Sherwood Forest Lake District

Prudential Committee Meeting

Date Saturday, June14, 2014

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Becket Town Hall

557 Main Street, Becket, MA 01223


Committee Members present: Howard G. Lerner (Chair), Stuart R. Eldred (Vice Chair), William F. Maier, Elise L. Fitzsimmons, Nancy J. Fishell, Dennis B. Guerri, Lucy A. Ferriss and Clerk/Treasurer Robert T. Ronzio.

Committee Members absent: Stanley C. Taylor (Alternate).

Public Present: None.

Location: Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket, MA 01223

Introduction - Mr. Lerner opened the meeting with a call to order at 10:09 AM and announced that parliamentary procedural rules previously adopted will regulate and conduct of the meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meeting Law (OML), other pertinent Massachusetts general laws, the by-laws of the district and local customs and traditions. Mr. Lerner asked if anyone would like to have the entire rules and regulations read aloud. Hearing no response, he dispensed with the remainder of the reading, noting that everyone present acknowledged that they were familiar with the procedural provisions of the OML. Mr. Lerner asked if anyone present planned to record the meeting. Mr. Lerner stated that he was aware that Heather Hunt will recorded the meeting for Mr. Ronzio’s brother. Mr. Lerner noted that there were agendas on the table for all present. He again stated that the aforementioned guidelines are being followed to insure that the district complied with the General Laws of the Commonwealth.

Mr. Ronzio stated that agendas for the meeting are on the table. He distributed copies to those in attendance.

1. Prudential Committee Members Comments and Announcements - None

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 10th – Tabled until the next meeting.

3. Dam Management -

a. Big and Little Robin Contract Punch List - Mr. Lerner stated that R C&D Inc. is currently working on the punch list; they hoped to have everything finished by June 20th. Mr. Lerner noted that the district is still trying to finalize payment to the Road District for the Alan A Dale culvert repairs but the third and invoice from Tonlino is still in question as it was for material delivered a month after the project was completed. Mr. Lerner emphasized that the Road District has submitted numerous bills of widely discrepant amounts to date and that all have inherent inconsistencies.

b. Big and Little Robin Dam -Temporary No Trespass Signage- Mr. Lerner stated that he had a recent altercation with an individual who decided he was going to fish from the dam, despite Mr. Lerner's explanation as to why people needed to stay away from the area. Mr. Lerner noted hat he tried to reason with the individual, but when that attempt failed he called the Becket Police. Mr. Lerner explained that he was informed that current CLOSED sign was inadequate and should be replaced with a No Trespassing one. He stated that once a No Trespassing sign was posted the Police would have the authority to act. Ms. Fitzsimmons made a motion to approve No Trespassing signs for both Big Robin and Little Robin dam sites, Mr. Eldred seconded; Unanimous Approval. Committee members discuss the placement of the signs to be posted.

c. Lancelot Lake Survey Requirements - Mr. Lerner stated that there is a lot of survey work that still needs to be done. Mr. Ronzio briefly explained the different issues and distributed documents from Hill Engineering regarding the proposed survey areas. Mr. Ronzio noted that the survey for the inlet pipe north of Maid Marian Lane is estimated to be $3,200. Mr. Ronzio next discussed the second proposal for a topographical survey of the dam, which is estimated to cost approximately $3,600. Mr. Ronzio strongly advised that the committee use the same Massachusetts registered Professional Land Survey contractor for the entire project, as data transfer between vendors is somewhat difficult. Mr. Ronzio referenced the Little Robin project in which three different survey contractors were used. Mr. Eldred made a motion to approve both contracts, Ms. Fishell seconded; Unanimous Approval.

d. Nottingham Lake Emergency Beaver Permit Results - Mr. Lerner reported that the trapper, All Humane Wildlife Removal, was successful and removed three beavers from the lake. Mr. Ronzio reported that the trapper had a very difficult time but was persistent returning daily for seven days to trap them all.

4.Lake Management-

a. Conservation Commission-Aquatic Control Technology Report - Mr. Maier reported that the meeting with the Conservation Commission regarding native weed harvesting has been deferred for a month. He stated that in order to get final approval some additional paperwork needed to be submitted. Mr. Maier added that all regular approvals have been granted.

Mr. Maier next reported on the status of the weed harvester/cutter and its trailer. Mr. Maier asked for assistance in getting the trailer registered, as he is unfamiliar with the process in Massachusetts. Mr. Maier stated the cutter would be operational sometime in August. He discussed some of the restrictions regarding the use of the machine noting that it can not cut be used on invasive species such as milfoil but it can be used to cut and harvest native species such as pond weed. Mr. Ronzio explained the registration process at the RMV and the paperwork and documentation needed. Mr. Maier also stated the trailer would need insurance coverage. Mr. Lerner stated that he would call the district’s insurance company to set up the policy, but he would need the trailer’s documentation in order to do so. Lastly, Mr. Maier noted that the district would need to decide how and where the harvester would be stored when not in use.

b. Water Testing Schedule - Mr. Maier reported all is going well. The beaches are being tested weekly and no negative reading had been reported to date. Committee members briefly discussed.

5. Beach and Boat Management-

a. BOH Beach Permits and DPH Signage Requirements - Mr. Lerner reported on the Department of Public Health new sign requirements, and stated that all beaches are required to have this information posted as soon as the signs can be made. Mr. Ronzio stated that he has contacted several vendors to get estimates.

Mr. Ronzio explained that during a Becket Board of Health legal public hearing regarding its fee structure, he was able to have the annual beach fee reduced from $100 to $50 dollars per beach throughout the town. He noted this saved the district $400 this year.

b. Beach Mowing - Mr. Lerner noted that they are in the process of getting prices for the mowing and this issue will be discuss in further detail at the next meeting.

Committee members briefly discuss the fact that dogs are not currently allowed on any of the beaches, as this is the law in Becket. Mr. Lerner suggested that they consider making one of the beaches a designated dog beach. After a brief discussion, committee members agreed to table the concept.

6. Warrant #12 FY 2014 - Mr. Lerner reviews the warrant. Mr. Maier made a motion to approve, Ms. Fitzsimmons seconded; Warrant passed unanimously.

7. Opt-Out Annual Meeting Prudential Committee Review and Recommendations - Mr. Ronzio presented the names of two proprietors; Mr. Gretchner who resides at 196 Wells Road and Mr. Copeland who resides at 421 Wells Road. He explained that both individuals had submitted the required documentation to be excluded and met the statute’s requirements. He noted that Mr. Copeland had recently withdraw his request so the prudential committee only need to made a recommendation on Mr. Gretchner’s request. Mr. Lerner asked Mr. Ronzio if Mr. Gretchner resided on a Lake, Mr. Ronzio stated that he did not. Mr. Eldred made a motion to approve Mr. Gretchner’s opt-out applications and that it be presented to the proprietors at the Annual Meeting with a recommendation that the proprietors approve the request contingent on the individual completing the remaining opt-opt steps, Nancy seconded motion; Unanimous Approval.

8. DOR Abatement Approval - Mr. Ronzio explained that an ongoing billing issue he has been resolved with the DOR. He noted that the DOR issued abatement checks to the district for monies that had been erroneously billed.

9.Any other business to come before the Committee –

a. Website -Ms. Ferriss stated that all approved minutes need to be posted on the Website in a timely manner, as complaints continue to come in that the Lake District has been lax in doing so. Ms. Ferriss noted that she needed to have documents 72 hour prior to posting, unless it is an Emergency such as a beach closure notification. Mr. Maier agreed, stating that he has asked for more timely postings as well. Mr. Lerner stated that the point is well taken and that he and Mr. Ronzio moving forward will see that this is done.

b. Proxy Authority -Mr. Lerner noted that the district owns property which under the enabling legislation can and a motion is needed on behalf of the Lake District to vote the proxies at today's meeting. Ms. Fitzsimmons makes a motion to authorize the proxies to be executed, Ms. Fishell second the motion, Unanimous Approval.

Mr. Lerner noted that in accordance with the provisions of the enabling legislation the district could submit a proxy for each owned property. He asked that the prudential committee authorize him to vote those proxies on the behalf of the district at today’s Annual District Meeting. Ms. Fitzsimmons made a motion to authorize Mr. Lerner, Ms. Fishell seconded, Unanimous Approval.

Boundary Line Easements - Mr. Lerner stated he must recuse himself and that he will turn the meeting over to Mr. Eldred. Mr. Eldred now chaired the discussion regarding the boundary line easement issue. Mr. Ronzio explained that although this had been discussed previously, but the attorneys made some very minor modifications, so the committee needed to discuss the ramification prior to the Annual Meeting. Mr. Ronzio then highlighted the modifications. Committee members read and review the document presented. Mr. Maier made a motion to approve and accept the changes in the permanent boundary line easements as discussed, Ms. Ferriss seconded, Unanimous Approval.

Mr. Eldred turned the meeting back to Mr. Lerner.

Mr. Lerner stated that Ms. Ferriss regretfully had submitted a letter of resignation. He asked the committee to join him in thanking Ms. Ferriss for her service. He also noted that Ms. Ferriss would be staying on as the district’s Webmaster.

At this juncture Mr. Lerner stated that he needed a motion to suspending the meeting in session to a date and time certain. He noted that he wished to resume later today immediately after the conclusion of the Annual District Meeting in order to take care of post Annual District Meeting business. Mr. Maier motioned to suspend the meeting until immediately after the adjournment of the Annual district Meeting today. Mr. Eldred seconded, Unanimous Approval.

10. Post Annual Meeting Requirements –

a. Swearing in New Members - Mr. Rosenthal read the oath of office to Mr. Robert Ronzio, Mr. Robert Ronzio is sworn in as the Clerk-Treasurer of Sherwood Forest Lake District. Mr. Ronzio then read the oath to each of the elected members of the Prudential Committee, Mr. Lerner, Mr. Maier, Mr. Eldred and Ms. Cowell. All are sworn in.

b. Board Reorganization - Mr. Ronzio stated what needed to be done. Ms. Fitzsimmons made a motion to nominate Howard Lerner as Chair, Mr. Eldred seconded. Mr. Lerner accepted the nomination. Mr. Ronzio asks for addition nominations. Hearing none he closed nominations and called for a voice vote to elect. Mr. Lerner is elected unanimously as the to the Chair of the prudential committee.

Mr. Lerner as chair solicited nominations for Vice Chair. Ms. Fitzsimmons made a motion to nominate Mr. Eldred as the Vice Chair, Ms. Fishell seconded. Mr. Eldred accepted the nomination. Mr. Lerner asked for any other nominations, hearing none he called for a vote to elect. Mr. Eldred is elected unanimously to the Vice Chair position.

c. FY 2015 Prudential Committee Calendar - Prudential meeting calendar is read and reviewed by Prudential Committee members. Committee members make minor changes to the calendar and vote unanimously to accept the FY2015 meeting date calendar.

11.District Counsel - Mr. Eldred made a motion to retain Atty. Elizabeth Goodman as District counsel; Ms. Fitzsimmons seconded, Unanimous Approval.

12. Public Input- No public present at this time.

13. Review Correspondence - Mr. Ronzio briefly reviewed the correspondence received; Committee members read and reviewed.

14. Adjournment - Mr. Eldred made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Fitzsimmons seconded. Meeting is adjourned at 2:05 PM.

Schedule - Next meeting Saturday, July 12, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

SIGNED: ______

Robert T. Ronzio

Clerk & Treasurer

Sherwood Forest Lake District


Howard G. Lerner (Chair)


Stuart R. Eldred (Vice Chair)


Nancy J. Fishell


Lucy A. Ferriss


Elise L. Fitzsimmons


William F. Maier


Dennis B. Guerri


Stanley C. Taylor (Alternate)
