Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sowerby Bridge
Love, Faith and Truth NEWSLETTER 2 Friday 9th February 2018
Dear Parents/Carers
We have had another great week in school and the children are all working hard and completing their end of half term assessments. Thank you for your continuing support.
If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically please let us know your email address by either completing and returning the slip or emailing our school office on .
Can I please ask that all parents remind their child/children that if they miss the school bus or do not see their parent waiting at the end of the school day they must come back into school and inform the school office or a member of staff. Under no circumstances should any parent, even if a friend of the family, offer the child a lift or to accompany them home unless school are informed and can confirm this arrangement with the child’s parent or carer.
Health and Well Being Conference
This week I was privileged to accompany four of our Year 5 children and staff – Harry Odd, Blake Henderson, Amber Holdsworth, Kieran Vickers, Lucy (Mrs Tull) and Miss Hoyle to the above conference which was held at the Shay Stadium. The conference aims to promote the initiatives Calderdale schools are undertaking to promote healthy lifestyles. Our children and staff did a ‘superb’ job of promoting Forest School and Harry proved himself to be quite a scholar when answering some challenging questions on how our brain works!
The children certainly proved themselves to be great ambassadors for Sacred Heart, enjoyed a ‘brilliant lunch’ and came away with a number of small gifts.
This week 107/176 children had a ‘dip in the box’ as a reward for achieving 100% attendance for the 4 weeks since the start of this half term. On average we are achieving just in line with national average at 96.5%. Well done to everyone, please keep this up!
Online Safety
We regularly include online safety teaching as part of our curriculum and Miss Hoyle led an assembly to remind children of the importance of staying safe but as we know, technology moves at a very fast pace. As parents/carers you want and need to be as up to date as you can be in order to safeguard your child from dangerous online situations. This link will be very useful in helping you do this – check it out:
It is for parents/carers and designed with lots of tips about how to safeguard your child online.
School Council News
Valentine’s Disco – Wednesday 14th Feb KS1 3:15 – 4:30pm, KS2 4:30 – 5:45pm£1:50per ticket(max £3:00 a family) including refreshments. All funds raised will be used by the School Council to improve and extend the range of break and lunchtime play equipment. Thank you for your continuing support.
Sporting Superstars SH – 12 St. J 4
This week our netball team supported by Mrs Watson, Miss Halloran and lots of parents travelled to St Joseph’s Halifax for a match. Our team were outstanding and came away with a well- earned win.
New School Website
Please have a look at our new school website. Feedback and suggestions will be much appreciated. Over the next few weeks Teachers and pupils will be working on developing their class pages.
Our PTFA are once again organising a ‘Mother’s Day Secret Shop’ on Friday 9th March. If you have any unwanted items, cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery etc please send them into school asap. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to buy a beautifully wrapped gift and card for £1:50.
Calderdale are inviting you to have your say.
In Calderdale, we have health workers to help children and young people and their families. Their job is to give advice, support and information.
Currently the local authorityare conducting a survey to determine:
- the services they provide are right for young people and families in Calderdale;
- families can get the support and advice they want, when they want it, in a way that suits them.
Please help them to do this by completing a survey by 16th February.
Diary dates NEXT WEEK
Monday 12th Feb /- Eammon Reilly Visiting Author
Tuesday 13th Feb /
- Bacon Butty (other options available) and a cuppa 8:30 -9:15am
- KS2 Breakfast Break-times every Tuesday 50p.
Wednesday 14th Feb /
- Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass in Church 9:45 am Please join us if you can
- Great Oaks - Year 6 at Ryburn Valley High School for ‘We will Rock You’ performance.
- Valentines Disco KS1 3:15 – 4:30pm
- KS2 4:30 – 5:45pm
Thursday 15th Feb /
- Elder Year 2 educational visit to Wainhouse Tower
- Great Oaks Year 6 A Victorian Experience at Armley Museum Leeds
Friday 16th Feb /
- School Nursing Team for the annual Health, Weight and Measure survey Year 6 & Reception Class
- School finishes for ½ term. School re-opens Monday 26th February
Have a great weekend! Mrs Sue McManamin
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