Vernon Youth Football & Cheerleading, Inc.
MinutesNovember 21, 2017
PM meeting called to order by Jeff Houser at 8:34pm
(Secretary) Kelly Brookshas made the previous meeting minutes available for review and approval.
(Secretary) Kelly Brooks has prepared a preliminary agenda available for review.
Motion to accept the previous minutes: Tracey Crum2nd byJorge Troche
Treasurer’s Report:(Treasurer) Lynelle Martin to report
Finance Recap as of:11/20/2017
Beg. Balance @ 11/08/17 - Checking / $ 16,386.83
Beg. Balance @ 11/08/17 - Savings / $ 57,085.85
Beg. Balance @ 9/3/17 - Savings / $ 13,590.77
Beginning Cash Balance / $ 87,063.45
Outstanding Deposits
Snack Bar TBD
Uncleared checks
Total from Bank Rec up through 11/8/17 / $ (8,613.85)
Total from New Checks from 10/9 – 10/17 / $ (1,235.00)
Total / $ (9,848.85)
New Balance / $77,214.60
Disbursements Since Last Period
6497 / Shannon Skully / EMT Fees / 60.00
6498 / Kayla Moran / EMT Fees / 60.00
6499 / Thomas Diorisio / Referee / 260.00
6500 / Thomas Haggerty / Referee / 260.00
6501 / Richard Davarla / Referee / 260.00
6502 / Richard Davarla / Referee / 65.00
6505 / Crystal Springs / Golf Outing / 5,557.10
6507 / Steve Maclean / Pig Roast / 172.49
6508 / Black Bear Golf Club / 50% Dep / Midget Dinner / 866.75
6511 / Shannon Skully / EMT Fees / 60.00
6512 / Randy Mills / Referee / 130.00
6513 / Ray Shod Brown / Referee / 130.00
6514 / David Bisconti / Referee / 130.00
6515 / Highland Flowers / Last Game FLowers / Miscellaneous Cheer / 77.04
6518 / Jay Moore / Referee / 130.00
6519 / Vince Marcone / Referee / 130.00
6520 / Albert Regner / Referee / 130.00
6521 / NJYFL / Coaches Dinner / Meals and Entertainment / 300.00
6522 / Shannon Skully / EMT Fees / 30.00
6523 / Kayla Moran / EMT Fees / 30.00
6524 / Michael Whritenour / Referee / 65.00
6525 / Leroy Fetherman / Referee / 65.00
6526 / Steven Zaugg / Referee - Playoffs / 65.00
6527 / Leroy Fetherman / Referee - Playoffs / 65.00
6528 / John Lezack / Referee - Playoffs / 65.00
6529 / Randy Mills / Referee - Playoffs / 65.00
6530 / Wayne Sackman / Referee - Playoffs / 65.00
6531 / Kayla Moran / EMT Fees / 30.00
Motion to accept the Treasurers Report: Drew Schmid 2nd by Jorge Troche
Public Relations Committee:(2017 Co-chairman Jorge Troche & Ed Luna-web admin)
Equipment Committee: (2017 Co-Chairmen-Mike Bruno & Jorge Troche-football & Maria Hagedoorn-cheerleading)
- Competition – to be returned at last competition.
- Rec – coaches will be collecting team uniforms and bringing to Maria
- Equipment return December Saturday 9:30 – 11am at the storage shed.
- Get under the announcers booth and clear out all equipment.
- Helmets: Looking into a deal to buy your own helmet next year (Zenith). Currently it’s $25 to recondition per helmet. Cannot recertify after 10 years.
Field Supervision Committee: (2017 Chairperson –Bob Baumann)
- Still seeing sunflower seeds on the field
- Need to make sure the speakers are being brought in.
- Discussion about flag pole down by the field.
Snack Bar Committee: (2017 Greg Kurdziel - Vice President to report)
- Total for snack bar this year is $6,509. (includes BJ’s credit of $236 plus another credit coming)
- Spirit Table brought in $637
Snack Bar Operation Committee: (2017 Chairperson-Scott Mancini)
To Report
Finance Committee: (2017 Chairperson –Lynelle Martin )
- Income from registrations to date $61,000. $11,000 short of projection.
- Expenses are down to date. We still have a few more expenses.
Fundraising Committee: (2017 Chairperson –Kim Rivera, Melissa Maldonado, Megan Curry)
- $100 Raffle – Tickets on sale now. Drawing will be December 1st at the VFW. Ticket includes dinner for 2.
- 50/50’s brought in $800.
- New ideas for events welcome.
Scholarship Committee: (Chairperson-Drew Schmid)
Picture Committee: (2017 Chairperson – Kim Bruno)
- A couple of problems with pictures but they were fixed (wrong name with wrong picture)
Player Safety & Coaching Committee: (Chairperson – Scott Mancini)
Unfinished Business:
- Concession Trailer
New Business:
- Final Nominations for the Executive Board Positions occur during the October and November meetings with a final vote during the December meeting.
- Current Nominations:
- President – Jeff Houser (accepted)
- VP –Greg Kurdziel (not present)
- Football Director – Mike Bruno (Declined), Also nominated: Greg Carter (not present), Howie Lazier (declined),Keith Curry (declined), Bob Baumann (declined), and Jorge Troche (accepted)
- Cheer Director – Tracey Crum (accepted)
- Treasurer – Lynelle Martin (not present)
- Secretary – Kelly Brooks (accepted)
- Update Code of Conduct for parents & Coaches – we would like to expand/add to this on the Social Media side. No Bashing/negativity. Not approaching coaches/parents while kids present. Recommend a cooling off period (example: 48 hours no contact w/coach).
- Issue with West Milford mother. Mike contacted them. She is suspended this year and not welcome at Vernon in 2018.
- Discuss minimum snaps/plays by bylaw for Rumble, Pony and Super level play. This to address those with larger teams and players not seeing more than a play or 2 a game. Other organizations have it. If it’s not a problem then not a big problem, but if there are complaints, it will tracked. Larger teams this can be hard. What is the right number (6- plays each). We need to set a minimum. Kids have to get playing time especially at the lower levels. We need kids to stay involved and stay in the sport.
Announcements: (Finished Business):
- We have completed 2 competitions so far and have swept both with 1st place and 1 grand champs by the midgets!
- There will be some cheerleaders at the PeeWee game on Saturday. They will be doing just sideline cheers.
- Lakeland Competition on 11/19 was cancelled. Looked to find other comps but hard to find dates that work for all
- Competition Schedule
- Fairlawn- 12/3
- Gotta Cheer Elizabeth - 12/9
- Cheer Champs Jefferson- 12/17
- Midget Dinner – December 15th at Black Bear. Photographer and DJ Booked. Cake ordered and candy bar being worked on. Center pieces done and gifts ordered. Need to order plaques. Details to Lynelle for checks needed.
- Pee Wee – Championship game Saturday, November 25th, against Wallkill at 12:15 Kittitinny HS
- Coaches dinner will be the first week of December. Cost will be $300 for 10 coaches. $30 per coach after 10.
- Haven’t heard from anyone. 6:30 American Legion December 6th. Please RSVP.
- Sparta left the NJYFL – don’t know what is happening. What others intentions are with staying. If teams are leaving we will have to make a decision as to what we are doing.
- Possibly doing away with restricted weight.
The next meeting will be held at the PAL on the 3rd Tuesday of the month December 19th @ Vernon PAL 8:00 pm.
Motion to adjourn at 9:33pm Skylar Moore_2nd by _Bill Holden