(February 23 2002 - April 21 2002)
Produced by the Media Relations team, part of the university's Communications Group,
April 2002
February 23 2002 - April 21 2002
Highlights 4
E-Learning and the E-University 5
University Developments 6
Expert Comment 7
Research News10
Negative Coverage12
Student and Graduate News12
Lifelong Learning14
News from the Regions15
Broadcast Features17
And Finally …19
The Open University Media Relations team, part of the university's Communications Group, is made up of:
Gary SpinkHead of Media 53343
Fiona LeslieMedia Relations 53256
Eulina ClairmontMedia Relations 53248
Neil CoatenMedia Relations 52580
Diane BalchTeam 58734
During the eight-week period covered by this report, 21 press releases were issued by the Media Relations team. Subjects included:
-the listing of the university in the Vision 100 index, which includes Britain's top visionary organisations;
-the launch of online course samplers for OUBS courses;
-research led by OU staff that pinpointed the area of the brain that is activated as shopping choices are made;
-the BBC/OU series Rough Science (series two);
-the appointment of the university's first professor of law;
-the announcement of the university's honorary graduates for 2002;
-the £396,000 Community Fund award to the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, which OU researchers will use to investigate how online learning could help to overcome social exclusion.
This period also saw the culmination of the team's most ambitious and comprehensive project of the year – the Graduate Publicity Exercise, which this year featured more than 3,100 graduates; details of their studies were distributed to their local media.
More than 1,100 press releases, each targeted to local media according to the postcode areas they serve, were distributed as this report was prepared.
Information about the coverage that the Graduate Publicity Exercise 2002 generated will be published in the next Council Press Cuttings Report.
The figures below show the number and source of media enquiries received by the Media Relations office during the period of this report (February 23 2002 to April 21 2002).
From newspapers (national, local, TES, THES)104
From magazines 33
From radio 35
From television 17
From others (including website operators) 24
The figures below show the number and source of media coverage for the Open University during the period of this report (February 23 2002 to April 21 2002).
In national newspapers 73
In regional newspapers229
In specialist and trade titles 71
In general interest magazines 13
Radio 48
Television 7
Others 9
The Guardian and several local newspapers ran features in which the university was highlighted as being among the UK's top 100 most visionary organisations (the only university as a whole to receive the accolade);
News that the university is attracting a record number of young students continues to attract coverage, the latest article published in The Times;
All the national broadsheets ran features and news articles that focused on the university's work and research during the period; they included a page-lead article about brain research led by a team from the university;
A specialist title praised the university's website as being at the vanguard of the university's "new image";
More than 20 academics provided expert comment or wrote articles or letters for national and specialist titles; many of them provided comment on several occasions.
Research from faculties across the university was the subject of 60 print media pieces across all sectors; a further 15 broadcast news items and interviews about this research were noted.
The university's specific commitment of £12million to internet-based technologies to boost e-learning and e-services to students was highlighted in an article in a specialist title. It also featured an interview with Dean Taylor, of the university's Learning Technologies and Teaching Office. Computer Weekly
The university's website was reviewed by Internet Made Easy magazine. The site is at the "vanguard of its (the university's) new image" and is a "colourful, snappy affair, with links to a host of useful OU resources". Internet Made Easy
In a general feature about e-learning programmes across the university sector, the OU's involvement in the national e-university programme and news of the closure of USOU were mentioned. The Guardian
Several titles ran articles about the launch of online sample course materials by OUBS; many articles highlighted how 1,500 people had signed up for courses in the first few weeks of operation.
E Learning Age; Precision Marketing; MKWeb website
Student and GP Dr Simon Auty described the combination of study materials and online support in a first-person article for a trade title. General Practitioner
Wicked Waste, a CD-Rom for schools produced by the Faculty of Technology, was unfavourably reviewed by a specialist title, which described the computer as "the wrong tool for the sort of work" found in the project. Interactive
Michelle Gleadall, a student on the university's You, Your Computer and the Net course, was interviewed – with students from other institutions – for a specialist title feature that asked if e-learning could ever become a "medium for the masses".
IT Training
The launch by COROUS (Corporate Open University Services) of courses about online learning continues to attract media coverage.
IT Training; TrainingZone website
The university's use of the internet and CD-Roms in many of its courses was featured in a short article that encouraged web users to take up study. Computer Buyer
The Vision 100 project included the Open University as among Britain's top 100 visionary organisations. The project as a whole attracted coverage in a range of titles, many of which mentioned that the OU was among the awardees.
The Guardian; Basingstoke Observer; Cambridge Evening News; Walsall Chronicle; Business Weekly, Cambridge; Business Monthly, Luton
The increase in the number of young people studying with the Open University continues to attract coverage. The Times;Falmouth Packet; Truro & District Packet
The announcement of the 2002 awards of Open University honorary degrees was featured in several publications.
The Argus, Brighton; Birmingham Post; The Guernsey Press; Ananova website
News of the university's funding allocation for 2002-3 from the Higher Education Funding Council for England was featured in articles and tables showing allocations for all institutes of higher education.
The Guardian; The Times; Times Higher Education Supplement; The Star, Sheffield
… and news of 2002-3 funding for the Open University in Scotland from the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council was also featured in an article that showed allocations for institutions in Scotland. Times Higher Education Supplement
The visit of Margaret Hodge, minister for higher education, to LearnMK, the Milton Keynes student advice project backed by the OU and De Montfort University, was featured in Milton Keynes media. MKWeb website
The completion of the Lord Young Building, home of OUBS and Open University Worldwide, was featured in specialist media. UK Construction Magazine
The launch of the Access Bus by the Centre for Assistive Technology and Enabling Research (CATER) continues to attract specialist title coverage. The vehicle will travel to the homes of disabled students and potential students to assess their individual support needs. British Polio Fellowship;Disability Now
The university's backing of the Combined Universities in Cornwall project (together with the backing of several other universities) continues to merit press article mentions as the project develops. The Cornishman; Cornish Guardian; Truro Packet
News that first made the headlines in 1999 resurfaced in March 2002 – when mention was made of the time that University Challenge host Jeremy Paxman criticised the programme's OU team because two of its players were "professional quiz players". The new mention came in a national broadsheet article that commemorated the programme's 40th anniversary. The Daily Telegraph
Barbara Allen
Barbara Allen, director of the university's Centre for Mathematics Education, provided comment about choosing a maths tutor for children in a national article.
The Independent
Prof Jim Coleman
Advice from Prof Jim Coleman, of the Faculty of Education and Language Studies, for UK students studying abroad was featured in a national press article. The Times
Prof Martyn Hammersley
Comments by Prof Martyn Hammersley, professor of educational and social research, about a new treatment that some media claimed was a "cure" for dyslexia were featured in TES. Times Educational Supplement
Mike Green
Mike Green, director of the professional development programme with OUBS, was among interviewees quoted in a feature that asked if executive education improved business performance. Ambassador (AMBA magazine)
Dr Adam Joinson
Dr Adam Joinson's comments in a syndicated article for the regional press – on the subject of social interaction through the use of the internet – continue to be featured.
Colchester Evening Gazette
He also provided comment about singer Robbie Williams and his flatmate for a Scottish national publication. The Scotsman
Prof Colin Pillinger
Several publications turned to Prof Colin Pillinger, of the Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute, for comment on news about new alternative food sources for astronauts.
The Press & Journal, Aberdeen; New Scientist
Prof Steven Rose
Prof Steven Rose, director of the Brain and Behaviour Research Group, provided expert comment in an article about the use of the drug Ritalin in treating children diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). New Nation
He also provided comment about IQ tests for a national press feature. The Observer
Prof Gary Slapper
A broadsheet article about the current state of the British justice system included comments from Prof Gary Slapper, the university's professor of law.
The Sunday Times
A commentator in Law Society's Gazette also made mention of a letter that Prof Slapper had submitted to The Independent.
Dr Richard Stevens
Psychologist Dr Richard Stevens commented on relationships for a regional press article. Bristol Evening Post
Godfrey Boyle
Godfrey Boyle, co-director of the Energy and Environment Research Unit, reviewed Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and the Prospects for a CleanerPlanet for THES. Times Higher Education Supplement
Paul Clark
Paul Clark, associate lecturer in social sciences and social work law, was the author of a specialist press article about children's residential homes in the private sector.
Community Care
Prof Clive Emsley
Prof Clive Emsley, professor of history, reviewed The French Revolution: TheEssential Readings for THES. Times Higher Education Supplement
Jim Flood
The e-learning environment was the subject of an article by Jim Flood, director of learning for COROUS (Corporate Open University Services) in a specialist title.
HP User
Prof Brenda Gourley
Writing ahead of the publication of a supplement that highlighted the achievements of OU students, Vice-Chancellor Prof Brenda Gourley told readers of The Voice how the university aimed to make it possible for a wider cross-section of society to take an active role in university life. The Voice
Dr Alan Marr
Issues surrounding a Government suggestion to expand the role of teaching assistants in schools was the subject of an article by Dr Alan Marr, of the Centre for Educational Policy and Management, in a specialist title. Nursery World
Prof Steven Rose
A review by Prof Steven Rose of The Intelligent Genome by Adolf Heschl was published in a specialist title. New Scientist
Prof Gary Slapper
Prof Slapper's monthly Case Notes columns, in which he comments on current legal issues, continued in a national broadsheet. The Times
Prof Joan Solomon
Senior research fellow Joan Solomon reviewed Dilemmas of Science Teaching –Perspectives on Problems and Practice for TES. Times Educational Supplement
Prof Russell Stannard
The regular Me and My Faith column in The Tablet featured an article by Prof Russell Stannard, emeritus professor of physics. The Tablet
Letters by OU staff in publications included the following:
Dr Mike BullivantThe Guardian
(on the question of whether or not students benefit from those lecturers who are involved in research)
Dr Steve DruryNature
(about the ever-widening gap between "hope for the future and expectation of any relief it will bring from poverty, disease and disaster" for millions worldwide)
Graham GibbsTimes Higher Education Supplement
(about the way in which RAE weakened the links between research and teaching)
Ormond SimpsonTimes Higher Education Supplement
(about the RAE-set qualifications for research-inactive staff)
Prof Gary SlapperThe Independent
(about good lawyers)
The Independent
(about the proposal that immigrants to the UK will be required to swear an oath of allegiance)
The Independent
(about the increase in "car-jacking" incidents in the UK)
Brain and Behaviour Research Group/ Department of Physics and Astronomy
Research led by Prof Steven Rose, of the Brain and Behaviour Research Group, and Dr Stephen Swithenby, of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, that pinpointed the part of the brain that becomes active as shoppers make a choice over products was featured in national and regional media.
Daily Express; Daily Telegraph; Evening Standard; The Times; Irish Mirror; Times Higher Education Supplement; Cork Evening Echo; Sentinel Sunday, Stoke; Asian Trader; Marketing Week; Ananova news website; Wired News website; HERO (Higher Education and Research Opportunities) website
COROUS (Corporate Open University Services)
Research commissioned by COROUS that showed that companies were increasingly considering adopting online training, was featured in several specialist titles.
Personnel Today; New Media Age; Financial Adviser, London; MKWeb website
Faculty of Arts
Research about Caribbean poetry by Dr Katie Gramich, of the Faculty of Arts, was mentioned in a local press article about a lecture she presented. Leicester Mercury
Faculty of Education and Language Studies
Research by Roger Hancock and Will Swann, both of FELS, about the role of classroom assistants in schools was mentioned in a TES feature.
The training of teachers to be effective practitioners in the post-16 classroom was the subject of research by Dr John Butcher, of FELS, that was the subject of a page-lead TES article. The Times Educational Supplement
Faculty of Mathematics and Computing
The outcome of a conference organised by the Centre for Mathematics Education, at which 60 representatives of the mathematics and teaching sector were in attendance, was featured in a specialist title. The conference called for a review of the recruitment, selection and training of mathematics teachers. Further Education Today
The work of Dr Marian Petre, which includes a research project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), was featured in a double-page article in a EPSRC-published magazine about its fellowships.
Faculty of Science
Prof Barrie Jones and Nick Sleep told the UK National Astronomy Meeting in April that they had worked out that the Milky Way could contain up to a billion planets capable of supporting life. The news attracted widespread coverage in national and regional media and on national and local radio (see also Broadcast Features section).
Daily Mail; Evening Standard; The Guardian; The Independent; The Mail on Sunday; Morning Star; Birmingham Express & Star; Church of England newspaper; Ananova website; Guardian Unlimited website
Academics from the Faculty of Science are among researchers from several institutions who are taking part in a project looking at an Antarctic food reserve for penguins, whales and fish, reported Scottish publications.
Dundee Courier & Advertiser; The Press & Journal, Aberdeen;
Work by Dr Jason Wood – in collaboration with Professor Peter Doyle of Greenwich University – that included the discovery of fossilised vomit was reported.
The Daily Telegraph; The Guardian; The Times; Maxim; News Shopper Lewisham;
The work of animal behaviourist Cindy Engel was profiled in several publications as her new title Wild Health was published.
The Guardian; New Scientist; East Anglian Daily Times, Ipswich
Faculty of Social Sciences
Research by Dr George Callaghan that showed that working in a call centre is worse than working in a 1950s typing pool was featured in Milton Keynes local media.
Sunday Citizen, Milton Keynes
Open University Business School
Research by Prof Gary Slapper, Professor of Law, that showed discrepancies among the numbers of prosecutions brought by agencies other than the Crown Prosecution Service in different parts of the UK was featured in local and specialist media.
Heartland Evening News; Milton Keynes on Sunday; Law Society's Gazette; New Law Journal; Solicitors Journal;
Research by OUBS's Small Business Research Trust for Lloyds TSB showed that owners of small businesses were not taking enough time off. News of the research was reported in some local media. Lea Valley Star; Hertfordshire Star
A joint OUBS/ Reading Construction Forum research project about collaborative working in the construction industry continues to attract coverage in specialist media.
Logistics & Transport Focus
Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute
The Beagle 2 project, led by Professor Colin Pillinger of PSSRI, continues to attract comprehensive coverage, including a large profile.
The Daily Telegraph; The Sunday Telegraph; The Sunday Times; The List (Glasgow); The Scotsman
School of Health and Social Welfare
News of an SHSW oral history project, which gives former residents of long-stay hospitals a voice to share their life experiences, was featured in specialist media.