Moultrie Middle School

Chorus Handbook


Dear Moultrie Chorus Parent,

Welcome! I am happy to have your child in the Moultrie

Middle School Chorus. Enclosed you will find important

information about the choral program and a calendar of

rehearsal datesand performances throughout the year.

Please sign the handbook form on the last page informing us

of your commitment to your child’s participation in the Moultrie Middle School Choir. Your child will begin the year by receiving a

quiz grade of 100% for returning the form at the back of this

packet by Friday, August 31st. Please read each section


I look forward to a great year!


Terry Goss

Choral Director

Class description

Chorus is an all year exploratory class. Once you sign up for the class you are to remain in chorus for the entire year. Chorus classes are open to all students at Moultrie Middle School. We do have an eighth grade auditioned chorus class (Honors Chorus) this year and seventh graders will be able to audition for the Honors Chorus next year. Students in all classes will focus on healthy vocal technique, music theory, history, sight- singing, choreography, and the rehearsal of music. Most importantly, students will develop self-discipline and learn to work cooperatively.Students are expected to participate in additional rehearsals and performances that may occur outside of the regular class period.

The Honors Chorus Class is designed for eighth grade students who have demonstrated the ability to work well with others as a group and in sections. This is an auditioned group and members must have participated in the sixth and seventh grade chorus. The focus of this class will be independent singing/harmony skills, sight-reading, stage presence, and a varied choral repertoire. Students are expected to participate in additional rehearsals and performances that may occur outside of the regular class period.

Choral Fees

There is a $50.00 choral fee this year. This fee covers the cost of state choral clinics, all-county chorus, all-state music,solo/ensemble festival, field trip transportation, theory books, all-county music, concert music, folders and a chorus t-shirt.

Chorus Uniform*

All students are required to wear the chorus uniform to performances as directed. The cost of the uniform is $65.00.


Formal Black DressBlack Vest

Black close-toed dress shoesTux Shirt & Bow Tie

Black Tux Pants

Black dress shoes

Black socks

We order our chorus dresses from Southeaster Apparel. The boys will get their uniform from David’s Tuxedos located in Mt. Pleasant.We will wear these uniforms all three years at Moultrie.

If you are interested in a used uniform please let me know. We have a few used dresses and tuxuniformsfor $30.00 and some students no longer in chorus may be selling their uniforms.

Fitting dates for girls will be in September after school. Please see attached calendar for dates.

Boys will be sized by David’s Tuxedos during the school day.

**7th and 8th grade students who already have a chorus uniform need to try it on to make sure it fits well before September 30th.

*Scholarships are available to help with the choral fee and uniforms for those in need. Please contact me at 849-2819 or at

Class Supplies & Materials

Students must bring to chorus:

1.10 -20 sheets of loose-leaf paper.

2.A pencil to keep inside the folder.

3.Two dry erase markers.

Students are provided with a two-pocket paper folder and a vinyl music folder that will remain in the chorus room.

Grading Policy

  1. Participation = 50%

Students are expected to participate in all class and early morning rehearsals.

Daily class rehearsals are graded according to the following criteria:

  1. Singing or studying music at all times
  2. Has music and a pencil at all times
  3. Takes notes during rehearsal
  4. Able to sing choral part with correct pitches most of the time.
  1. Performances = 30%

Chorus is a performing arts program; therefore, students are expected to attend ALLperformances and rehearsals. Attending these events ispart of every student’s grade. The performance calendaris included in this handbook. Most rehearsals are before school and are necessary when several classes need to rehearse together. Rehearsing all classes together is often necessary for a successful performance.

An unexcused absence from concerts or rehearsals will be grounds for suspension from the chorus. Repeated unexcused absences result in disciplinary consequences including but not limited to being excluded from trips, extracurricular activities, etc.

To receive full credit for concerts, each student must:

  1. Attend all scheduled performances!
  2. Arrive on time
  3. Wear the uniform as instructed
  4. Follow the code of conduct.
  5. Use proper concert etiquette when watching other performances.

It is best to avoid scheduling family events, appointments, etc. during the time students are expected to be with the chorus. If a student misses a performance/rehearsal unexpectedly due to illness, emergency, etc. a separate note explaining the situation should be sent to the director and signed by the parent.

  1. Classroom Work = 20%

Classroom work includes quizzes, tests, etc. in the area of sight reading, part-singing, music literacy, music appreciation, music theory, and more. Students are responsible for keeping their chorus folder up to date by checking with other students and with the director about missed work. Students are expected to leave their folders in the chorus room all year.

Arriving late

Each student and the chorus as whole need all the available time possible to prepare for

performances. As a member of the choir, it is the student’s responsibility to do whatever ittakesto be on time for all rehearsals and performances. When a student arrives late, they

hurt the ensemble’s chance of doing well.

Chorus Rules

  1. Listen and participate.
  2. Follow Directions
  3. Come to Class Prepared
  4. Show Respect…………..Respect your teacher. Respect yourself. Respect others.

Respect school and personal property.

  1. Obey All School Rules
  2. No Chewing Gum!!!! This is a school rule!


  1. Five demerits = letter home
  2. Ten demerits = schedule conference with parent/guardian
  3. 15 demerits = referral

Common Procedures

  • Enter the room quietly, orderly, get your music folder, and immediately sit in your assigned seat.
  • Read the board for announcements.
  • Students will not be allowed to use the bathroom or get a drink of water during class except in emergencies.
  • To request a bathroom trip or drink of water, ask upon entering the chorus room.
  • Wait until the teacher instructs you to put away your folder, pass in your music, or leave the classroom.
  • Keep personal items put away at all times. This includes but not limited to make-up, perfume/cologne, hair spray, electronics, toys, and other similar items.
  • Students are expected to use the entire class time for instruction. Hall passes will not be written to guidance, the office, etc. unless it has been pre-arranged. All passes written by

guidance or the office, etc. will be honored.

Behavior Expectations

Students are expected to exhibit self-discipline and a sense of pride as a member of the chorus department. Each member represents the choral program, as well as Moultrie Middle School andshould behave accordingly – in school and out. Students are expected to be respectful to students, teachers, parents, and/or any adult who may be placed in charge.

Students who exhibit excessive or severe misbehavior during class, at a performance, or while at anoff-campus chorus-sponsored activity, may be disciplined in one or more of the following ways.

  • Removal from activityPrivate counsel
  • Removal from roomDiscipline referral
  • Multiple demeritsParent Conference
  • Parent Phone CallSuspension from chorus event


Communication between the director and the students/families is crucial. I welcome parents and students questions about chorus activities. Please utilize the chorus site at, add yourself to the chorus mailing list using the form in the packet, and ask your child for letters and updates.

School Phone: (843) 849-2819

Mrs. Goss’s email:

Ways Parents Can Help

The chorus program needs the support/participation of the parents. Help form the parents will make events easier for the adults and more fun for the students. Below aresome ways parents can help.

  1. Attend all performances
  2. Chaperone Trips
  3. Volunteer to help with fundraisers, measuring uniforms, website, etc.
  4. Help students be on time for rehearsals/performances
  5. Encourage/praise the efforts of each student
  6. Support chorus fundraisers.

Chorus Trips

The following guidelines will ensure order and safety during bus trips the year.

  1. While traveling, chaperones will monitor student activities. If a chaperone asks a student to stop or do something, those instructions are to be followed without question. All chaperones are to be treated with respect.
  2. All students must ride the bus to the event.
  3. No portable games or video players are permitted on bus trips. However, MP3 players, iPods, portable CD players, etc. are acceptable with earphones. These items must be put away and/or left on the bus when arriving at our destination.


The chorus usually participates in one or two fundraisers each year. We will begin the year with a fundraiser to help 7th & 8th grade students raise money for the New York trip. All students are asked to participate in the fundraiser to help pay for music, uniforms, accompanists, sound production, clinician fees, hospitality, and much more…

The director requests that each student does their part.

Chorus Handbook Form

Return this form by Friday, August 31stfor a grade of 100%

Please include the $50.00 choral fee if you did not pay at Fact and Fee Day.

Cash or check make payable to Moultrie Middle School


My signature indicates that I have read and understand the responsibilities required of me including but not limited to: chorus rules, concert attendance policy, uniforms, and grading policy.

Print Student Name______Grade______Period______

Student Signature______Date______


My signature indicates that I have read and understand the responsibilities required of me including concert attendance, uniforms, and grading policy.

Please indicate your child’s tee shirt size:

____Youth Medium____YouthLarge___Adult XL___Adult XXL

____Adult Small____Adult Medium___Adult Large

Please choose one:

___I have included the $50.00 choral fee with this form (cash or check made payable to MMS).

___I have not included the $50.00 because______

I may be available to chaperone field trips or volunteer at these times: (check all that apply)


Print Parent Name______

Parent Signature______Date ______

Work Phone______Home Phone______

Cell Phone______

Email address______
