(5 CCR 1002-31)


All surface waters of the state are subject to the following basic standards; however, discharge of substances regulated by permits which are within those permit limitations shall not be a basis for enforcement proceedings under these basic standards:

(1) Except where authorized by permits, BMPs, 401 certifications, or plans of operation approved by the Division or other applicable agencies, state surface waters shall be free from substances attributable to human-caused point source or nonpoint source discharge in amounts, concentrations or combinations which:

(a) for all surface waters except wetlands;

(i) can settle to form bottom deposits detrimental to the beneficial uses. Depositions are stream bottom buildup of materials which include but are not limited to anaerobic sludges, mine slurry or tailings, silt, or mud; or

(ii) form floating debris, scum, or other surface materials sufficient to harm existing beneficial uses; or

(iii) produce color, odor, or other conditions in such a degree as to create a nuisance or harm existing beneficial uses or impart any undesirable taste to significant edible aquatic species or to the water; or

(iv) are harmful to the beneficial uses or toxic to humans, animals, plants, or aquatic life; or

(v) produce a predominance of undesirable aquatic life; or

(vi) cause a film on the surface or produce a deposit on shorelines; and

(b) for surface waters in wetlands;

(i) produce color, odor, changes in pH, or other conditions in such a degree as to create a nuisance or harm water quality dependent functions or impart any undesirable taste to significant edible aquatic species of the wetland; or

(ii) are toxic to humans, animals, plants, or aquatic life of the wetland.

(2) The radioactive materials in surface waters shall be maintained at the lowest practical level. In no case shall radioactive materials in surface waters be increased by any cause attributable to municipal, industrial, or agricultural practices or discharges to as to exceed the following levels, unless alternative site-specific standards have been adopted pursuant to subsection (4) below:

Radionuclide Standards /
Parameter / Picocuries per Liter /
Americium 241* / 0.15
Cesium 134 / 80
Plutonium 239, and 240* / 0.15
Radium 226 and 228* / 5
Strontium 90* / 8
Thorium 230 and 232* / 60
Tritium / 20,000

*Radionuclide samples for these materials should be analyzed using unfiltered (total) samples. These Human Health based standards are 30-day average values for both plutonium and americium.

(3) The interim organic pollutant standards contained in the following Basic Standards for Organic Chemicals Table are applicable to all surface waters of the state for which the corresponding use classifications have been adopted, unless alternative site-specific standards have been adopted pursuant to sub-section (4) below.

Note that all standards in the Basic Standards for Organic Chemicals Table are being adopted as “interim standards.” These interim standards will remain in effect until alternative permanent standards are adopted by the Commission in revisions to this regulation or site-specific standards determinations. Although fully effective with respect to current regulatory applications, these interim standards shall not be considered final or permanent standards subject to antibacksliding or downgrading restrictions.

(in micrograms per liter) /
Parameter / Human Health Based1 / Aquatic Life Based4 /
/ CAS No. / Water Supply2 / Water+Fish3 / Fish Ingestion8 / Acute / Chronic /
Acenaphthene / 83-32-9 / 420 / 420 / ---10 / 1,700 / 520
Acetochlor / 34256-82-1 / 140 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Acetone / 67-64-1 / 6300 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Acrolein / 107-02-8 / 3.5 / 3.5 / 9.3 / 68 / 21
AcrylamideC, 13 / 79-06-1 / 0.022 / --- / --- / --- / ---
AcrylonitrileC / 107-13-1 / 0.065 / 0.051 / 0.25 / 7,500 / 2,600
Alachlor / 15972-60-8 / 2M / 2 / 140 / --- / ---
Aldicarb / 116-06-3 / 7M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Aldicarb Sulfone / 1646-88-4 / 7M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Aldicarb Sulfoxide / 1646-87-3 / 7M / --- / --- / --- / ---
AldrinC / 309-00-2 / 0.0021 / 4.9X10-5 / 5.0X10-5 / 1.5 / ---
AnilineC / 62-53-3 / 6.1 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Anthracene (PAH) / 120-12-7 / 2,100 / 2,100 / 40,000 / --- / ---
AramiteC / 140-57-8 / 1.4 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Atrazine / 1912-24-9 / 3M / --- / --- / --- / ---
AzobenzeneC / 103-33-3 / 0.32 / --- / --- / --- / ---
BenzeneC, 12 / 71-43-2 / 2.3 to 5M / 2.2 / 51 / 5,300 / ---
BenzidineC / 92-87-5 / 0.00015 / 8.6X10-5 / 0.00020 / 2,500 / ---
Benzo(a)anthracene (PAH)C / 56-55-3 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH)C, 12 / 50-32-8 / 0.0048 to
0.2M / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (PAH)C / 205-99-2 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
Benzo(k)fluoranthene (PAH)C / 207-08-9 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene (PAH) / 191-24-2 / --- / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
BenzotrichlorideC / 98-07-7 / 0.0027 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Benzyl chlorideC / 100-44-7 / 0.21 / --- / --- / --- / ---
BiphenylC / 92-52-4 / 4.4 / 3.5 / 16.3 / --- / ---
Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME)C / 542-88-1 / 0.00016 / 0.0001 / 0.0003 / --- / ---
BromateC / 15541-45-4 / 0.050 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Bromobenzene / 108-86-1 / 56 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Bromodichloromethane (HM)C / 75-27-4 / --- / 0.55 / 17 / 11,000 / ---
Bromoform (HM)C / 75-25-2 / --- / 4.3 / 140 / --- / ---
Butyl benzyl phthalate / 85-68-7 / 1,400 / 1,400 / 1,900 / --- / ---
CarbofuranC, 12 / 1563-66-2 / 35 to
40 M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Carbon tetrachlorideC, 12 / 56-23-5 / 0.5 to
5M / 0.43 / 3.0 / 35,200 / ---
ChlordaneC, 12 / 57-74-9 / 0.10 to
2M / 0.00080 / 0.00081 / 1.2 / 0.0043
ChlordeconeC / 143-50-0 / 0.0035 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Chlorethyl ether (BIS-2)C / 111-44-4 / 0.032 / 0.030 / 0.53 / --- / ---
Chlorobenzene11 / 108-90-7 / 100 M / 100 / 1,600 / --- / ---
Chlorodibromomethane (HM)11 / 124-48-1 / --- / 54.0 / 1,700 / --- / ---
Chloroform (HM)C / 67-66-3 / --- / 3.4 / 110 / 28,900 / 1,240
Chloroisopropyl ether(BIS-2) / 108-60-1 / 280 / 280 / 65,000 / --- / ---
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol / 59-50-7 / 210 / --- / --- / 30 / ---
Chloronapthalene / 91-58-7 / 560 / 560 / ---10 / 2,300 / 620
Chlorophenol,2- / 95-57-8 / 35 / 35 / 150 / 4,380 / 2,000
Chlorphrifos / 2921-88-2 / 21 / --- / --- / 0.083 / 0.041
Chrysene (PAH)C / 218-01-9 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
DDDC / 72-54-8 / 0.15 / 0.00031 / 0.00031 / 0.6 / ---
DDEC / 72-55-9 / 0.1 / 0.00022 / 0.00022 / 1,050 / ---
DDTC / 50-29-3 / 0.1 / 0.00022 / 0.00022 / 0.55 / 0.001
Dalapon / 75-99-0 / 200M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Demeton / 8065-48-3 / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0.1
Diazinon / 333-41-5 / --- / --- / --- / 0.17 / 0.17
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (PAH)C / 53-70-3 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
1,2 Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) C / 96-12-8 / 0.2M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dibromoethane 1,2C, 13 / 106-93-4 / 0.018 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dicamba / 1918-00-9 / 210 / 170 / 860 / --- / ---
Dichloroacetic acidC / 79-43-6 / 0.7 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dichlorobenzene 1,211 / 95-50-1 / 600M / 420 / 1,300 / --- / ---
Dichlorobenzene 1,3 / 541-73-1 / 94 / 94 / 960 / --- / ---
Dichlorobenzene 1,411 / 106-46-7 / 75M / 63 / 190 / --- / ---
DichlorobenzidineC / 91-94-1 / 0.078 / 0.021 / 0.028 / --- / ---
Dichloroethane 1,2C, 12 / 107-06-2 / 0.38 to
5M / 0.38 / 37 / 118,000 / 20,000
Dichloroethylene 1,1 / 75-35-4 / 7M / 7 / 3,600 / --- / ---
Dichloroethylene 1,2-cis / 156-59-2 / 14 to 70M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dichloroethylene 1,2-trans11 / 156-60-5 / 100M / 100 / 10,000 / --- / ---
Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) C, 12 / 75-09-2 / 5M / 4.6 / 590 / --- / ---
Dichlorophenol 2,4 / 120-83-2 / 21 / 21 / 290 / 2,020 / 365
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) / 94-75-7 / 70M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dichloropropane 1,2C, 12 / 78-87-5 / 0.52 to
5M / 0.50 / 14 / 23,000 / 5,700
Dichloropropylene 1,3C / 542-75-6 / 0.35 / 0.34 / 21 / 6,060 / 244
DichlorvosC / 62-73-7 / 0.12 / --- / --- / --- / ---
DieldrinC / 60-57-1 / 0.002 / 5.2X10-5 / 5.4X10-5 / 0.24 / 0.056
Diethyl phthalate / 84-66-2 / 5,600 / 5,600 / 44,000 / --- / ---
Diisopropylmethylphosphonate (DIMP) / 1445-75-6 / 8 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dimethylphenol 2,4 / 105-67-9 / 140 / 140 / 850 / 2,120 / ---
Dimethyl phthalate / 131-11-3 / 70,000 / 70,000 / 1,100,000 / --- / ---
Di-n-butyl phthalate / 84-74-2 / 700 / 700 / 4,500 / --- / ---
Dinitrophenol 2,4 / 51-28-5 / 14 / 14 / 5,300 / --- / ---
Dinitro-o-cresol 4,6 / 534-52-1 / 0.27 / 1.3 / 28 / --- / ---
Dinitrotoluene 2,4C / 121-14-2 / 0.11 / 0.11 / 3.4 / --- / ---
Dinitrotoluene 2,6C / 606-20-2 / --- / --- / --- / 330 / 230
Dinoseb / 88-85-7 / 7M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dioxane 1,4- / 123-91-1 / 0.35 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Dioxin (2,3,7,8 TCDD)C, 12 / 1746-01-6 / 2.2x10-7
to 3.0x10-5, M / 5.0X10-9 / 5.1X10-9 / 0.01 / 0.00001
Diphenylhydrazine 1,2C / 122-66-7 / 0.044 / 0.036 / 0.20 / 270 / ---
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate / 103-23-1 / 400M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Diquat12 / 85-00-7 / 15 to
20M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Endosulfan / 115-29-7 / 42 / ---10 / --- / 0.11 / 0.056
Endosulfan, alpha / 959-98-8 / 42 / ---10 / --- / 0.11 / 0.056
Endosulfan, beta / 33213-65-9 / 42 / ---10 / --- / 0.11 / 0.056
Endosulfan sulfate / 1031-07-8 / 42 / ---10 / --- / 0.11 / 0.056
Endothall / 145-73-3 / 100M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Endrin / 72-20-8 / 2M / ----10 / --- / 0.086 / 0.036
Endrin aldehyde / 7421-93-4 / 2.1 / 0.29 / 0.30 / --- / ---
EpichlorohydrinC / 106-89-8 / 3.5 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Ethylbenzene11 / 100-41-4 / 700M / 530 / 2,100 / 32,000 / ---
Ethylene dibromideC, 12
(1,2 – dibromoethane) / 106-93-4 / 0.02 to
0.05M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) (2-Butoxyethanol) / 111-76-2 / 700 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Ethylhexyl phthalate
(BIS-2)C, 12 (DEHP) / 117-81-7 / 2.5 to
6M / 1.2 / 2.2 / --- / ---
Fluoranthene (PAH) / 206-44-0 / 280 / 130 / 140 / 3,980 / ---
Fluorene (PAH) / 86-73-7 / 280 / 280 / 5,300 / --- / ---
FolpetC / 133-07-3 / 10 / --- / --- / --- / ---
FurmecycloxC / 60568-05-0 / 1.2 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Glyphosate / 1071-83-6 / 700M / --- / --- / --- / ---
Guthion / 86-50-0 / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0.01
HeptachlorC, 12 / 76-44-8 / 0.008 to
0.4M / 7.8X10-5 / 7.9X10-5 / 0.52 / 0.0038
Heptachlor epoxideC, 12 / 1024-57-3 / 0.004 to
0.2M / 3.9X10-5 / 3.9X10-5 / 0.52 / 0.0038
HexachlorobenzeneC, 12 / 118-74-1 / 0.022 to
1.0M / 0.00028 / 0.00029 / --- / ---
Hexachlorobutadiene / 87-68-3 / 0.45 / 0.44 / ---10 / 90 / 9.3
AlphaC / 319-84-6 / 0.0056 / 0.0026 / 0.0049 / --- / ---
Beta / 319-85-7 / 0.019 / 0.0091 / 0.017 / --- / ---
Hexachlorocyclohexane, Gamma (Lindane) / 58-89-9 / 0.2M / 0.2 / ---10 / 0.95 / 0.08
Hexachlorocyclohexane, TechnicalC / 608-73-1 / --- / 0.012 / 0.041 / 100 / ---
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene11, 12
(HCCPD) / 77-47-4 / 42 to
50M / 40 / ---10 / 7 / 5
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,7,8,9-hcdd)C / 19408-74-3 / 5.60E-06 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Hexachloroethane / 67-72-1 / 0.88 / 0.5 / 1.2 / 980 / 540
Hexanone 2- / 591-78-6 / 35 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Hydrazine/Hydrazine sulfateC / 302-01-2 / 0.012 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (PAH)C / 193-39-5 / 0.0048 / 0.0038 / 0.018 / --- / ---
Isophorone11 / 78-59-1 / 140 / 130 / 3,600 / --- / ---
Malathion / 121-75-5 / 140 / --- / --- / --- / 0.1
Methanol / 67-56-1 / 14,00
14,000 / 69,400 / 261
261,000 / --- / ---
Methoxychlor12 / 72-43-5 / 35 to
40M / ---10 / --- / --- / 0.03
Methyl bromide (HM) / 74-83-9 / --- / 9.8 / 1,500 / --- / ---
Methyl chloride (HM)C / 74-87-3 / --- / 5.6 / 180 / --- / ---
4,4-Methylene bis (N,N’-dimethyl)anilineC / 101-61-1 / 0.76 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Metribuzin / 21087-64-9 / 180 / 160 / 1,700 / --- / ---
Mirex / 2385-85-5 / 1.4 / --- / --- / --- / 0.001
Naphthalene (PAH) / 91-20-3 / 140 / 140 / ---10 / 2,300 / 620
Nitrobenzene / 98-95-3 / 14 / 14 / 2,800 / 27,000 / ---
Nitrophenol 4 / 100-02-7 / 56 / 56 / 9,700 / --- / ---
Nitrosodibutylamine NC / 924-16-3 / 0.0065 / 0.0043 / 0.012 / --- / ---
Nitrosodiethylamine NC / 55-18-5 / 0.00023 / 0.00023 / 0.0083 / --- / ---
Nitrosodimethylamine NC / 62-75-9 / 0.00069 / 0.00069 / 3.0 / --- / ---
N-NitrosodiethanolamineC / 1116-54-7 / 0.013 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Nitrosodiphenylamine NC / 86-30-6 / 7.1 / 3.3 / 6.0 / --- / ---
N-Nitroso-N-methylethylamineC / 10595-95-6 / 0.0016 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Nitrosopyrrolidine NC / 930-55-2 / 0.017 / 0.016 / 36 / --- / ---
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamineC / 621-64-7 / 0.005 / 0.005 / 0.50 / --- / ---
Nonylphenol / 84852153 and 25154523 / --- / --- / --- / 28
(effective 1/1/2011) / 6.6
(effective 1/1/2011)
Oxamyl (vydate)12 / 23135-22-0 / 175 to
200M / --- / --- / --- / ---
PCBsC, 9, 12 / 1336-36-3 / 0.0175 to
0.5M / 6.4X10-5 / 6.4X10-5 / 2.0 / 0.014
Parathion / 56-38-2 / --- / --- / --- / 0.065 / 0.013
Pentachlorobenzene / 608-93-5 / 5.6 / 1.4 / 1.5 / --- / ---
PentachlorophenolC, 12 / 87-86-5 / 0.088 to
1.0M / 0.080 / 0.91 / 196 / 156
Perchlorate / 7790-98-9 / 4.9 / --- / --- / --- / ---