any Club property shall be distributed to the Divers Alert Network

Bylaw9. Amendments

9.1Amendment: These Bylaws are fundamental and shall not be added to, amended or

repealed except by a two-thirds vote of the Club BOD and a two-thirds vote of those

members in good standing present at the regularly scheduled membership meeting.

Proposed amended or repealed Bylaws will be distributed to the membership by mail at

least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the designated membership meeting.

9.2Signatures and Effective Date: These Bylaws and any amended versions shall be

signed and dated by the BOD. These bylaws as amended shall take effect when signed

by the BOD. A copy of the signature page shall be returned to the Club and shall be

attached to all reproduced copies.


Chairman of the Board




Treasurer/Membership Coordinator


Meeting Coordinator


Communication/Newsletter Coordinator


Travis AFB Liaison


IT Liaison


Sports Cove Advisor


Dive Instructor Advisor