Since 1968 Le Moyne College has honored local and national figures with the Simon Le Moyne Award for outstanding leadership to the benefit of society. Past recipients,click here, have been men and women of vision.
The award represents the ideals and educational standards exemplified by the man whose name the College and the award signify. The Reverend Simon Le Moyne, a French Jesuit, was the first white man to visit the Syracuse area when the Onondaga Indiansinhabited it. Father Le Moyne established the first mission among the Onondagas in 1654. During the same year, Father Le Moyne learned of the salt wells whose economic importance to the development of the City of Syracuse is an intrinsic part of its history.
Since this award memorializes Father Le Moyne, its purpose is to recognize those who have unselfishly served the needs of their fellow man. Ideally, the recipient should be a person(s) cut of the same cloth as Father Le Moyne, an ambassador of peace and a person of faith.
The Simon Le Moyne Award is awarded at the annual Founders’ Day Gala held each October.
A Call for Nominations
The Le Moyne College Board of Regents is seeking nominees for the 2018Simon Le Moyne Award Recipient. When considering nominations please reflect on how this person meets the criteria highlighted below.
Please submit all nominations to the Office of Institutional Advancement on the attached form byFriday, January 12, 2018. All nominationswill be forwarded to the selection committee for review and a recommendation will be made to the Board of Regents inFebruary.
The criteria for choosing the Simon Le Moyne award recipient include:
- Significant and humanitarian contributions to society;
- Prominent leadership in the local, national, and/or international community;
- A deep responsibility and commitment to improving the quality of life for his/her fellow people;
- Living a life that exemplifies the ideals and goals of Le Moyne College, and;
- Having a personal connection to Le Moyne College.
Nomination for 2018 Simon Le Moyne Award Recipient
Please submit nominationsto the Office of Institutional Advancementby Friday,January 12, 2018. You may submit this form via e-mail, fax, or regular mail, and canenter multiple nominations. Feel free to provide additional comments.
Name of Nominee (class year if applicable):
Nominee Contact Information (address, phone, e-mail):
Please Comment SpecificallyOn How The Nominee Meets The Award Criteria:
Significant and humanitarian contributions to society:
Prominent leadership in the local, national, and/or international community:
A deep responsibility and commitment to improving the quality of life for his/her fellow people:
Living a life that exemplifies the ideals and goals of Le Moyne College:
A personal connection to Le Moyne College:
Additional Comments:
Your Relationship to Nominee:
Your Contact Information:
Date Submitted:
Email: Phone: 315-445-4553Fax: 315-445-6073
Mailing Address: Le Moyne College, Office of Institutional Advancement, Attn: Cindy Procopio, 1419 Salt Springs, Road,Syracuse, NY 13214