General Syllabus andSpring ScheduleSpring 2017
Applied Math
Class Website our class website. It is where you can find assignments, the due date calendar, rubrics, a copy of this syllabus, and class notes, amongst other things. All notes from the Fall semester can be found at .
- No phones during class. It’s rude and distracting. If you’re playing with your phone I’ll ask you to put it away once and after that you lose the privilege of having a phone in class.
- You’re allowed to listen to music during tests and practice but not otherwise please.
- Clean up trash at the end of class please!
- Do your best. If you make a mistake, try again. Learn from your mistakes.
My personal requests for you regarding food and drink in class are:
- Yes: Tea, coffee, water, juice, small snacks, fruit
- No: Sodas, energy drinks, full meals, having someone deliver food to you during class
Grade Breakdown
- Engagement: 15%
- Practice: 50%
- Quizzes/Tests: 35%
TMP Course Policies
Teachers will measure engagement in classes by observing student behaviors including, but not limited to:
1)Showing up on time (in seat with needed materials ready to go)
2)Being prepared (has pen/pencil, needed materials, homework completed)
3)Being actively on task (cell phone put away, staying in class, contacting teacher if absent)
4)Having an appropriate attitude (willingness to engage, supportive of others)
Revision of Work, Absences, and Tardiness
Please refer to pages 18 – 20 of TMP’s 2016-17 Community Handbook for full details on our absence, revision of work, and tardiness policies.
In short:
- If an assignment is turned in on time, you are allowed to revise it.
- If an assignment is turned in late, you may not revise it.
- 10% is docked from a late assignment’s grade. It must be turned in by 4 pm the next calendar day in order to be accepted at all.
- If you will miss class for a field trip/mentorship/etc., you must turn in your assignment before you leave.
- Any student late up to10 minutes is considered tardy. Three tardies, excused or unexcused, result in a detention.
- If you arrive to class late by 10 or more minutes, you must get a note from the office before being allowed into class.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental principle which is important to the College and TMP. Students are responsible for ensuring they are honest in their academic pursuits. Academic dishonesty means any behavior that misrepresents or falsifies the student’s knowledge, skills or ability with the goal of unjustified or illegitimate evaluation or gain and includes cheating, plagiarism and falsification of records.
- Cheating includes using or attempting to use unauthorized materials such as notes, texts, visuals, electronic devices, copies of test materials and presenting the work of others to misrepresent the student’s knowledge, skills or ability. Unauthorized collaboration also constitutes cheating.
- Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional representation of another’s work as one’s own without proper acknowledgement of the original author or creator of the work.
Course Topics and Major Assignments
Following are the general topic and major assignment schedules for the Spring semester. Please note that the amount of time dedicated to a particular topic can change slightly based on what a class needs.
Algebra I
Week / Topic / Other Assignment or Quiz1 / Review graphing parallel and perpendicular lines; graphing absolute values; concept of “parent function”
2 / Graphing absolute values; transformations of functions / Quiz
3 / Graphing inequalities
4 / Graphing linear functions with word problems: Includes systems of linear equations (substitution) / Review Quiz
5 / Systems of linear equations (elimination)
6 / Statistics: mean, median, and mode with graphs / Quiz
7 / Non-linear functions: Square root
8 / Quadratic functions / Review Quiz
9 / Spring Break
10 / Zeros of functions: Quadratic formula
11 / Zeros of functions: Factoring and FOILing / Accuplacer
12 / FOILing and factoring
13 / Graphing review / Review Quiz
14 / Introduction to Polynomials
15 / Polynomials / Quiz
16 / Review / “Lesson Plan” Presentations
17 / Finals