Appendix 1


Form of Denomination Request (“Request Form”)

Date: ______

This original form should be completed and returned to HKSCC Nominees Limited by hand together with 3½” Diskette / CD-ROM not later than 12:00noon on30 April 2010

Your Ref: A00114035 (BYHAND)

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (“HKSCC”) and

HKSCC Nominees Limited

25/F VicwoodPlaza

199 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Re: The Hong KongBuilding and Loan Agency Limited (the “Company”) (Stock Code:145)

-Open Offer on the Basis of One Offer Share for Every Four Shares Heldwith Option(Stock Code: 44097)to Subscribe for Convertible Bonds (“Open Offer”)

Pursuant to the Company's prospectus dated 15 April 2010, I/we authorize HKSCC to arrange with share registrar to issuethe captioned Optioncertificatesin accordance with the denomination details saved in the attached *3½” Diskette / CD-ROM for our entitlements.

Enclosed please find a sealed envelope with *3½” Diskette/ CD-ROM containing the denomination details of entitled Optionunder the captioned Open Offersubscribed for your processing. We understand that the Optionis non-eligible security in CCASS and will arrange to withdraw the Optioncertificates from CCASS Depository after distribution.

File Name
(ParticipantIDe.g.B01234_44097) / Total Number of Option Certificate(s)** / Total quantity of Option*** / Total face value of Option
(Total quantity of Option x HKD0.10)

In consideration of your acceding to my/our request of denominations of the Option under the Open Offer, I/we hereby agree and acknowledge that you and your group of companies shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any actions or non-actions based on or in reliance upon this Request Form or the arrangement set out herein and I/we, for ourselves and on behalf of each of the persons having an interest in the Company and the Option (if any), hereby waive and release absolutely any claims, actions or proceedings which I/we might have against you or your group of companies in relation thereto. I/we undertake to keep you and your group of companies fully indemnified against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses which may be brought against or suffered or incurred by you or your group of companies whether arising out of or in connection with your or your group of companies acceding to my/our request, or otherwise acting upon this Request Form.

Name of Participant: ______

Participant ID: ______

Contact Person: ______

Telephone No.: ______


Authorized Signatory (ies) of Participant

(with Company Chop)

Note: *Delete any inapplicable

**Only one Option certificate will be issued for each beneficial owner

***Total quantityshould be matched with the receivable quantity under Rights/Excess Rights Subscription section in Entitlement Statement

Activities under CCASS are subject to the General Rules of CCASS and Operational Procedures in effect