Simulation game: European Citizenship
“House of European History“
At a glance
Title: House of European History
Method: Simulation game
Objective: To look into the subject of creating and organizing a museum for European history. The question of how to weight historical eras, events and the collective memory and heritage of manifold regional history as well as national history recedes behind the question of the big European picture.
Target audience national or multinational groups
Suitable for groups with heterogeneous language skills
Adaptable for hard-to-reach learners or groups
Group size approx. 15 to 30 people
Duration 5-8h
Documentation for the direction of the game
After having agreed upon conceptual foundations for a European House of History in 2008, the members of the European committee of experts see themselves confronted with diverging interests of individual groups. In negotiations, the exhibition space now needs to be thematically arranged and differentiated. National representatives are faced with a conflict of miscellaneous national and cultural identities towards a European unification. They shall prove the feasibility of the European ideal united at one certain place – The House of European History.
The underlying conflict of this simulation game has already been solved partially. The museum is expected to open in 2014 in Brussels. Discussions regarding the content, however, mainly took place behind closed doors and contribution of the general public regarding conceptual work was renounced. The public was only informed marginally about the process of development, for instance through criticism on the realization of the exhibition by polish intellectuals in the media.
In this case, specific details of the conflict need to be reconstructed as decisions that are being discussed in the simulation game may have already been made in reality. However, it may also occur that the outcome of the group-work differs significantly from the actual realization.
Documentation for the direction of the game
Extract from the preface of the conceptual foundation of a House of European History:
“I seek to inspire a venue for history and for the future, where the concept of the European idea may further expand. I would like to suggest the implementation of a “House of European History”. It should be a place where our memories of European History and the process of European unification is jointly cultivated, and which at the same time is available as a locus for the European identity to go on being shaped by present and future citizens of the European Union”. (The president of the European Parliament)
The task of the European Union to improve broad understanding and contribute to the spread of culture and history of European people (according to 151 EU-contract) shall now be implemented by a European museum. It is to be clarified by members of a committee of experts how this project can be realized.
Central questions
_ What is it that gives an identity that is to be conveyed?
_ Is there one museum at a certain place that embodies the exhibition or is the exhibition decentralized (are there exhibition panels on European History in many different places)?
_ Where will the House be located respectively where will the exhibition panels be located?
_ Is European History represented as a homogeneous history or rather as a sum of several national components? (e.g. an area displaying Polish history, another area displaying Finnish history,…)?
_ Where does European History begin? (with the Romans, in the Middle Ages or with the establishment of the EEC, the European Economic Community)
_ Is European History better told on the basis of facts and figures or based on biographies?
_ Which topics and issues are of importance (World War II, East/West, etc.)?
Documentation for all participants
Stage of game / duration / tasks of the game leadership / tasks of the participantsIntroduction / 20 min. / The direction of the game:
_ explaining gameplay
_ reading the case study
_ presentation of the groups
_ everyone gets a role / character / _ everyone gets a role / character
Information and reading / 20 min. / _ distribute material(s)
_ go from group to group, provide assistance if necessary
_provide stage props for participants if they have difficulties getting engaged in their role / _ Carefully read the provided documentation. Mark the most important aspects concerning your group.
Clarify potential misunderstandings.
Opinion formation, Strategy planning / 30 min. / _ go from group to group, provide assistance if necessary
_ stage props can be offered / Fill in your role/character profile
a. Come up with a fictional mini-CV (name, age, origin, etc.)
b. What are your objectives and interests?
c. What options and strategies are open to you?
Election of the executive board / 15 Min. / The direction of the game convenes the members of the expert committee. An executive board (two people) is elected from among this committee. This executive board will lead the final conference.
Interaction among groups – Negotiation / 90 min. / _ go from group to group, provide assistance if necessary
_ remind groups to prepare a statement / Get in touch with other groups you consider useful. Write
letters. Engage in negotiations. Get informed. Make
agreements. Reply to requests from other groups.
Familiarize yourselves with the other interest groups taking part in the game.
Be well-prepared for the final conference in which all groups will participate. Think about your line of argument and tactical approach during the conference. Make notes of things you want to mention in your introductory statement at the beginning of the conference.
Prepare a flip chart with your demands.
Conference / 60 min. / All groups briefly comment on course of negotiations thus far. Subsequently, proposals are discussed. Moderated by a member of the expert committee.
Evaluation / 30 min. / At the end of the role play/simulation, all participants meet with the game leader(ship/s) to evaluate the simulation
Variation for the simulation game
Material for the game leadership
Groups with good cognitive skills may also see their first task in finding parameters to arrange and organize a House of History. Those parameters are already predetermined in the present version. In a variation, no experts are predefined but they find into groups during the game. The increase of freedom in this variation of the game may inspire and stimulate further discussions.
Possibilities of preparation and post-processing
Material for the game leadership
Creation of a collage on the subject “My family culture of remembrance”
_ Presentation of prominent historical events in my home country during the 20th century
_ Presentation of one´s grandparents´ family life, how they lived and experienced that time, how they passed on those significant years to the next generation through stories, images and sayings
_ Consequences of family history on my own understanding of history
_ Presentation of the results in an exhibition openingand subsequent exchange based on the question to what extent the historical awareness may have affected/ may affect further life and the image of Europe.
All roles at a glance
Material for the game leadership´s preparation
_ Members of the committeeofexperts
(depending on the number of participants, countries can be put together)
- Poland
- Italy
- Belgium
- France
- Finnland
- The Netherlands
- Portugal
- Hungary
- Germany
_ Experts for
- European Biographies
- European cuisine
- World War I and II
_ Skeptical Europeans
_ Media group
Role / Character profile
Documentation for all participants
Who am I?
e.g.: What group of actors do I belong to? Name and typical habits/traits of character? A fictional mini-CV?
What interests and objectives do I pursue? What are my tasks?
What do I stand for first and foremost? What angle of view do I have?
How do I make decisions?
e.g. What/who guides my decisions and ideas?
Communication and options for action and initiatives?
e.g. Potential partners for cooperation?
Material for the game leadership
The introduction into the simulation game and the conferences take place in a big room.
This room will subsequently serve two purposes:
_ A separated area as room for the media group
_ Café with tables, chairs and a wall of newspaper
The Café is the place of communication. Here take place:
_ Groups or their representatives arrange meetings
_ Media group provides information (via newspaper, tv, etc.)
_ Game leadership runs a café (cake, beverages)
_ Informal exchange between all participants
The remaining groups too need an additional separated space each.
Role / character descriptions
Citizens „Skeptical Europeans“
This is your role:
You are members of an international facebook-group named “skeptical Europeans”. You see Europe´s development skeptical on many levels. You support the idea of an exhibition but you are eager to implement two major aims:
_ The public are involved in the process of development.
_ The exhibition also displays critical attitudes towards Europe.
This is what you can do:
_ Collect opinions, knowledge and suggestions and discuss them –if useful- with other groups
_ Conduct interviews, report
_ Look for allies
_ Find arguments and examples that support your thesis
Role / character descriptions
Members of experts´ committee
This is your role/ character:
As representatives from different countries you are members of the committee which has the task to build the museum. The different expert groups act on your behalf. You have to make sure that the experts adhere to your guidelines – and you may change these guidelines throughout the game. Try to get into contact with the groups and make use of your contact to the media.
This is what you can do:
_ Prepare a final conference
_ What exactly do you expect from the groups?
_ What issues will be discussed?
_ Which voting procedures will you chose?
_ Come up with and publish guidelines for a European House of History
_ Give interviews
_ Publish ideas
_ Make contact with groups
_ Arbitrate between the groups
_ Host and moderate a final conference
Central questions e.g.:
_ Draw up an operational program for the museum
_ Advertise in public for the museum
Role / character descriptions
Experts for “European Biographies“
This is your role / character:
You are experts for biographical access to historical topics. You take care of the exhibition to be less based on numbers and figures and more on authentic European biographies.
European history means for you that stories are told. Notable Europeans as well as unknown citizens shall have their say.
You have to decide whether the intention is represented preferably in a permanent exhibition or in a different way of presentation.
This is what you can do:
_ Communicate with one another about opinions, knowledge and suggestions. Also discuss them – where useful - with the other groups
_ Make interviews, report
_ Find alliances
_ Find arguments and examples for your theses and publish them
Central questions e.g.:
_ What notable people may represent European history the best?
_ Which criteria may help to choose unknown people?
_ Does the conjunction of European cultural places move?
_ Crossing borders as a step towards recognizing similarities of European population?
_ Experiencing Europe while being on holiday?
Role / character descriptions
Experts on the topic “World War I and II”
This is your role / character:
You put effort into pointing out that the concept of the museum especially sets focus to WW I and WW II. You are of the opinion that WW I and II as well as post war politics were especially important for a united Europe. At the same time you stand for a sensitive handling of each nation’s memory of WW II (how does and how did every nation deal with the war?)
This is what you can do:
_ Communicate with one another about opinions, knowledge and suggestions. Also discuss them – where useful - with the other groups
_ Make interviews, report
_ Find alliances
_ Find arguments and examples for your theses and publish them
Central questions e.g.:
_ World War I and II as turning points in European history?
_ Flight and expulsion after WW II?
_ Questions of human rights then and now?
_ Especially in eastern-middle Europe and in the newly-formed German states, the central idea of the Holocaust is the totalitarian rule of the Soviet Union
_ Focusing on the victims of expulsion has changed the view on WW II and its consequences.
Role / character descriptions
Experts on the topic “The European cuisine“
This is your role / character:
You are experts for European cuisine. You believe that the history of Europe is also the history of European cuisine because the cuisine was already multifaceted and European before the establishment of European confederations.
Come up with an illustrative example for the mutual dishes and customs to find supporters for your thesis that the European cuisine must not be neglected in the exhibition!
This is what you can do:
_ Communicate with one another about opinions, knowledge and suggestions. Also discuss them – where useful - with the other groups
_ Make interviews, report
_ Find alliances
_ Find arguments and examples for your theses and publish them
Central questions e.g.:
_ What is European about the cuisine?
_ What dish is customary in different countries?
_ Where do similarities/differences in national/regional customs occur?
_ Has there been a development within the last centuries?
Role / character descriptions
This is your role / character:
You are journalists writing for ______(come up with a name), a highly-regarded newspaper with foreign correspondents in most EU member-states. Your tasks include reporting comprehensively and objectively on the preparations for the upcoming conference. Therefore, you get in touch with the various groups. You investigate the matter and seek the requisite background information. You work closely together with the EU representatives. You aim for critical but fair reporting. You publish your articles as a wall-newspaper or submit it directly to the various groups.