Request For Proposal – Short Form
Development of City-Owned Property with Parcel Identification Numbers42-20-12-280-001, 42-20-12-280-002, 42-20-12-280-003, 42-20-12-280-005, and 42-20-12-280-006
(The northern portion of the block bounded by North Street on the north, Hickory Street on the west, and Walnut Street on the east)
Responses due byJune 14June 21, 2012 at 5 p.m. CDT
Statement of City Goals for the area: The City of Champaign 2011 Comprehensive Plan “Champaign Tomorrow” states the goal of establishing Urban Neighborhoods around the proximity of Downtown. Specifically the Plan states “Urban neighborhoods are located in close proximity to downtown. They are primarily residential areas that are ideal for residents who wishto live within walking distance to employment or entertainment usesdowntown. These neighborhoods mix existing homes with infill housingand include a range of densities that provide for a diverse range of housingtypes. Urban residences typically have smaller yards or shared open spaceareas. Buildings are scaled and sited with an emphasis on pedestrians tocreate a streetscape suited to regular walking and bicycling trips. Theseneighborhoods use a connected, pedestrian oriented street design thatsupports transit service.”
- Please describe how your proposal promotes the goals stated above:
- Describe your project proposal, including proposed land use, type of construction, and character of development (attach any appropriate site plans, building elevations or artist renderings of your project):
- List the Development Team and their contact information below:
- Development Costs:
- Applicant’s proposed purchase price
for property$______
- Projected Construction Costs$______
- Soft Costs:
Architectural/Engineering Fees$______
Legal Fees$______
Other Fees(describe below)$______
- Total Development Costs$______
- Project Financing – Describe how your project will be financed and provide a financing commitment from your bank or other sources.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated by applying the three weighted criteria below to the responses provided.
- The degree to which the proposal promotes the City Goals for the Area and is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and other existing plans (60% of total score)
- Project proposal demonstrates design compatible with the surrounding area and in compliance with City codes and ordinances (30% of total score)
- Purchase Price or justification for an alternative proposal if a purchase price is not included (10% of total score)