The Board of Trustees, Town of Harrold, met in regular session June 9th, 2015 at City Hall (Auditorium). President Becker called the meeting to order at 6:15pm with Dean Becker, Marty Winckler, Trustees in attendance and Jamie Schied Finance Officer. Ken Branine was absent.

NOTE: All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

MOTION by Becker to approve the minutes of the May 8th regular meeting. Second by Winckler, motion carried.

The following bills were submitted and approved for payment:Sovell Law Office $470.00 (Legal fees) ; Northwestern Energy $349.00 (city electricity); Northwestern Energy $226.42(School and bus shed electricity); Jamie Schied $405.75 (May Wages); Venture Communications $113.97(phone and internet); Mid Dakota $70.00(School water and sewer); Mid- Dakota $39.00 (city water and sewer); Highmore Herald $26.73 (Mayproceedings); Envirotech $12.00 (school garbage); Hoffman Oil $59.28 (diesel for grader); Cap’s Trail Service $212.79 (Mower supplies and grader supplies); Dean Becker $157.66 (garbage bags, paper towels and vacuum for school);

City Hall Fund:

Balance as of 5/8/15 $720.70

Rental Income: _ $255.00______

Total: $975.70

Becker (supplies) $157.66

Mid-Dakota $70.00

Envirotech $12.00

Northwestern Energy $226.42

Total Expenses $466.08

City Hall Fund Balance as of 6/9/2015 $509.62

MOTION by Becker to approve the building permit application for Tracy Achin. Second by Winckler motion carried.

Trustee Winckler took the oath of office for the three year term.

Minutes for the Special Meeting on 5/28/15 below

The Board of Trustees, Town of Harrold, met in special session May 28, 2015 at City Hall (Auditorium). Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Dean Becker, Ken Branine, and Marty Winckler, Trustees in attendance.

NOTE: All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

MOTION by Winckler to approve the Airport User agreement for Kyle Jaeger of Integra Air LLC. Second by Branine, motion carried.

Reviewed the assignment of leases for the airport property. The assignment was not signed as changes were needed. MOTION by Winckler to approve the assignment with the discussed changes. Second by Branine motion carried.

MOTION by Winckler to approved the building permit for Dean Becker. Second by Branine, motion carried.

President Becker declared the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m for the 5/28/2015 meeting.

President Becker declared the meeting adjourned at 7:18pm.

Jamie Schied, Finance Officer