Dialogic Reading Script
Setting: Small Group
Materials:A picture book with pictures that have a lot of detail to talk about
Define concept in child friendly terms
“Boys and girls, today we’re going to take a picture walk through this book. Remember that we have read this book before. Who can remember what this book was about? (Allow a few minutes for discussion.) That’s right! This book was about______.
Model and Explain procedure
“When we read this book before, I read the words to you. This time, we are going to focus on the pictures. And I want you to tell me the story.”
Guided Practice
Use the PEER sequence and the Dialogic Reading Cards ( levels 1-3) to help you ask questions on each page. Make sure that each child in the small group has a turn to talk and contribute to the conversation.
- Prompt the child to say something about the picture on the book page. (What do you see on this page?)
- Evaluate the child’s response. (Child says, “peanut butter”.) How do you know that is peanut butter? (Child says, “ I see peanuts.”)
- Expand upon the child’s response by rephrasing and adding information. “Yes, there are peanuts on the label of the peanut butter jar. That helps us to know what is inside of the jar. The jar also has a lid on it.”
- Repeat the prompt to check for understanding. “ Tell me about the peanut butter on this page.”
Scaffold child, as needed
Example - (Child says, “ The peanut butter is brown.”) “ Yes, the peanut butter is brown.What is the name of the paper wrapped around the jar?“ (Child hesitates.) Provide either/or scaffold. “ Is it a label or is it a sticker?” (Child says, “ It is a sticker.”) “It is a /llllllll/…….label.”
“ Today, we talked about this book. You were able to tell me lots of things about the story. We also learned some new vocabulary words. I will put this book in our library and you can take turns “reading” the book to each other.”