PE Subject Leader Report
To continue offering at least four hours of sport every week, comprising of at least two hours of quality PE and sport at school.
Teachers will be confident and competent in delivering the highest quality provision.
The school will continue to promote the benefits of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
In the academic year 2016/2017 we aimed to strengthen and improve provision in a range of ways, with a focus on promoting and giving pupils the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular clubs and activities.
We aimed to continue providing high quality PE in-line with curriculum requirements, ensuring staff received the CPD, training and support required to provide the school with the skills and knowledge in order to continue the sporting legacy created by the 2012 Olympic Games.
PE and sport continued to have a high profile in our school and a wide range of activities delivered across the school engaged and inspired pupils. We fulfilled our commitment of ensuring that pupils received at least two hours per week of high quality PE. Over the year pupils participated in games, athletics, dance, OAA and swimming. A range of different activities/themed weeks where pupils participated in a wide range of activities and taster sessions were organised which also linked very closely to pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, social and physical development. During Year 6’s five day residential visit to Ghyll Head in the Lake District, pupils were given the opportunity to participate in many different new and challenging activities, including orienteering, canoeing, rock scrambling and caving. Year 4 visited Abraham Moss Leisure Centre each week throughout the year as part of the school’s goal to ensure all pupils had the opportunity to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. In the summer term the annual Healthy Schools Week encouraged participation of all pupils in organised competitive and non-competitive activities. We continued to have strong links with outside organisations to enrich the variety of activitiesprovided, this also offered staff valuable CPD. Coaches from Manchester City, Sale Sharks, Manchester United and The FA Skills Programme taught alongside school staff as part of PE lessons. Talented pupils were signposted to local clubs and encouraged to enter into competitive events to further develop their skills.
Beyond the School Day
The school provided a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for Y1 to Y6 pupils throughout the year,at no cost, delivered by sports coaches, teaching staff and the PE leader. Over the year other clubs were introduced, targeted at specific pupils or year groups, based upon outcome data. Pupils enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a number of sports, such as netball, tag rugby, football, multi-skills, cricket, rounders, athletics, ballet and cross country. These sporting activities took place after school as part of a club, at a level 2 competition or during lunchtimes. Through pupils taking part in these extra-curricular clubs the school was then able to enter a wide range of city-wide competitions over the year which increased participation levels in competitive sport.
Autumn Term 2016 Update
- PE & Sports Premium Action Plan in place and on the school website
- Year 6 took participated in a range of OAA activities during their 5 day residential at Ghyll Head
- After achieving the Sainsbury’s School Games BronzeKitemark Award for the three previous consecutive years, the school successfully achieved the Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Kitemark Award for the first time
- Each year group had a PE folderwhich included long term plans, individual lesson plans, evidence and assessments
- Tracking system in place for pupils swimming in Year 4
- Whole school assembly on ‘Healthy Lifestyles’
- Pupils in Year 6 took part in the North Manchester Cross-country competition, four pupils qualified for the city-wide finals
- The school’s two NQTs commenced their PE training as part of their induction
- The school participated in ‘Show Racism the Red Card Day’
- Cooking Club commenced targeting those pupils who would benefit from learning new skills around healthy eating
- The PE leader started his Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism
- The PE leader attended the termly coordinators meeting, Staff team informed of any updates
Spring Term 2017 Update
- The new half termly PE assessments continued to show progress and highlighted any gaps
- PE lessons in Years 1, 3 and Y4 were delivered alongside experienced coaches from The FA Skills team
- PE lessons in Year 5 and Year 6 were delivered alongside experienced coaches from Manchester United
- Pupils in Years 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 participated in cycle proficiency training delivered by the Bike Right team
- A number of staff including the PE leader were observed delivering PE lessons as part of the schools appraisal process and the teaching of this subject was judged as at least good
- A gap analysis on pupil achievement was undertaken by the PE Leader and staff were informed, updating planning accordingly
- The school competed in three North Manchester Indoor Athletics Competitions and one Dodgeball competition
- The designated governor was updated on PE and Sport
- The PE leader attended the city-wide subject leader meeting
- Through the school’s partnership with Nike four lunchtime clubs continued to be provided (American Football, Basketball, Fusball and Football )
- Pupils in Year 3 participated in a local football competition organised by Manchester United
- The whole school took part in Sport Relief
- Year 5 visited the Etihad Stadium as part of a literacy project run alongside Manchester City
- During Diversity week all pupils were given the opportunity to play Goalball and look at disability within sport
Summer Term 2017 Update
- One member of staff attended training related to delivering high quality tennis
- Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 represented the school in the North Manchester Netball competition
- Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 represented the school in the North Manchester Cricket competition
- Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 represented the school in the North Manchester Rounders competition
- Year 6 visited the Emirates Cricket Ground open day, providing pupils with the opportunity to take part in a range of cricket related activities as well as watching a County Cricket match
- Year 5 visited the Northern Lawn Tennis Club and participated in a number of tennis activities
- School Sports Week was held, providing pupils with the opportunity to take part in a wide range of new sports and competitions
- Year 6 visited Old Trafford, providing pupils with the opportunity to experience a world class sporting venue and learn more about the history of a local football team
- Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 took part in the citywide athletics finals held at Sport City
2016/2017 – Extra Curricular Clubs Offered
Activity / Age Group / Average No PupilsFootball Training / Years 1, 2 & 3 / 20
Football Training / Years 4, 5 & 6 / 22
Ballet / Years 1 to 6 / 20
Ballet (Lunchtime) / Year 6 / 5
Change 4 Life / Year 2, 3 & 4 / 20
Balancability / EYFS & Year 1 / 8
Multi-skills / Year 1 & 2 / 20
End of Year Data
Actions for the next academic year:
- Ensure all “entering” pupils are given priority for the Change 4 Life Clubs as this can help to address lack of confidence and enthusiasm when participating
- Giving support staff the focus of gross motor-skills when supporting in lessons; ensure training is given if required
- Introduce a gross motor-skills lunchtime club
- Introduce new lunchtime clubs run by Nike providing pupils more opportunity to participate in sports activities during lunchtime
- Place a greater focus on the “entering” pupils within lessons ensuring they fully participate
- Target groups of less active pupils and the barriers to their participation through in and out of school hours sport provision
- Ensure all pupils regularly participate in festivals of sport and multi-skilled activities and compete against each other (Level 1) and other schools (Level 2)
- Ensure exceeding/gifted and talented pupils are challenged and put on a pathway to local clubs
- Implement a new PE action plan to address the needs of the school, pupils and staff