¡Yo soy yo! poem [p59 in text]

Follow the directions listed here below…

·  Fill in the diamond according to the sample on p59 of text and the samples.

·  Replace only the adjectives as they pertain to you but the basic [sentence] structure of the poem must remain the same.

·  Include one drawn picture that represents each of the adjectives in your poem. A minimum of seven pictures is necessary but you may have more. The adjectives after “ni…ni” [those you are not, last two], should have an “X” over them to show they are not you.

·  Color/decorate the diamond as you wish as long as it is neat and I can read your Spanish.

·  Cut out the diamond and the pictures you drew and past them on a piece of construction paper arranged as you like.

·  Worth 50 points.

Remember, be creative! You do not have to be an artist, just neat!

DUE: Wednesday, November 19, 2014

¡Yo soy yo! poem [p59 in text]

Follow the directions listed here below…

·  Fill in the diamond according to the sample on p59 of text and the samples.

·  Replace only the adjectives as they pertain to you but the basic [sentence] structure of the poem must remain the same.

·  Include one drawn picture that represents each of the adjectives in your poem. A minimum of seven pictures is necessary but you may have more. The adjectives after “ni…ni” [those you are not, last two], should have an “X” over them to show they are not you.

·  Color/decorate the diamond as you wish as long as it is neat and I can read your Spanish.

·  Cut out the diamond and the pictures you drew and past them on a piece of construction paper arranged as you like.

·  Worth 50 points.

Remember, be creative! You do not have to be an artist, just neat!

DUE: Wednesday, November 19, 2014

¡Yo soy yo! poem [Grading rubric]

Look of poster [20 points]

·  Did your poem include at least one drawn picture for each adjective? [2 pts ea] ___ yes ___ no

·  Did you cross out [a red “X”] the pictures describing what you are “not”? [2 pts ea] ___ yes ___ no

·  Was the diamond colored and decorated? [5 points] ___ yes ___ no

·  Was poem written out neatly and legibly? [points vary] ___ yes ___ no

·  Diamond was pasted onto a piece of constructions paper? [5 pts] ___ yes ___ no

Correctness of Spanish [30 points]

·  Correctness of Spanish spelling, adjective agreement and placement: Various points will be deducted for mistakes made on what was covered in class. Deductions ______.

Look of poster [______/20 points]

Correctness of Spanish [______/30 points]

Poster grade [______/50 points]

¡Yo soy yo! poem [Grading rubric]

Look of poster [20 points]

·  Did your poem include at least one drawn picture for each adjective? [2 pts ea] ___ yes ___ no

·  Did you cross out [a red “X”] the pictures describing what you are “not”? [2 pts ea] ___ yes ___ no

·  Was the diamond colored and decorated? [5 points] ___ yes ___ no

·  Was poem written out neatly and legibly? [points vary] ___ yes ___ no

·  Diamond was pasted onto a piece of constructions paper? [5 pts] ___ yes ___ no

Correctness of Spanish [30 points]

·  Correctness of Spanish spelling, adjective agreement and placement: Various points will be deducted for mistakes made on what was covered in class. Deductions ______.

Look of poster [______/20 points]

Correctness of Spanish [______/30 points]

Poster grade [______/50 points]