MILLET MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION – Meeting Minutes of October 19 , 2015

In attendance: Roger Lorensen, Becky Bushaski, James Rennie, Wes Johnston, Jeff Huolt, Shelley Dreger, Cindy McGrath, Wayne DiLallo, Kenny Herman, Tanya Huolt, Lisa Henschel, , Melissa Emmerzael

1.  CALL TO ORDER: Roger called this meeting to order at 7:05pm

2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes Sept 2015 –Wes motioned to accept the minutes James seconded – Carried.

3.  ADDITION/APPROVAL AGENDA: Additions: New Business –AA Program, Affiliations, tournament raffle items Shelley motioned to approve agenda with the addition, Wes seconded - Carried


a) PRESIDENT – Roger Lorensen

- Teams folded – bantam and midget both have folded which is unfortunate because there are enough releases to almost make a full team. Unfortunate because there were many people working to keep the teams afloat but people didn’t want to wait.

- Bingo – confusion on signups. There has been a bit of confusion for signups and some people have been sent home if there have been too many people. Bingo coordinator will be notified to see if there is a better way to have signups.

- AGLC application – there needs to be immediate response in order to get tickets for this season. Roger will be the contact person and Gio will be contacted to see if he has the application package from last year.

- Insurance Claim – there was a claim from insurance from last year from the Atom team. There is an outstanding bill that wasn’t submitted until this year (passing the 90 day window required to submit receipts by Hockey Alberta). MMHA has been willing to help out with the receipt, but it needs to be submitted to personal insurance before MMHA deals with it, and as far as we know that has not happened. An email has been sent to the family in question stating we need to get a receipt and it needs to be submitted to personal insurance before we can be of assistance. A 15 day window is not in effect meaning we need to have these requirements met within 15 days or this issue is null and void and we will not be able to help in any way.

- Tiering – Wes needs to know by Saturday if projected tiers are OK with all the teams.

- Millet Town Hall Meeting – We need someone from MMHA to represent Millet. Cynthia to be contacted to attend on our behalf if possible.

b):VICE-PRESIDENT – Jeff Huolt

-  Bantam Team – Jeff has communicated with the Wetaskiwin/Millet bantam team about hosting a tournmanent in Millet. He hasn’t yet heard back if they want to host this tournament or not. Should know by the next meeting.

c)  TREASURER –Lisa Henschel

-  Report given out. Bingo account: $21220.68, Casino: $41.07, General: $11401.21, Raffle: $2678.54 with a total of $135341.50.

-  Donna, Dawn & Lisa completed the AGLC paperwork that was needed to be done. They have received it at their end. New raffle license, Dawn Trent is working on it. They do require registered bylaws. We need to get the bylaws registered.

-  Randi to do the audit.

-  We received $500 cheque from the Harvest Festival, funds to go to the PeeWee team.

-  Treasurer would like to request a new laptop. The one MMHA has crashes and it is unusable. Wes motions for treasurer to be ablet o buy a new laptop and accounting program. (Possibly Quickbooks 2016)

Becky seconded. Carried. Kenny and Lisa will look into this.

- Wes motioned to accept the report. Shelley seconded. Carried.

d)  REGISTRAR – Becky Buchaski

-  To all families with outstanding fees, a reminder was sent out with an outline of the consequences. As of Nov.1 children can’t play if fees aren’t paid.

-  Overage application – Levi Dykstra – he meets 3/5 of the criteria. Coaches and parents both request the overage application. Roger signed from and it is sent to Hockey Alberta. Wes motions to approve application for Levi to play overage pre-Novice. James seconded. Carried.

-  Number of coaches carded to a team – PeeWees have more than the required amount of coaches and are wanting to have them all carded to the team. Motion by Jeff: Pee Wee team can have up to 8 carded bench staff for 2015/2016 season. Shelley seconded. Carried. (abstain 2, approved 7, against 1).

-  Any coach / helper who wants to help out needs to be carded to the TEAM (not just the association). Team coordinators need to let coaches know this so they can ensure they have enough coaching staff.

-  Special coach application – Roger would like to help coach with the PeeWees. Wes motions for Roger to assistant coach on the PeeWee team. Shelley seconded. Carried

-  Team certification – coming along nicely. Still waiting for most coaches to be certified. Reminder that coaches need to be certified October 31.

-  Managers – Managers need a criminal record check. A manager needs respect in sport coach IF they want to be carded to the team. If they don’t want to be carded, they don’t need respect in sport coach but they also can’t go on the game sheet or sign it.


-  A request for 30 blue pucks for the prenup ice groups . Jeff motions to buy picks Shelley seconded. Carried. We can check with Don to see if there are any pucks and if not buy some.

-  Rules need to be set for the available ice to assure all teams get equal opportunity to utilize that time. I also propose that any available ice should be split ice if two teams want that ice slot. Regardless of division as spilt ice can be utilized at any age group. Discussion that if there is open ice, then there will be essentially two slots available for teams. Probably works best if managers contact other manager once it has been booked.

-  Coaches meeting date will be set once teams are done tiering.

-  Wes Johnston has approached a goalie instruction company in Beaumont who are willing to meet our needs regarding scheduling and rates. Very reasonable rates and excellent opportunity to make this coaching fit patents schedule. This is a work in progress and will be updated.

-  Need to book the remaining teams and slots for power skating.

f)  ICE COORDINATOR – James Rennie

-  The calendar schedule is done. Jessie from 1660 will update our new game slots and Starting in January we will have a 4 team rotation on Friday nights 7:15 – 8:15. IT has been emailed to Don.

-  Starting in January possibly Bantam ice slot move to the Friday for weeks where we are hosting a tournament.

g)  REFEREE IN CHIEF – Kenny Herman

a.  RIC:

-  Referee clinic October 24, all day in Millet. We are currently 3 / 4 full.

-  All officials over 18 years of age will need a police check.

-  9 officials over 16, 4 officials under 16, we will affiliate a couple experienced officials as well. This weekend I had inquiries from 3 other communities for weekend games.

-  We will run a few ice sessions once the clinic is over so I will be contacting James regarding 1 hour ice slots.

-  Oct 22 Critters vs. Firefighters game. Kenny will get back to Chuck O’Neill about it.

b.  Webmaster Report

-  Debbie has sent in a report outlined at the meeting. Debbie has handed in her resignation as webmaster effective imTmediately. Debbie no longer has any children in MMHA and is willing to help train a replacement. She has enjoyed her time helping out with MMHA. Becky motions for a gift to be purchased for Debbie up to $150. Lisa seconded. Motion carried. Huolts will pick up the gift to be presented at a later date. Email to be sent out to association asking for a volunteer for this position. Team coordinators to talk with their parents about it as well.

-  Emails took a long time to set up as Hockey Emails, so please try and use them as possible and you can still contact Debbie if you have any questions or concerns.


-  No report.

i)  EQUIPMENT –Donald Williams

-  Team coordinators to talk to coaches and let Donald know if they need anything from him (goalie equipment especially).

-  Bumpers need to get fixed. Wes made a contact from last year and will bring them into him to get a quote.


-  Tentative Christmas Skate Dec.20 3:15 – 5:30. To be decided at next meeting.

k)  MIDGET – Randi Williams

-  No report.

l)  BANTAM – Wes Johnston

-  Wes has nothing to report and Jeff is to let us know about the Bantam tourney (discussed in VP report).

m)  PEE WEE – Tanya Huolt

-  2-2 in preseason. Parent meeting on Friday. Trying to decide if they should do SCAT test with players.

n)  ATOM – Shelley Dreger

-  Tournament question with two different atom teams – can we merge our teams into one team for the tournament? (no it is not allowed). Decision made to have two mini tourneys within the one tournament weekend (4 teams for each tier). If we are wanting to run the tournament with the two teams together do we each get our registration fee to go towards an away tournament or is it split between the two teams? (each team would get the full registration fee to go towards an away tournament ).

o)  NOVICE – Cindy McGrath

-  Becky motions for Cindy McGrath to be interim coordinator for Novice as well as PreNovice. Wes seconds. Motion carried.

-  Novice would like to request the use of old jerseys or possibly reversible jerseys for practices.

p)  INITIATION – Cindy McGrath

-  Nothing to report.


a)  Atom tracksuite saga – Cynthia, Roger , James & Kenny tried to arrange a meeting with person responsible for the outstanding bill from unpaid Atom tracksuits from last season. There were different reasons to reschedule and then at the last meeting he did not attend, but his wife attended in his place. They had come up with a payment plan for 4 payments of $425 each Cynthia also requested a letter of apology. It was due September 22, 2015. Nothing happened after that meeting. As a result, Kenny has prepared a letter for the person in question. It is proposed that 4 $425 post dated cheques to be given to MMHA. In event the cheques bounce or payments are not followed through, then kids are not able to play hockey or any funds paid will go toward this outstanding bill prior to going toward registration. In the event outstanding bill is not paid this season, it will carry forward into next season whether they play with MMHA or any assocation in Hockey Canada.

b)  AA Teams (Peewee & Bantam)

3 AA teams. Next meeting is next Wednesday, October 28. This is the first meeting since evaluations. Wayne will have more information after that meeting.


a)  Raffle Items – the idea of a ‘liquor basket’ was discussed. It can’t be labeled as a liquor basket but if it is a part of another raffle ticket item and not visible it is OK.


1.  Raffle items – the idea of a ‘liquor basket’ was discussed. It can’t be labeled as a liquor basket but if it is a part of another raffle ticket item and not visible then is should be OK.

2.  Affiliations – affiliated players can’t be affiliated if the team is affiliated to another team.

8.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday, November 23 @ 7pm

9. ADJOURNMENT: Wes adjourned meeting at 9:28 pm