1999 - 2000 Disclosure Report:
Ohio State Political Party Committees
Disclosure of Addresses *
Total Contributions / Contributions
with addresses / Percent with addresses / Grade / Percent
Ohio Republican Party State Central / 655 / 653 / 99.6% / A / 99%
Ohio Republican Party Public Funds / 91 / 91 / 100% / A / 100%
Ohio Republican Party State Candidate Fd / 316 / 315 / 99.6% / A / 99.9%
Ohio Republican Party Operating Fund ** / Not disclosed / 0 / 0% / F / 0 %
Ray C. Bliss Building Trust Fund / 51 / 47 / 92.2% / A / 100%
Republican Senate Campaign Committee / 1617 / 1614 / 99.8% / A / 99.9%
Ohio House Republican Campaign Com. / 1713 / 1691 / 98.8% / A / 100%
Ohio Democratic Party / 563 / 561 / 99.6% / A / 98.8%
Ohio Democratic Party Building Fund / 104 / 104 / 100% / A / 99.2%
Ohio Democratic Party Public Funds / 46 / 46 / 100% / A / 96.7%
Ohio Democratic Party State Candidate / 326 / 326 / 100% / A / 100%
Ohio Democratic Party Operating Fund ** / 36 / 34 / 94% / A / 0%
House Democratic Caucus Fund / 924 / 903 / 97.7% / A / 99.9%
Ohio Senate Democrats / 448 / 448 / 100% / A / 99.7%
Reform Party of Ohio / 26 / 26 / 100 % / A / 17%

* - Currently statewide and legislative candidates are required by Ohio law to disclose the addresses of contributors. Ohio political parties are not required to disclose this basic information.

** - Ohio political parties are not required currently to disclose any information about their operating funds. They do not even have to list the names of contributors and the amount contributed, which are the minimum disclosure requirements for the other funds.