Classroom Expectations & Policies (12)
Ms. Martinez
þ Be Nice & Work Hard. Respect fellow students and staff at all times. Only one person should be speaking at a time. No swearing, teasing, name-calling or bashing!
þ At the bell, be in your assigned seats & begin the “Do Now”.
þ Be Responsible
þ Do ALL assignments with integrity – be honest; turn in work that it your own
þ Bring ALL materials to class on a daily basis
●Current Eng book ●writing utensil ●paper ● notebook ●homework
(to be left in folder)
þ Do not make extraneous noise when inappropriate
þ Turn Assignments on Time
þ Eating/Drinking is allowed. Do not make a mess. IF A MESS IS MADE, THE PRIVILEGE IS GONE - FOR THE WHOLE CLASS!!!! Don’t push this!!!!!!
þ Clean up after yourself
You will be given a hall pass card which allows you to leave the class 10 times during the semester. You MUST have the card to leave the class. NO EXCEPTIONS – Don’t even ask! I will initial a box and you will sign out on the clip board by the door! You will be allowed to leave class for no more than 3 minutes! If you are gone longer than this, you will be reported to administration. At the end of the semester, “left over” passes will receive 3 extra credit pts each.
Field trips are always a choice made by the student. A student may choose to go on a field trip and glean what is valuable from it, or a student may choose to stay in classes and glean what is valuable from them. When choosing to go on a field trip, a student voluntarily gives up learning in this class for the day of the field trip (and vice versa). With that in mind, to receive credit, assignments that are due on field trip days must be turned in on (or by) the field trip day. All class work and homework assigned on the day of the field trip will be due at the same time as the rest of the class who were present. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILTY TO COME IN AND OBTAIN THE INFORMATION/ASSIGNMENTS PRIOR TO THE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! Being absent for a field trip will NOT be an excuse for missed assignments/late work. If a project presentation is due on a field trip day, the student who chooses to go on the field trip will forfeit presentation points and some project points (for group projects) OR forfeit the entire project for individual ones. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Remember, field trips are choices and with ALL choices come consequences. ATTENDANCE IS ESSENTIAL AND IS CALCULATED AS PART OF YOUR OVERALL PARTICIPATION GRADE. MUCH OF THE PROCESS OF THIS CLASS WILL BE BASED ON LECTURE, CLASS DISCUSSION AND GROUP WORK. IF A STUDENT MISSES ANY OF THESE, HE/SHE WILL HAVE A HARD TIME DOING WELL ON QUIZZES, EXAMS AND ESSAYS!!!!!!
þ Only do English work in this class. It is not a Study-Hall.
þ Grade weights: Writing 50% Tests/Projects 30% Vocab Test/Quizzes 10%
Class & Homework 10%