SIC ATC Visiting Team Athletic Training Coverage

As a licensed athletic trainer (LAT) in the state of Idaho, the athletic trainer works under the medical supervision of a licensed physician. This supervision whether direct or indirect, is formulated in the written service plan as directed by Idaho State Law, and kept on file at each high school with the services of a licensed athletic trainer.

This relationship allows the home licensed athletic trainer to perform initial care and management of injuries prior to the patient actually seeing a physician based on the service plan.

With that in mind, the following guidelines have been established for the management of injuries and care provided to visiting teams’ athletes.


  • The LAT will introduce themselves to the Head Coach and game officials.
  • The LAT will identify where they will be during the game, whether on court/field or elsewhere, such as an office or another game on campus.

In the event of a visiting team injury:

  • The LAT will stand close to the coach and wait to be asked to assist or will ask if assistance is needed.
  • If the LAT is asked to evaluate the injury, the LAT assumes responsibility for that athlete and situation.
  • If the LAT makes a recommendation for the athlete NOT return to play, he/she will notify the coach, and if possible, the athlete’s parent(s) of that decision and the reason why and what care should be administered whether in the training room or transporting to the ER.
  • If the coach and/or parent declines the no return to play recommendation, the LAT will again reiterate the reason why the athlete should not return to play.
  • If the coach and/or parent again declines the recommendation, he/she immediately takes responsibility for the care and treatment of the athlete.
  • If the athlete returns to play against the recommendation of the LAT, the LAT will not render any services such as taping to allow the athlete to play.
  • The LAT will notify the Home Athletic Director of the situation and will submit an injury report to the visiting team’s LAT and Athletic Director.
  • For any treatment administered by the Home LAT, an injury/treatment report will be sent via e-mail to that athlete’s LAT. Instructions for follow-up with their LAT will be given to the athlete and coach/parent.
  • If the athlete is transported to the ER by either ambulance or parent, the Home LAT will contact the Visiting LAT by phone and an injury/treatment report sent via e-mail.