RESPONDENT'S DETAILS (To be completed by the teacher)

School address:

School Grade/Class:

Gender: Male Female

Date of Birth:

Date questionnaire administered:


I would like you to pretend that a new child will come to your class soon. He/She has Down's Syndrome. We have a photograph of a boy and a girl who have Down's Syndrome which the teacher will show you. Here are some questions for you to answer.

This is not a test, and your answers will be kept private. Here are a few practise questions. Circle the answer you choose.

Are you a boy? Yes No

Do you like Ice-cream Yes No

Good now we can begin the questions about the child who has Down's Syndrome.

1. Would you smile at him/her on the first day? Yes No

2. Would you ask him/her to sit beside you? Yes No

3. Would you chat to him/her at break time? Yes No

4. Later on, would you tell him/her secrets

that you usually keep for your friends? Yes No

5. Would you make him/her your best friend? Yes No

6. Would you invite him/her to your house to play in the evenings? Yes No

7. Would you feel angry if he/she did not keep

the rules of your games at play time? Yes No

8. Would you invite him/her to your birthday

party with your other friends? Yes No

9. Would you pick him/her on your team in a competition? Yes No

10. Would you ask him/her questions about themselves? Yes No

11. Would you care if other children made fun of the

child with Down's Syndrome? Yes No

12. Do you think the child with Down's Syndrome could

do the same maths as you? Yes No

13. Do you think that he/she could read the same books as you? Yes No

14. Do you think that he/she would have the same hobbies

as the other children in the class? Yes No

15. Would you feel afraid of him/her because they had Down's Syndrome? Yes No

16. Do you think children with Down's Syndrome should be

taught in the same classroom as you? Yes No

17. Should children with Down's Syndrome have their own

special classroom in your school? Yes No

18. Should children with Down's Syndrome have their own

special school where all the children have Down's Syndrome? Yes No

19. Do children with Down's Syndrome prefer other children

with Down's Syndrome as friends? Yes No

20. Can you tell if a child has Down's Syndrome by

looking at his/her face? Yes No


Let's practise

If you were describing cars which of these words would you use?

Circle them.

Fast Dear Powerful

Noisy Cheap

If you leave some out, or if you don't understand some of the words, that's o.k. Just circle the ones you would use.

Now, let's go back to our "pretend" new boy or girl who has Down's Syndrome. If you were describing him or her to your other friends which of these words do you think you would use? Remember, if you don't understand some of them or if you don't like some of the words, just skip them. Circle only the ones you would use.

1. Clever. 10. Different. 19. Shy. 27. Lonely.

2. Kind. 11. Special. 20. Simple. 28. Happy.

3. Neat. 12. Rough. 21. Scary. 29. Ashamed.

4. Dirty. 13. Friendly. 22. Dork. 30. Unhappy.

5. Stupid. 14. Lovable. 23. Retarded. 31. Freak.

6. Careful. 15. Spa. 24. Moron. 32. Idiot.

7. Untidy. 16. Crazy. 25. Twit. 33. Nerd.

8. Bold. 17. Geek. 26. Sad. 34. Sloppy.

9. Dumb. 18. Thick.

SECTION 3 (Please circle yes or no)

1 Are there any children with Down's Syndrome in your school? Yes No

2 Are there any children with Down's Syndrome in your classroom? Yes No

3 Do you know anybody who has Down's Syndrome? Yes No

Thank you for helping me. The teacher will now collect this questionnaire.

Hugh Gash