6th January 2016
News of the exciting new Ladywood Schools Link Pilot
Hello my name is Baljit Nhal and I work for Forward Thinking Birmingham (previously known as the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) which is part of the services provided by the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
I am currently involved in an exciting new pilot which Aston Manor Academy is part of. The pilot will run throughout this academic year.
What is the aim of the Ladywood schools link pilot?
The pilot is funded by the government to help improve emotional/mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. This is being done by having a named person in each school linked to a mental health specialist to help schools and mental health services work together. This will mean support can be identified and offered earlier.
How will it work?
As the link worker for the school from Forward Thinking Birmingham, I will visit Aston Manor Academy every Wednesday morning and will undertake a variety of activities. This will include supporting drop in session and coffee mornings and providing training, advice and guidance to staff who may have concerns about how a pupil is currently thinking and feeling.
How will it affect my child?
Some children may benefit from help to cope better in how they think, feel and actand this may help them to enjoy school and do better in their studies. If staff members feel that your child may benefit from further support, they mayask my advice about how to help your child. In addition, you may be offered a time to meet with me with your child,so we can think together about what would best help with the current difficulties.We would ask for your consent before this happens.
Please feel free to contact school and ask to speak to Mrs Sandra Coleman (assistant Head) or Miss Emma Smith if you would like further information about the pilot.
Best wishes
Baljit Nhal
Senior Primary Mental Health Worker