Sr. No. 8


Function: Controlling the Operation of The Ship & Care for Persons on Board at Management Level


M.E.O. Class II

(Time allowed - 3hours)

India (2003) Morning Paper Total Marks 100

NB :(1) Answer SIX Questions only.

(2) All Questions carry equal marks

(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

(4) Illustration of an Answer with clear sketches / diagrams carries weightage.

  1. Legislation framed at preventing the emission of black smoke sets limits on the length of time of such emission.

(a)Discuss the reasons for setting time limits rather than imposing a complete ban on emission.

(b)State why different times are quoted, giving examples.

(c)State the likely constituents of black smoke from the combustion of residual fuel in a boiler.

(d)List the contaminants likely to be found in the clear exhaust from a diesel driven alternator burning gas.

  1. (a) Describe with the aid of a sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space fixed fire- fighting

installation using Halon. State in your answer any special needed for rapid delivery of the gas and the time permitted for discharge.

(b) Explain why Halon is considered to be safer than CO2 but why evacuation of the machinery space is still considered necessary.

  1. In accordance with Protocol 1 of MARPOL 73/78 what is meant by harmful substances. What should be the contents of a report , and a supplementary report in the event of pollution by harmful substances.
  1. Explain the salient features of the BC code and the BLU Code.
  1. Describe how you, as Chief Engineer, would prepare a septic tank for survey by a classification society.

6. What are the means of escape provided in accordance with amended SOLAS (2001) in the machinery space of an internationally trading passenger vessel. Elaborate on details of the arrangements.

7. Elaborate on six specific unsafe practices, which can lead to injuries in the engine room. What should be the correct practice, specially during sailing.

8. With reference to independent emergency fire pumps:

(a) State three areas where they are commonly installed and give reasons why:

(b)(i) describe with the aid of a sketch an air pump or primer used to initiate suction when the fire pump is situated above seawater level;

(ii) state the suction lift which would be expected from a single stage pump system.

(c) state how the capacity of the fire pump should be tested;

(d) state how it can be ensured that the pump is kept in good working order ;

(e) state the precautions which must be taken in sub-zero temperatures.

9. Sketch and describe an arrangement for automatic connection of emergency batteries upon

loss of main power. Include in your answer:

(a) Means of obtaining d.c. charging supply from a.c. mains;

(b) A method of maintaining charge on lead acid batteries;

(c) The arrangement to check that batteries operate at loss of main power

(d) The length of time for which emergency batteries of passenger and cargo ships

must provide power.
