USSF 2007 Survey Codebook
If the string (text) variable is unclear or illegible, put as many letters and words down as you can decipher and put .... for the letters or words that you cannot make out. Write 8, 88, or 888 if its entirely illegible.
For responses for the checked boxes, if there is no choice in the codebook for having more than one box checked and the respondent did so, treat it as a no answer. Be sure to read all the choices before deciding to do this. If there is more than one response for coded variables, code the first response unless otherwise indicated.
If there are marginal notes written on the survey, put these down in the next to the last variable. The last variable allows you to make comments about the survey or your coding. Please do not forget to indicate the variable that you are referring to.
To code the string variables, you should refer to the assigned code list for that variable. However, if you notice a discrepancy between the transcribed answer and the survey response, use the survey response and make a note the discrepancy on the assigned code list and the last variable.
Please note that for some of the variables, the first value begins with a 0 and others with 1. String variables do not have missing values assigned, but please use 9 to refer to questions that the respondent did not answer as you do for the numeric variables (but read the comments on when these apply). If the answer doesn’t apply and they have no response, leave it blank.
If it says SKIP in the variable label, skip the question. We will enter this data in another round.
Remember to save often (every few minutes).
Part 0: Survey Description
Var00 / Survey numberEnter survey number
var01 / Language of questionnaire
0 / English
1 / Spanish
Var02 / Date of survey
Var03 / Who administered the survey
Var04 / Did the respondent agree to a follow-up interview?
0 / No
1 / Yes
Var05 / Follow-up Survey number
Enter follow-up survey number
Part I: Demographics
Var101 / Gender0 / Female
1 / Male
2 / Other
99 / No answer
Var101a / Gender: other what
List what is the other answer.
8 / Unclear or illegible
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if 101 is .
Var101b / Gender: other what codeWe need to create this code; leave blank for now.
8 / Unclear or illegible
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if 209 is .
Var102 / Sexual orientation0 / Heterosexual
1 / Homosexual
2 / Bisexual
3 / Queer
4 / Other
5 / Decline to answer
99 / No answer
Var102a / Sexual orientation: other what
List what is the other answer.
8 / Unclear answer.
99 / No answer.
Comment: Only use 99 if .
Var102b / Sexual orientation: other what codeUse assigned code list. We need to create this code; leave blank for now.
8 / Unclear or illegible
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if .
Var103a / Marital status: single0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var103b / Marital status: separated0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var103c / Marital status: divorced0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var103d / Marital status: widower0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var103e / Marital status: married0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var103f / Marital status: Domestic Partner/Civil Union0 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for 103.
Var104 / Custody of Children <180 / No
1 / Yes
99 / No answer
Var105 / Birth Year
Type in answers (four digits)
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Var106 / Race/ Ethnicity
0 / Black
1 / Middle Eastern
2 / South Asian
3 / Indigenous
4 / Latino/Hispanic
5 / East Asian
6 / White
7 / Pacific Islander
8 / Multiracial
9 / Other
10 / Answered human/none for “other”
88 / Unclear answer or difficult to code
99 / Decline to Answer/No Answer
*If 8 for Var217, type out answer in Var217a; otherwise, leave blank.
Va106a / Race-MulticulturalType in answers;
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Note: Only use 99 for 106a if they choose the multi-racial box, but do not specify their racial identities; leave this blank if it doesn’t apply to this respondent.
Var106b / Race-Multicultural: CodeType in code based on assigned code list (this still needs to be created, so leave this blank for now).
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Note: Only use 9 for 106b if they choose the multi-racial box, but do not specify their racial identities; leave this blank if it doesn’t apply to this respondent.
*If 9 for Var217, type out answers in Var 217b
Var106c / Race-OtherType in answers;
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Note: Only use 99 for 106c if they choose the other-racial box, but do not specify their racial identity; leave this blank if it doesn’t apply to this respondent.
Var106d / Race-Other: CodeLeave blank for now; we have to create this code.
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Note: Only use 99 for 106d if they choose the other-racial box, but do not specify their racial identity; leave this blank if it doesn’t apply to this respondent.
Var107 / Birth CountryType in answers;
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Var107a / Birth Country: code
Type in code based on assigned code list (this needs to be created; so just leave this blank for now).
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Va107 / Birth Country
No answer
Answer unclear / 99
Afghanistan / AFG
Albania / ALB
Algeria / DZA
American Samoa / ASM
Angola / AGO
Antigua and Barbuda / ATG
Argentina / ARG
Armenia / ARM
Aruba / ABW
Australia / AUS
Austria / AUT
Azerbaijan / AZE
Bahamas, The / BHS
Bahrain, Kingdom of / BHR
Bangladesh / BGD
Barbados / BRB
Belarus / BLR
Belgium / BEL
Belize / BLZ
Benin / BEN
Bermuda / BMU
Bhutan / BTN
Bolivia / BOL
Bosnia & Herzegovina / BIH
Botswana / BWA
Brazil / BRA
Brunei Darussalam / BRN
Bulgaria / BGR
Burkina Faso / BFA
Burundi / BDI
Cambodia / KHM
Cameroon / CMR
Canada / CAN
Cape Verde / CPV
Central African Rep. / CAF
Chad / TCD
Chile / CHL
China,P.R.: Mainland / CHN
China,P.R.:Hong Kong / HKG
China,P.R.:Macao / MAC
Colombia / COL
Comoros / COM
Congo, Dem. Rep. of / ZAR
Congo, Republic of / COG
Costa Rica / CRI
Côte d'Ivoire / CIV
Croatia / HRV
Cuba / CUB
Cyprus / CYP
Czech Republic / CZE
Denmark / DNK
Djibouti / DJI
Dominica / DMA
Dominican Republic / DOM
Ecuador / ECU
Egypt / EGY
El Salvador / SLV
Equatorial Guinea / GNQ
Eritrea / ERI
Estonia / EST
Ethiopia / ETH
Faeroe Islands / FRO
Fiji / FJI
Finland / FIN
France / FRA
French Polynesia / PYF
Gabon / GAB
Gambia, The / GMB
Georgia / GEO
Germany / DEU
Ghana / GHA
Gibraltar / GIB
Greece / GRC
Greenland / GRL
Grenada / GRD
Guadeloupe / GLP
Guam / GUM
Guatemala / GTM
Guiana, French / GUF
Guinea / GNB
Guinea-Bissau / GIN
Guyana / GUY
Haiti / HTI
Honduras / HND
Hungary / HUN
Iceland / ISL
India / IND
Indonesia / IDN
Iran, I.R. of / IRN
Iraq / IRQ
Ireland / IRL
Israel / ISR
Italy / ITA
Jamaica / JAM
Japan / JPN
Jordan / JOR
Kazakhstan / KAZ
Kenya / KEN
Kiribati / KIR
Korea / KOR
Kuwait / KWT
Kyrgyz Republic / KGZ
Lao People's Dem.Rep / LAO
Latvia / LVA
Lebanon / LBN
Lesotho / LSO
Liberia / LBR
Libya / LBY
Lithuania / LTU
Luxembourg / LUX
Macedonia, FYR / MKD
Madagascar / MDG
Malawi / MWI
Malaysia / MYS
Maldives / MDV
Mali / MLI
Malta / MLT
Martinique / MTQ
Mauritania / MRT
Mauritius / MUS
Mexico / MEX
Moldova / MDA
Mongolia / MNG
Morocco / MAR
Mozambique / MOZ
Myanmar / MMR
Namibia / NAM
Nauru / NAU
Nepal / NPL
Netherlands / NLD
Netherlands Antilles / ANT
New Caledonia / NCL
New Zealand / NZL
Nicaragua / NIC
Niger / NER
Nigeria / NGA
North Korea / PRK
Norway / NOR
Oman / OMN
Pakistan / PAK
Palau / PLW
Panama / PAN
Papua New Guinea / PNG
Paraguay / PRY
Peru / PER
Philippines / PHL
Poland / POL
Portugal / PRT
Qatar / QAT
Réunion / REU
Romania / ROM
Russia / RUS
Rwanda / RWA
Samoa / WSM
São Tomé & Príncipe / STP
Saudi Arabia / SAU
Senegal / SEN
Serbia & Montenegro / SER
Seychelles / SYC
Sierra Leone / SLE
Singapore / SIN
Slovak Republic / SVK
Slovenia / SVN
Solomon Islands / SLB
Somalia / SOM
South Africa / ZAF
Spain / ESP
Sri Lanka / LKA
St. Kitts and Nevis / KNA
St. Lucia / LCA
St. Vincent & Grens. / VCT
Sudan / SDN
Suriname / SUR
Swaziland / SWZ
Sweden / SWE
Switzerland / CHE
Syrian Arab Republic / SYR
Tajikistan / TJK
Tanzania / TZA
Thailand / THA
Togo / TGO
Tonga / TON
Trinidad and Tobago / TTO
Tunisia / TUN
Turkey / TUR
Turkmenistan / TKM
Uganda / UGA
Ukraine / UKR
United Arab Emirates / UAE
United Kingdom / GBR
United States / USA
Uruguay / URY
Uzbekistan / UZB
Vanuatu / VUT
Venezuela, Rep. Bol. / VEN
Vietnam / VNM
West Bank/Gaza Strip / WBG
Yemen, Republic of / YEM
Yugoslavia / YUG
Zambia / ZMB
Zimbabwe / ZWE
Var108a / City: Where do you currently live?
Type in answers;
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Var108b / Country: Where do you currently live?
Use codes for Var218.
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Var108c / Immigrant? (Birth country in 107 is different from country of current residence in 108)
0 / No
1 / Yes
88 / Unclear answer.
99 / No answer (only use if answer to 107 or 108b is 99).
Var109 / How religious do you consider yourself?
0 / Not religious
1 / Somewhat religious
2 / Very religious
88 / Unclear answer / more than one answer
99 / No response
Var110 / Which of the following best describes your religious beliefs? Check one.
0 / Protestant
1 / Catholic
2 / Baptist
3 / Evangelical
4 / Other Christian
5 / Buddist
6 / Jewish
7 / Islamic
8 / Agnostic
9 / Atheist
10 / Hindu
11 / Other (checked box or specified other)
12 / Multiple religious beliefs (more than one box is checked)
99 / No answer
Var110a / Religion: other
Type in answers;
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Comment: Only use 99 for 110a if answer to 110 is 99 but nothing is written in; otherwise skip this question.
Var110b / Religion: other codeType in code based on assigned code list (this needs to be created; so just leave this blank for now).
88 / Unintelligible
99 / No answer
Var111a / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
Employed full-time.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111b / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
Employed part-time.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111c / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
Employed on a temporary basis.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111d / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111e / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111f / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111g / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111h / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
Dependent on family income.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111i / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
Live from investments or savings.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var111j / What is your current employment status? Check all that apply.
0 / Yes
1 / No
88 / Unclear
99 / No answer
Var 112 / Class Identity
0 / Upper class
1 / Upper middle class
2 / Lower middle class
3 / Working class
4 / Lower class
88 / Unclear / more than one answer.
99 / No answer
Var113 / Household Annual Income
Type in dollar amount in US Dollars (round up to the nearest last digit if cents are included; do not use commas, dollar signs, or decimals);
no answer = 99; completely unintelligible=88 or indicated hourly/weekly wage or some other figure
Var114 / Highest level of school completed
0 / Elementary
1 / Middle school/junior high
2 / Some High school/No Degree
3 / High school
4 / Some College/no Degree
5 / Associate’s Degree
6 / Bachelor’s Degree
7 / Some Graduate school/no degree
8 / Master’s Degree
9 / Professional Degree
10 / Technical Degree
11 / Doctoral Degree
88 / Unclear answer or chose more than one
99 / No Answer
Var115 / Total years of school
Type in answer as is (round to the nearest last digit if part years are reported);
no answer = 99; completely unintelligible=88
Var116 Educational degree beyond High School?
0-No, none of the boxes are checked for 116a-m;
1-Yes, one box is checked for 116a-m.
2-Two or more boxes are checked for 116a-m.
88-Unclear answer.
Var116a Agriculture?
88-Unclear answer
Var116b Education
88-Unclear answer.
Var116c Natural Sciences
88-Unclear answer.
Var116d Social Sciences
88-Unclear answer.
Var116e Arts
88-Unclear answer.
Var116f Engineering
88-Unclear / more than one answer.
Var116g Mathematics
88 Unclear answer.
Var116h Computer
88-Unclear answer.
Var116i Health
88-Unclear answer.
Var116j Law/Legal Studies
88- Unclear answer.
Var116k Business/ Administrative
88-Unclear answer.
Var116l Languages/Linguistics/Literature
88-Unclear answer.
Var116m Other
88-Unclear answer.
Var217 / Number of prior Social Forums.
1-98 / They checked the box indicating it’s their first forum.
Add up the total number of all prior forums they have attended
99 / No answer; Use 99 if no number is listed and the ‘No prior forums box’ is not checked.
Var217a / Number of times at Local?
0-98 / Number written down
99 / No answer or illegible
Comment: Only use 99 if no boxes are checked for question 217.