Unit Title: Outline for school year based on 40 minutes once a week of foreign language instruction

Aim & Objective:

/ Instructional Strategies, Activities, Labs and Process Skills: /

Applicable CPI

/ Resources, Materials:
Respond to commands in French through Total Physical Response (TPR)
Ask and respond to simple questions using memorized words and phrases
Copy and/or write words and phrases on familiar topics
  • Mathematics---calendar, color, shape, size of objects
Comprehend brief oral exchanges on familiar topics
  • Science—weather and seasons
  • Health- feelings and emotions
Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of target language
  • Social Studies—greetings, daily interactions, and farewells
Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class on familiar topics or topics studied in other core content areas
  • Social Studies-symbols of America and target culture: flags, monuments, and regions
Participate in a variety of oral and written activities after listening to age-appropriate, culturally authentic selections (Language Arts Literacy) / Use of Total Physical Response (TPR) to represent commands (i.e. levez les mains (raise two hands))
Repeat/Recite (group and individual recitation to learn simple questions)
Group floor circle chat—Use of
calendar to show days, month, #s
Color—repetition/recitation/write in notebooks/label correct color/express orally his/her favorite color
Shape/Size—Label, draw, express orally, point to shape/size
Total Physical Response (TPR)—represent weather conditions through movement Weather—use of illustrations to represent weather conditions

Write in notebook—Illustrate weather conditions Seasons---Draw pictures to represent four seasons, express favorite season, Feelings/Emotions---TPR,repetition, recitation

Greetings/daily interactions/farewells—Listen to cassette tape, illustrate through pictures (Bonjour—Good morning, draw a sun), songs
Group discussion/think-pair-share/brainstorm—Symbols of America/target culture—discussion flags, regions
Group discussion/think-pair-share/vocabulary identification/pre-reading, writing workshop, reading workshop—culturally authentic selections / 7.1—(Communication)
All students will be able to communicate in at least one world language in addition to English
Interpretive Mode:
Understand and interpret spoken and written communication
Interpersonal Mode:
Direct spoke or written communication
Presentational Mode:
Spoken or written communication for an audience
All students will demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of a culture(s) through experiences with its products and practices
Cultural Products:
Products of a culture may be tangible
Focuses on how cultural products reflect the perspectives (attitudes, values, beliefs) of the culture studied
Cultural Practices:
Patterns of acceptable behaviors for interacting with members of other cultures (traditional ideas, attitudes, values)
Cultural Perspectives:
Popular beliefs, values, and assumptions widely held by members of a culture / Total Physical Response (TPR)—kinesthetic movement to represent a command with a gesture
Use of students’ voices-students repeat and recite simple questions as a group and individually
French calendar—(individual calendars for students’ to write day, month, date)
Colors/Shape/Size of Objects—use of cassette tape for colors, use of objects to determine sizes, use of plastic geometric shapes to identify shapes, worksheets to label shapes, colors, size of objects
Weather/Seasons/Feelings/Emotions-use of computer to report daily weather in French-speaking countries and current U.S. weather, illustrations of seasons, use of French emotion poster, cassette tape of weather/seasons

Greetings/daily interactions/farewells

cassette tape, use of illustrations, notebook
Flags, monuments, regions—small flags of French-speaking countries, tangible items (piñatas, food items, maps, worksheets)
Culturally authentic children’s literature book, cassette tape to listen to selections, vocabulary lists, cloze activities, worksheets