Environment and Heritage

Name of Organisation…………………………………………………………………………..

Proposed Project…………………………………………………………………………………

Assessor’s Name………………………………………………………………………………..

Have all the requirements as listed in the checklist been completed.YES  NO 

Organisation Eligibility

Does the Organisation have DGR status?YES  NO 

ATO Endorsement must be attached.

Is it an Item 1 “doing” DGR?YES  NO 

Does the Organisation have TCC endorsement?YES  NO 

ATOEndorsement must be attached.

Is the Organisation incorporated?YES  NO 

Does the Organisation serve the Barossa Community?YES  NO 

Has the Organisation previously received a grant from Foundation Barossa?YES  NO 

If YES - For what project? …………………………………………

- What year? …......

- Did it fulfil its obligations? ………………………………..YES  NO 



Project Eligibility

Is the project for charitable purposes?YES  NO 

If NO – WHY?......



Does the project fit the criteria as stated in the “Application for Grant Guidelines”?YES  NO 

If NO – WHY?......



Does the project reflect the values and objectives of Foundation Barossa?YES  NO 

Does the project reflect the aims and objectives of the Environment and

Heritage sub fund?YES  NO 

Is there a demonstrated need for the project taking into account similarYES  NO 

services or activities provided by other organisations?




Will the project benefit the wider Barossa community? YES  NO 

Has funding money been received or requested from any other source?YES  NO 

If YES - Consider if this should affect the decision.



Is there any other involvement in the project by a third party?YES  NO 

If YES - Consider if this should affect the decision.


Is the budget sound?YES  NO 

If NO – WHY?......



Will the project or outcomes be sustainable after the funding period?YES  NO 

Have satisfactory procedures been put in place to monitor and evaluate the project?

YES  NO 




Is the program realistic and achievable within the timeframe?YES  NO 

If NO – WHY?......



Overall assessment of the project from 1-10. …………………………

Assessor’s Comments: