National Highway Authority of India

PIU Shivpuri

Brief of Projects

Four Laning of Gwalior-Shivpuri Section of NH-3 from km 15.600 of NH-75(End of Gwalior bypass) to km 236.00 of NH-3 in the State of Madhya Pradesh on BOT (Toll) on DBFOT Pattern under NHDP Phase-IV.

Project Details

(a) / Length / : / 125.300 km
(b) / Date of signing of Concession Agreement / 09/01/2012
(c) / Date of Financial Closure / : / 08/03/2013
(d) / Date of Commencement (Appointed Date) / : / 16/05/2013
(e) / Scheduled Project Completion Date / : / 11/11/2015
(f) / Mode / : / BOT (DBFOT)
(g) / Toll Plaza location / : / i)  Existing Km 136.000 (Design Ch: 21.400) &
ii)  Existing Km 196.000 (Design Ch:-81.400)
(h) / Name of the Concessionaire / : / M/s Essel Gwalior Shivpuri Toll Road Pvt. Ltd
(i) / Name of Independent Engineer / : / M/s CDM Smith Inc.
(j) / Project Cost as per agreement / : / Rs 1055.00 Crore
(k) / Premium / : / Rs 66.60 cr.

Present Status of work:

(a) / Physical Progress (Four lane complete) / : / 0.00 Km
(b) / Cumulative Physical Progress (in %) / : / 0.00 %
(c) / Financial Progress / : / Nil

Status of Land Acquisition:-

Total land required- 745.045 hact.

Land already in possession- 234.366 hact.

Additional land required- 510.679 hact.

(414.850 hact. revenue land + 80.289 hact. Forest land

+ 15.54 hact. Wild Life land)

3D done- 414.823 hact.

3D pending at HQ- 0.027 hact.

3G done and possession taken- 394.151 hact.

3G pending- 20.699 hact.

85% ROW was handed over to the Concessionaire at the time of appointed date i.e. 16/05/2013.As on date, status of balance land in Madhav National Park 5.5 Km i.e. (15.54 Hact. due to Wild Life clearance) & clearance of forest land 80.289 Hact in second stage forest clearance.

Environmental and Forest Clearance:-

As per clause 4.1.2 (e) of the Concession Agreement, Forest and Environmental Clearance have to be obtained by the Concessionaire as a part of the Condition Precedents. The authority is required to assist the Concessionaire in procuring these permits under clause 10.3 of the Concession Agreement.

Environmental clearance has been obtained on 10/05/2013

Forest Clearance Stage-I 21/11/2013

Forest Clearance Stage-II Awaited from MoEF.

Status of Progress

Item / LHs / RHs / Bhs
C & G / Nil / 5.00 Km / Nil

Balance length to be taken up – 125.03 km (100%)

Approx. Cost of the balance work - Rs. 1055 cr (As on date)

Balance time period for completion of the project – 20 months

Concessionaire has not achieved Milestone-I Cure Period Notice under clause 37.1.1 (c) of the Concession Agreement was issued to the Concessionaire by Authority on 28/02/2014. However, the Concessionaire has failed to cure the defaults. The Concessionaire has not achieved Milestone-I, therefore IE has recommended draft notice for intention to terminate the concession agreement as per article 37.1.1 (c) for Non-achievement of Milestone -I of Project Highway. Similarly PD PIU forwarded to RO Bhopal for the same.

Fund status

Fund Sanctioned By Bank - 1121.239 Crore

Fund withdrawal by concessionaire - 435.25 Crore Equity - 480.531 Crores

Expenditure incurred at site - As per Escrow Account submitted by Concessionaire vide letter no. EGS/FEB 14/013 dated: - 17/02/2014. Rs. 435.25 Crore fund withdrawn from Bank by Concessionaire but concessionaire has not submitting certified copy/documents of material, plant, machinery and equipment duly verified by the Lender Engineer for the assessment at ground for expenditure detail on the Project Highway till date. In this regard Independent Engineer issued letter to the concessionaire

1)  PIU/134/3293 dated:- 27/03/2014

2)  CDM Smith/GWL-SHIV/1314052/2014-2015/111 dated:- 29/03/2014

3)  CDM/CEI/1314052/322 dated:- 09/04/2014,

4)  CDM Smith/GWL-SHIV/1314052/2014-2015/140 dated:- 10/04/2014,

5)  CDM Smith/GWL-SHIV/1314052/2014-2015/161 dated:- 23/04/2014