Dear [supervisor’s name],

I’d like to attend Sustainable Brands ’17 Detroit, in Detroit, Michigan thisMay 22-25.

I think my attendance will help our business because:

The Business Landscape is Changing

Disruption is happening faster than ever

Nadya Zhexembayeva, who will speak at SB’17 Detroit, documents that the need for business reinvention has shifted from a 75 year average in the 20th century, down to a 15 year cycle in 2000, and has reacheda 7 year average today. The complexity and pace of today’s world requires a new way of thinking and working. Sustainable Brands is helping its community think more systemically while teachingnew ways of responding to today’s complexities and offers concrete examples of brands doing this.

Our Customer Landscape is Changing
Customers are increasingly connected to the impacts that companies have on personal, community and environmental health.According to a recent global research study, 65%of consumers around the worldwant to buy from brands that are delivering ona deeper purpose than profit. And, consumers are starting to understand and express the power of their spending – either “Boycotting” or “Buycotting”companies they don't, or DO trust. We want to get on the right side of that shift and learn how to capture dollars from those customers who are learning to vote with their dollars.

Others are Building Billion Dollar Businesses by Innovation for Environmental and Social Purpose

Green Giants, a book published in April of last year by one of the Sustainable Brands community leaders,chronicles 9 brands born in the past 10 years that are now bigger that $1B in revenue.In June of last year, she presented on another 9 who had reached that level after the book was published. One of them, AirBnB, has topped the market cap of Hyatt and Hilton combined in just 5 years.We need to understand how to tap into this trend thatSustainable Brands claims represents the biggest innovation opportunity for every market sector in the 21st century.

Who is Sustainable Brands?

Sustainable Brands®is a global community that has grown from zero to over 1million business leaders around the world who believe that embedding environmental and social purpose into the core of a brand is the future of business. They’re growing fast every year and are now hosting conferences in 12 cities on 5 continents to support theirconviction that unleashing the best of human ingenuity and innovation can change the shape of business and, with it, the world. SB’17 Detroit is their flagship event.

Here’s What I’ll Learn

The conference offers four full days of sessions full oftrend data, consumer insights, and tangible case studies from some of the most innovative brands and solutions providers who are tapping mega market trends to insulate their businesses from risk and drive new revenue as well as customer and employee loyalty. Brand leaders from across market sectors – from Levi’s, Google and Ford – to Kellogg, Target andProcter & Gamble, to Kohler, Chobani and 200 more will help us tap insights from outside our current sphere that we can bring into our business.

At SB’17 Detroit, a raft of disruptive innovators who are demonstrating the front end of innovation including experts from brand, marketing and communications spheres as well as sustainability and corporate affairs, will present on the impact, ROI and results they are getting from implementing sustainability-led innovation in their businesses. NGO leaders will be talking about how they plan torespond to the new administration so we can learn about new risks.

I’ll learn how to tap todays macro trends to help shift our business forward through the latest case studies, new methodologies for tracking and measuring sustainability, and first-hand examples of perception-shifting campaigns. Plus, I’ll make the connections we need to the businesses, partners and solutions providers that can help us drive both purpose and profit.

SB’17 Detroit will allow me to help us find new paths to success.I can imagine that I will beable to apply what I learn to the following projects:

  • [Enter project here]
  • [Enter project here]
  • [Enter project here]

Here’s my budget:

My ticket cost:

Travel to Detroit & hotel: [enter travel cost here]

(I will save $200 on my ticket by booking in one of the SB’17 Detroit partner hotels.)

Total: [enter total cost here]

Prices for tickets will increase on April 7th: If I register now, I can save up to an additional $300 on my conference pass.I truly feel the investment will generate real value to our business by giving me new energy and ideas for how we can better face the future.

Thank you in advance for giving me the opportunity!

[Enter name]