Inter-University Summer School
Brussels / Vienna, 4-16 July 2011
The European Decision-Making Process
Organised by the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
the University of Vienna and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Registration Form
(Please fill in capital letters)
First nameFamily name
Maiden name (if applicable)
Sex (M/F)
Full address
Postal code & City
E-mail address
Phone number
Mobile phone number
Passport N°
Date of Birth(dd/mm/yy)
Highest diploma / degree
If you are working, please state your current occupation
If student, please indicate year & discipline – otherwise give graduation year & discipline
date and signature,
Please email this document, properly filled in, to or fax it to +32 2 629 1809Motivation
Please state why you want to attend the Summer School:
Where did you hear about the Summers School? Where did you find the information?
Additional Information
First nameFamily(maiden) name
If accepted, the undersigned will:
Pay the registration fee of € 1.950,00before 20 May 2011Need accommodation in Brussels, and will pay € 265,00 for one week (bed and breakfast in a double room at a hotel in Brussels – details will follow)
Need accommodation in Vienna, and will pay € 265,00 for one week (bed and breakfast in a double room in Vienna – details will follow)
Additional comments:
Stipends Request Form
First NameFamily (maiden) Name
The Institute for European Studies will grant a limited amount of stipends to students from CEE, CIS, recently accessed countries or EU-applicants, resulting in a reduced registration fee. These reductions can only be attributed to full-time students(so not to applicants who already work) who can prove excellence through good study results and recommendation by a professor of your home university. Although stipends are granted to students from economically less advanced students, they will be attributed on the basis of merit and motivation. If you think you may be eligible for such a reduction, you will need to provide us with a clear motivation letter (to be handed in together with your application) and with a recommendation letter from one of your professors. IES Management will select the most relevant requests on 20 April 2011.
MOTIVATION for requesting the reduced registration fee:General Information
The 8thSummer School on the European Decision-Making Process, organised by the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Diplomatische Akademie Wien and the University of Vienna, will take place from 4 -16 July 2011. We will meet in Brussels between 4 and 9 July and in Vienna between 10 and 16 July.
Registration formsmust absolutely arrive at the IES secretariat not later than 20 April 2011. Selection is at the discretion of the organisers. A maximum of 35 students will be selected based on study background, merit and geographic balance.
The results of the selection committee will be announced by 3 May 2011 by email.
For previous summer schools, about one out of every three applicants were selected.
Registration fee is set at €1950 and includes daily breakfast and lunches in Brussels and Vienna, travel from Brussels to Vienna on Sunday 10 July 2011 by plane, and study visits. It does not include housing, dinners, return flight and extra nights in Brussels or Vienna. We strongly recommend you to enrol for our additional accommodation programme both in Brussels and in Vienna. We do understand, though, that people living in Brussels or Vienna may wish to stay at their own place.
Optional accommodation is set at €265per week. In Brussels, housing (check-in on Sunday 3 July) consists of a shared room (2 persons per room) at hotel Adagio in the centre of Brussels. In Vienna, accommodation will be arrangedat a hotel near the Diplomatic Academy. As the programme does not finish until the evening of 15 July, it is advisable to return only on 16 July. If you choose the optional housing in Vienna, your room will be booked until 16 July at noon.
Please note that you are responsible for booking your return flight from Vienna back home.
Accepted students will need to come to Brussels on or before 4 July. Travel from Brussels to Vienna is on the organisers’ expenses (one way). At the end of the Summer School, students will receive a certificate of participation (provided they have successfully followed the classes, excursions and exercises during the two weeks).
Payment of the registration fee is required before 20 May 2011 to the bank account of the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
Account number 001-3881979-18 of Fortis Bank, 1040 Brussels
IBAN Number BE50 0013 8819 7918, SWIFT code GEBABEBB
with reference “SUMMER SCHOOL + your name”.
Late payments will result in an additional administrative fee of €50.
Cancellation Policy:
More than 45 days before arrival: no cancellation charges
Between 45 and 30 days before arrival: 50% cancellation charges
Between 30 and 15 days before arrival: 75% cancellation charges
Less than 15 days before arrival: 100% cancellation charges