Dear Parents, Family, and Friends:
On Thursday, March 9 at 7 pm, Friday, March 10 at 7 pm, and Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 2 pm and 7 pm, Holicong Middle School will present Thoroughly Modern Millie,showcasing the on and off stage talent of approximately 200 students.
In addition to ticket sales, advertisements for our program book raise funds for the HMS theater program; props, scenery, and other needed items. The program will be given to all adults who attend the shows upon admission. With as many as 1,000 attendees at the performances—mostly from the immediate area, our program book provides an excellent and affordable advertising opportunity for local merchants and parents to voice their support for students. Your participation in soliciting advertisements from local businesses and/or taking out individual ads is a great asset. To purchase space in the program, complete the enclosed forms. Please note there is one for ads from local businesses and a separate one for parents and individuals. The forms are self-explanatory, and the various ad prices are listed.
If you do not wish to solicit ads from businesses or create personalized ads, we ask that you please instead consider making a donation to the Holicong Middle School musical program. We ask that each student participating inThoroughly Modern Millie,raise a minimum of $25 to help support the show’s expenditures. If you make such a donation, your family will be listed in the patron section of the program. Please complete the parent/individual order form and check the appropriate box for making a donation.
All completed forms with payments are to be returned to Mrs. Rickert by no later than Tuesday, February 21, 2017. If you need additional forms, please make extra copies from those provided or see Mrs. Rickert, Mr. Glaser, orMs. Ambrosini..
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Rickert at . Thank you for your support of the 2017 Holicong Middle School musical.
Mrs. Rickert, Mr. Glaser, & Ms. Ambrosini
2017 Holicong Middle School Musical
Thoroughly Modern Millie Program Book Fundraiser
Your advertisement can include text, pictures, and/or art, but please make sure that it is “camera ready” so that it can inserted into the program booklet. Please attach a hard copy of your advertisement to this order form, or submit your ad in digital formvia email.
Name of Business ______
Contact Person______
City, Zip______
Phone Number______
Black & White Ad Options: (Check off the appropriate size ad you wish to purchase)
Full Page ...... $ 70.00 (Maximum Size 7.50” x 6.25”)
½ page ...... $ 40.00 (Maximum Size 3.50” x 6.00”)
¼ page...... $ 25.00 (Maximum Size 3.50” x 3.00”)
Business Card...... $ 10.00 (Maximum Size 2.00” x 3.25”)
Submitting Advertisement Options: (Advertisements should be “camera ready.”)
Our ad is being submitted:
- as a hard copy (attached - ready to scan)
- via email to
- **emailing your document as a .jpg or another type of photo file is the friendliest option.
Check is enclosed for the following amount: $ ______Check Number: ____
Please make checks payable to: Holicong Middle School
Please mail or drop off this order form, your advertisement, and a check for total advertisement amount in a sealed envelope by Tuesday, February 21, 2017 to:
Holicong Middle School
2900 Holicong Road
Doylestown, PA 18902
Attn: Mrs. Rickert, Thoroughly Modern MilleAdvertising
2008 Holicong Middle School Musical
2017 Holicong Middle School Musical
Thoroughly Modern MillieProgram Book Fundraiser
Your advertisement can include text, pictures, and/or art, but please make sure that it is “camera ready” so that it can be scanned and inserted into the program booklet. Please attach a hard copy of your advertisement to this order form, or submit your ad via email to . Please complete the form below and check off the appropriate boxes/circle that apply.
Purchaser’s Name ______
Phone Number______
Black & White Ad Options:(Check off the appropriate size ad you wish to purchase)
Full Page ...... $ 70.00 (Maximum Size 7.50” x 6.25”)
½ page ...... $ 40.00 (Maximum Size 3.50” x 6.00”)
¼ page...... $ 25.00 (Maximum Size 3.50” x 3.00”)
Submitting Advertisement Options: (Advertisements should be “camera ready.”)
Our ad is being submitted:
- as a hard copy (attached - ready to scan)
- via email to
- **emailing your document as a .jpg or another type of photo file is the friendliest option.
I do not wish to place an ad, but will make a flat donation of $______to the Theatre program to support the musical and have my name placed in the patron section of the program. Please list my
name in the program patron section as ______
Check is enclosed for the following amount: $ ______Check Number: ____
Please make checks payable to: Holicong Middle School
Please mail or drop off this order form, your advertisement, and a check for total advertisement/donation amount in a sealed envelope by Tuesday, February 21, 2017to:
Holicong Middle School
2900 Holicong Road
Doylestown, PA 18902
Attn: Mrs. Rickert, Thoroughly Modern MillieAdvertising