November 7, 2003
Call to Order: 10:15 AM
Present: Bob Swanson, Lisa Hellman, Raymer Sale, Jr., CLU, Jeff Fishback, CHC, David Johnson, LUTCF, Robert A. Guenther, Jr., CLU, ChFC,Art George, Barrie Ruland, Susan Cook, Marc Montaturo, Shan Ricketts, Anthony Campbell,Deborah Phillips, LUTCF, Kirk Rouse, Sam Macfie, Keith Mangrum, Michael A. Wardrip, LUTCF and Rhonda Grantham of AESI.
Absent: Michael Carmean, Lance Ledbetter, Trey Tompkins, JD,Lacita Husband-Perez, David Knight, Rick Bailey, CFP, RHU, REBC, Chet Thwaites,Terri Godfrey Doyle, Russell Head, and Patty Murphy, RHU.
President’s Remarks: The change in Board meeting time and elimination of lunch had provided the opportunity to continue conference call in at the meetings.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed in advance. Motion to approve the October minutes with a revision in the Ethics report to read: President-Elect Lisa Hellman advised of an AAHU survey on agent of record letters and commended Jeff Fishback for his email to the insurance department regarding their opinion on a uniform letter that would allow clients to know what they are releasing their prior agent. Minutes approved as revised; and change in local public service projects to take place the Saturday before Thanksgiving in the Regional Report.
Finance Committee / Treasurer’s Report: Current financial statements were distributed in advance. Lisa Hellman reviewed the Budget Report for period ending 11/4/03 reflecting Income of $89,984.64, Expenses of $78,984.40 and Funds Available of $7,825.27. She advised finances were tight during this time of year before fundraising activities begin. Financial Report approved as presented.
Deposit check to be sent to the Westin Savannah Harbor for the 2004 Convention.
Funds to be deposited to open a new checking account at Charter Bank.
Regional Report: An email requesting 100% Board participation at the state and local levels for member recruitment was received and further reports deferred to the Membership Committee.
Local Chapters were encouraged to plan a community service activity on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
Old Business: The Convention Policies and Procedures were distributed for review with a request from the Convention Committee to revisit room nights for their members attending all meetings of the committee and the entire convention. Motion made to adopt the Convention Policies and Procedures with addendum to add a full room night for each committee member given they meet the attendance criteria for a limit of 5 members. Motion seconded. Following discussion, motion did not carry. Motion to adopt Convention Policies and Procedures as presented made and seconded. Following discussion, motion did not carry. Discussion followed with regards to current committee members being recruited with the understanding of full rooms being covered and the opportunity to change the Convention P & P’s in the future. Motion made to adopt the Convention Policies and Procedures with addendum this year to add a full room night for each committee member given they meet the attendance criteria for a limit of 5 members. Motion seconded and passed with all in favor.
Chapter Reports:
Atlanta – President-Elect Lisa Hellman advised AAHU planned to utilize a December meeting of their Board as a public service fundraiser.
South Atlanta – Shan Ricketts reported 24 members showing on YODA with 9 not yet reflected. The SAAHU meeting on 11/20 would feature Eric Frazier. The chapter was working on a public service project and had a goal of reaching 33 members by 12/31.
Art George to follow up on list of 9 members for South Atlanta AHU that were not reflected for the chapter.
Chattahoochee – Anthony Campbell reported Russ Childers was coming to the CAHU 11/13 meeting on the HRP. The Valley Rescue Mission was scheduled to come to the meeting to collect donations of cash and canned goods and the chapter also planned to make a contribution. A second holiday public service project to support families in dire need was planned the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
Coastal Empire – Terri Doyle had provided a written report for CEAHU reflecting they had 62 members and planned to participate in a serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless on the Saturday before Thanksgiving in conjunction with the Old Savannah City Mission. The chapter was also donating an additional $100 to pay for the meals.
Middle Georgia – Sam Macfie reported Trey Tompkins spoke at the last MGAHU meeting. David Burke was slated for the November meeting on DI / Group Life and Russ Childers on HRP in December. He advised the new president elect for MGAHU is Kevin Brown.
Northeast – No report.
Northwest- No report.
CSRA – No report.
South – Kirk Rouse reported the last SGAHU meeting was on 10/29 with Russ Childers’ legislative update. The next meeting on 12/10 was to be sponsored and presented by Benicorp and Jefferson Pilot. They planned to ring the bell for the Salvation Army in December and Dennis Mayer was cooking turkeys for Hospice. Deborah Phillips reported having 2 new member applications.
Programs: Bob Guenther reported the current list of available speakers had been distributed to the local chapters.
Ethics: No report.
Convention: Keith Mangrum reported the 7/22-24/04 Convention would be held at the Westin Savannah Harbor. The event was planned in a 2-½ day format with 7 to 8 hours of CE credit. The Convention Committee was scheduled to meet after the Board meeting to finalize sponsor information. Raymer Sale suggested an email save-the-date promo. Keith planned to work on this and get information to David Johnson for the website.
Convention Committee to meet and finalize sponsor information.
Membership: Art George distributed and reviewed membership reports reflecting standings of the 100% Board and Recruiter of the Year contests. In the GAIN report, Atlanta was now in 4th place for large chapters; Coastal Empire was also in 4th place for small chapters, followed with Northwest in 5th, South Atlanta in 7th and Chattahoochee in 49th. All were requested to encourage monthly bank draft participation for renewals and the Chapter Bank draft contest.
PAC: President-Elect Lisa Hellman reported the PAC Treasurer advised of $14,308 in the PAC account. Efforts were still underway to finalize a pledge from the Palmer Agency for $1,000, and another $2,000 in contributions could be used.
All were encouraged to make their GAHU PAC pledges.
Government Affairs: Jeff Fishback distributed and reviewed a monthly Legislative Report detailing representation for GAHU at the Chamber of Commerce Congressional Chief of Staff Luncheon in Washington, D.C., the Georgia Public Policy Foundation Luncheon and the National Association of State Comprehensive Health Plans Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. as well. Additional meetings and activities of the Committee on Government Affairs were overviewed. Efforts were underway to rebrief Newt Gingrich and speak further with the Business Advocate of the Federal Small Business Administration on HRP’s. The focus on the HRP issue and dissemination of issue papers was encouraged for all to begin actively supporting. Michael Wardrip advocated involving our clients and advised members of the COGA were available to speak to other organizations such as Rotary or Local Chambers. The Day on the Hill event was scheduled for 2/5/04 in the Empire Room at the Floyd Building. All were encouraged to participate in this important legislative event, which represents us to our legislators. The 11/21 Legislative Planning Meeting had been promoted statewide.
Legislative Planning Meeting to be held on 11/21/03 at Maggiano’s Little Italy from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Any assistance available in communicating our support of the High Risk Pool was encouraged.
Jeff Fishback advised a contract needed to be signed and deposit paid for the 2/5/04 Day on the Hill.
Fundraising: Art George reported he and Heather Roberts were co-chairing the Golf Tournament with Trey Tompkins and Robby Kerr on the committee. Bear’s Best in Suwannee was the course under consideration for 4/22/04. The net anticipated was $4,000 with players fees set at $165. Plans included looking at sponsors outside of the industry. Raymer Sale encouraged making hole sponsorship available to agents and agencies as well.
Awards: David Johnson reported the Legislative Award application was due in January with all others due in March. He advised NAHU is in the process of developing a resource like NAHUNET for all local and state Awards Chairs.
David Johnson to contact all locals regarding their DSA nominations.
Recommendations for GAHU DSA nominations were to be sent to David Johnson.
Technology: No report.
Communications: Deborah Phillips reported three press releases were distributed to the newspapers in Georgia as listed on the NAHU website. The releases on Comprehensive Medicare Reform, Health Insurance Buying Trends and the Number of Uninsured Americans Continuing to Rise are posted on the GAHU website.
Education: No report.
New Business: Copies were distributed of the addendum to the Marriott Bay Point contract moving the Convention to 2005.
GAHU Holiday Party scheduled for 12/13/03 at Lisa Hellman's home.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Grantham, CAE
Executive Director