The program of introductory tests for arriving on the basis of the core of the general and
average full formation on discipline"Russian"
Speech dialogue
Ability to communicate - an important part of culture of the person.
Versions of speech dialogue: not mediated both mediated; oral and written; dialogical and monologic; their features.
Spheres of speech dialogue: household, welfare, scientific (uchebno-scientific), political, officially-business.
Situation of speech dialogue and its basic components: participants (the sender and the addressee), circumstances of speech dialogue, the personal and impersonal, official and informal, prepared and spontaneous dialogue. Mastering by norms of speech behavior in typical situations of dialogue.
Conditions of speech dialogue. Success of speech dialogue as achievement of predicted result. The reasons of communicative failures and a way of their overcoming.
Speech activity
Speech as activity.
Kinds of speech activity: reading, audition (hearing), говорение, the letter. Features of each kind of speech activity.
Reading. Culture of work with the book and other sources of the information. Mastering by different kinds of reading (fact-finding, studying, viewing), working methods with the educational book and other information sources, including mass-media and Internet resources.
Audition (hearing). Understanding of the communicative purposes and motives of the speaking. Understanding on hearing of the information of art, publicistic, uchebno-scientific, popular scientific texts (the maximum volume - to 350 words), their basic and additional information, an establishment of semantic parts of the text, definition of their communications.
Говорение. A producing of oral monologic statements on welfare, moral-ethical, social, educational, etc. themes. Participation in dialogues of various kinds.
The letter. Mastering by abilities adequately to retell the matter of the heard or read text in writing with the set degree свернутости (a statement detailed, compressed, selective; theses, the abstract, the summary). Creation of own written texts on actual welfare, moral-ethical, social, educational, etc. themes on the basis of selection of the necessary information. A writing of compositions (including responses and reviews) various functional styles with use of different is functional-semantic types of speech and their combinations.
The text as a product of speech activity
The text as speech product. Semantic and composite integrity, connectivity of the text. A theme, communicative installation, the basic thought of the text. A text microtheme.
Is functional-semantic types of speech: the description, a narration, a reasoning.
Ways of development of a theme in the text. Text structure.
A composite-genre variety of texts.
The analysis of the text from the point of view of its theme, the basic thought, an accessory to the is functional-semantic type, a certain version of language, functional style. A choice of language means depending on the purpose, themes, the basic thought, sphere, a situation and dialogue conditions.
Functional versions of language
Functional versions of language: a spoken language, functional styles: scientific, publicistic, officially-business; fiction language.
The use sphere, typical situations of speech dialogue, speech problem, language means, characteristic for a spoken language, scientific, publicistic, officially-business styles. Features of language of fiction.
The basic genres scientific (a response, the abstract, performance, the report, article, the review), publicistic (performance, article, interview, a sketch), officially-business (the receipt, the power of attorney, the statement, the resume) styles, informal conversation (the story, conversation, dispute).
The standard of speech
Concept about the standard of speech. Нормативность, relevance, efficiency, conformity to norms of speech behavior - the basic making standards of speech.
Choice and the organization of language means according to sphere, a situation and conditions of speech dialogue as a necessary condition of achievement нормативности, efficiency, этичности speech dialogue.
The general data on Russian
Science about Russian, its basic sections. Short data on outstanding domestic linguists.
Language as the basic means of dialogue in certain national collective. Russian - a national language of Russian people.
Concept of a state language. Russian as a state language of the Russian Federation. Russian as means of international dialogue of the people of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Russian as the developing phenomenon. Lexical and phraseological innovations of last years. Necessity careful and a conscientious attitude to Russian as to national value.
The basic forms of existence of national Russian: Russian literary language, territorial dialects (national dialects), social dialects (slang) and popular speech. A national language - unity of its various forms (versions). Concept about a literary language. Russian literary language - a basis of national Russian. A literary language as a basis of Russian fiction. The basic differences of a literary language and fiction language.
Нормированность (presence of norms) - the basic distinctive feature of Russian literary language. Language norm and its signs. Kinds of norms of Russian literary language: орфоэпические, lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic and правописные (spelling and punctuation).
The dictionary as reference books kind. Dictionaries linguistic and not linguistic. Principal views of linguistic dictionaries: sensible, etymological, spelling, орфоэпические, morphemic and word-formation, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological dictionaries.
Language system
The basic units of language: a sound, a morpheme, a word, a word combination, the offer, the text.
Phonetics. Орфоэпия
Phonetics and орфоэпия as divisions of science about language.
System of vowels and Russian consonants: public shock and unaccented; consonants sonorous and deaf; concordant soft both firm. Pair and unpaired consonants on sonority and dullness, on softness and hardness. Sonornye consonants. Hissing consonants.
Changes of sounds in a speech stream. Change of quality of a vowel sound in an unaccented position. Devocalization and озвончение consonants.
The characteristic of a separate sound of speech and the analysis of sounds in a speech stream. A sound and letter parity.
Phonetic transcription. An explanation of features of a pronunciation and a writing of a word by means of transcription elements.
Communication of phonetics with a drawing and spelling.
The basic expressive means of phonetics. Understanding and an estimation звукописи as one of expressive means of Russian. A verbal accent as one of means of creation of a rhythm стихотворно¬го the text.
Concept about орфоэпической to norm. Mastering by key rules of a literary pronunciation and an accent: norms of a pronunciation of unaccented vowel sounds; a pronunciation soft or firm со¬гласного before [э] in words speaking another language; a pronunciation of a combination of consonants (чн, чт, etc.); grammatical forms (adjectives on, th, reflexive verbs with - - etc.) - Features of a pronunciation of words speaking another language, and also Russian names and patronymics.
Feature of an accent in Russian (power and quantitative, mobile, разноместное). Accent Hard cases in words (quarter, the contract, etc.). Accent Hard cases in forms of words (past tense verbs, short participles and adjectives etc.).
Admissible variants of a pronunciation and accent.
Orfoepichesky dictionaries and their use in an everyday life.
Estimation of own and another's speech from the point of view орфоэпических norms.
Application of knowledge and abilities on phonetics in spelling practice.
Morphemics (word structure) and word-formation
Morphemics and word-formation as divisions of science about language.
Morpheme as the minimum significant unit of language. Difference of a morpheme from other language units.
Kinds of morphemes. Root and not root morphemes. A root. Single-root words. Word-formation and inflectional morphemes. A word basis. The termination. A prefix, a suffix as word-formation morphemes.
Morphemic dictionaries of Russian.
Vocalic and consonant ablaut in roots of words. Variants of morphemes.
Possibility of historical changes in word structure. Concept about etymology. Etymological dictionaries of Russian. The basic ways of word formation.
Word formation by means of morphemes (prefixal, suffixal, pristavochno-suffixal, бессуффиксный). Addition as a way of word-formation. Addition kinds.
Transition of a word from one part of speech in another as one of ways of word formation. An union of a combination of words in a word.
Features of word-formation of words of various parts of speech. Word-formation dictionaries of Russian.
The basic expressive means of morphemics and word-formation. Use of individually-author's words in art texts. Repetition of words with identical morphemes as one of expressiveness receptions.
Word partitioning on morphemes. Specification of a lexical word meaning with a support on its morphemic structure. Definition of the basic ways of word-formation. Application of knowledge and abilities on morphemics and word-formation in spelling practice.
Lexicology and phraseology
Lexicology as a division of science about language.
Lexicon as dictionary structure, set of words of the given language.
Word - the basic unit of language. Difference of a word from other language units.
Lexical word meaning. The basic ways of transfer of lexical word meanings. Interpretation of a lexical word meaning by means of the description, interpretation, selection of synonyms, antonyms, single-root words.
Unequivocal and multiple-valued words.
Direct and portable word meanings. Understanding of the basis for name carrying over (similarity, a contiguity of objects or signs).
Principal views тропов, the words based on the use in a figurative sense (a metaphor, an embodiment, an epithet, etc.). Supervision over use of figurative senses of words in oral and written texts.
Explanatory dictionaries of Russian and their use for definition, specifications of lexical word meaning. Lexical homonyms as the words identical on sounding and a writing, but various on lexical value. Distinction of homonyms and multiple-valued words in speech.
Synonyms as the words close or identical on lexical value. Semantic and stylistic distinctions of synonyms. Dictionaries of synonyms of Russian and their use. Supervision over use of synonyms in oral and written texts. Revealing of semantic and stylistic distinctions of synonyms. Use of synonyms as communication facilities of offers in the text and as means of elimination of unjustified repetition.
Antonyms as the words opposite on lexical value. Dictionaries of antonyms of Russian. Supervision over use of antonyms in oral and written texts.
Historical variability of dictionary structure of language. Formation of new words and loan as the basic ways of replenishment of dictionary structure of language.
Primordially Russian and loan words. Principal causes of loan of words. The basic languages-sources of lexical loans in Russian. An estimation of speech from the point of view of expediency and relevance of use of lexicon speaking another language. Dictionaries of foreign words and their use.
Out-of-date words and neologisms. Principal causes of occurrence of out-of-date words and neologisms in language development. Two types of out-of-date words: a historicism and archaisms. Nontechnical and individually-author's neologisms. Supervision over use of out-of-date words and neologisms in texts. Dictionaries of out-of-date words and неоло¬гизмов.
Neutral and стилистически the painted words. Book words and colloquial words. An estimation of own and another's speech from the point of view of relevance of use стилистически the painted lexicon in various situations of speech dialogue.
Common lexicon and lexicon of the limited use. Dialecticisms, professionalism, jargons. Unjustified expansion of sphere of the use of jargons in informal conversation, mass media, public statements. Terminological lexicon as the most essential sign of language of a science.
Phraseology as lexicology section.
Distinctions between free combinations of words and set phrases. Neutral and стилистически the painted phraseological units, features of their use in speech.
Phraseological riches of Russian. Proverbs and sayings, aphorisms and catchwords; their pertinent use in speech practice. Phraseological dictionaries of Russian and their use.
Lexical and stylistic norms of Russian. The word use in exact conformity with its lexical value. The account of lexical word compatibility in speech. The account of stylistic characteristics of words at their use in speech.
The basic expressive means of lexicon and phraseology. Supervision over use of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, words in a figurative sense, dialecticisms etc. as expressiveness means in art and publicistic texts.
Estimation of and another's speech from the point of view of exact, pertinent and expressive word usage.
Grammar as a division of science about language.
Morphology as grammar section.
Grammatical word meaning and its difference from lexical value.
System of parts of speech in Russian. Principles of allocation of parts of speech: the general grammatical value, morphological signs, a syntactic role.
Independent and office parts of speech.
General characteristic of independent parts of speech.
Noun as a part of speech. The animated and inanimate nouns. Nominal and own nouns. A sort as a constant sign of a noun. Nouns man's, female, average, a common gender; the nouns which do not have the patrimonial characteristic. Number of nouns. The nouns having the form only of the only thing or only of plural. System of cases in Russian. Types of declinations of nouns. Declined and indeclinable nouns. Heteroclitic nouns. The correct use of nouns in speech.
Adjective as a part of speech. Adjectives qualitative, relative and possesive. A sort, number and a case of adjectives. Dependence of a sort, number and a case of an adjective on a noun. Degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives, their formation and grammatical signs. Full and short qualitative adjectives, their grammatical signs. Features of the use of adjectives in different styles of speech. The correct use of adjectives in speech.
Numeral as a part of speech. Categories of numerals on value and a structure. A question on numerals in system of parts of speech. Declination of numerals. The correct use of numerals in speech.
Pronoun as a part of speech. A question on a pronoun in system of parts of speech. Categories of pronouns on value and grammatical при¬знакам. Declination of pronouns. Use of pronouns as communication facilities of offers in the text. The correct use of pronouns in speech.
Verb as a part of speech. An infinitive. Verbs made and an imperfective aspect. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Impersonal verbs. Indicative, imperative and conditional (subjunctive) verb inclinations. The present, the future and verb past tense in an indicative inclination. Conjugation of verbs. The person and number. Change on childbirth of verbs in the form of a conditional (subjunctive) inclination and an indicative inclination (past tense). Raznosprjagaemye verbs. The correct use of verbs in speech. A participle and a verbal adverb. A question on a participle and a verbal adverb in system of parts of speech. A participle, its grammatical signs. Verb and adjective signs in a participle. Present and past tense participles. Valid both passive participles. Full and short forms of passive participles. A verbal adverb, its adverbial and verbal signs. Verbal adverbs made and neso-vershennogo a kind. Supervision over features of the use of participles and verbal adverbs in texts. The correct use of participles and verbal adverbs in speech.
Adverb as a part of speech. Categories of adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs, their formation.
Question on words of a category of state and modal words in system of parts of speech.
General characteristic of office parts of speech; their differences from independent parts of speech.
Pretext as a part of speech. Derivative and non-productive pretexts. Simple and compound pretexts.
The union as a part of speech. The unions coordinating and subordinative, their categories. The unions simple and compound.
Particle as a part of speech. Categories of particles on value and the use.
Interjection as the special category of words. The basic functions of interjections. Categories of interjections.
Imitative words.
Definition of an accessory of a word to a certain part of speech to its grammatical signs. Application of knowledge and abilities on morphology in practice of spelling and carrying out of parse of the offer.
Observance of the basic morphological norms of Russian literary language.
The correct use in speech of nouns taking into account their patrimonial отнесённости and features of formation of forms именительного and a genitive case of plural. The correct use in speech of degrees of comparison and full and short forms of adjectives. The correct use in speech of collective numerals and case forms of cardinal numbers. The correct use of pronouns in speech. The correct use in speech of personal forms of a verb, and also imperative mood forms. Use of dictionaries of grammatical difficulties of Russian.
Syntax as grammar section. Syntax and morphology communication.
Word combination and the offer as syntax units. Kinds and syntactic link means.
Word combination. The basic signs of a word combination; semantic and a grammatical link of the main and dependent word in a word combination. Principal views of word combinations on morphological properties of the main word: nominal, verbal, adverbial. Types of communication of words in a word combination: the coordination, management, an adjunction. Norms of a combination of words and their infringement in speech. A choice of the case form of an operated word, the predlozhno-case form of an operated noun.
The offer. The offer as the basic unit of syntax and as the minimum speech statement. The basic signs of the offer and its difference from other language units.
Kinds of offers on the statement purpose: not interrogative (narrative, incentive) and interrogative. Kinds of offers on emotional coloring: not exclamatory both exclamatory. Intonational and semantic features of narrative, incentive, interrogative, exclamatory offers.
Offers affirmative and negative.
Syntactic sentence structure. A grammatical (predicative) basis of the offer. Offers simple and difficult.
Simple sentence. Syntactic structure of a simple sentence. The main members of a two-member sentence. Ways of expression of a subject. Predicate kinds: idle time a verbal, compound verbal, compound nominal predicate, ways of their expression. Features of communication of a subject and a predicate. Minor sentence parts: definition (coordinated, uncoordinated; the appendix as a definition version), addition (direct and indirect), circumstance. Ways of expression of minor sentence parts. Hard cases of the coordination of definitions with a defined word.
Mononuclear offers. The main member of the mononuclear offer. The basic groups of mononuclear offers: definite-personal, indefinite-personal, impersonal, nominative. Their structural and semantic features. A question on obobshchenno-personal offers. Supervision over features of the use of mononuclear offers in oral and written speech. Синонимия mononuclear and two-member sentences.
Offers extended and not extended. Offers full and incomplete. Supervision over the use of incomplete sentences in oral and written texts.