PI Name: Sergey NizkorodovDate Modified: October 2, 2018

Name of Work Unit: Aerosol Photochemistry Group

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for

Operating Continuum Powerlite Nd: YAG Laser

#1 / Scope of Work/Activity: Describe the experiment purpose/scope.
-Identify all apparatus that will be used, and associated requirements.
- List special equipment (X-ray generators, lasers, furnaces, etc.) that will be used for the project.
-Identify measurement and test equipment, apparatus operating conditions,
Include process flow diagrams, pressures, and required maintenance procedures as appropriate.
The system consists of:
  • Laser
  • Power supply for the laser
  • Control pad
Test equipment needed:
  • Laser power meter to occasionally check the laser power
Control pad looks like this. The most important buttons you need to know about in emergencies are “shutter” and “stop”. Pressing one of them will stop the laser from producing laser radiation.

The most important element of the power supply is the on/off key that cuts the power to the system. Rotate it to the off position if you need to stop the laser in emergency.
#2 / Specific Safety and Environmental Hazards: State the specific hazard and consequences if procedure not followed to person, environment, or property.
Exposure to direct or stray laser radiation can lead to significant eye damage, up to a permanent loss of vision.
#3 / Describe in detail how the hazards will be controlled.
a. Identify the Engineering Controls (e.g. interlocks, shielding), Standard Operating Procedures, or Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. respirators, gloves;) that will be employed to reduce hazards to acceptable levels.
Active engineering controls include:
  • Two power switches on the laser power supply. These switches turn the laser off.
  • Manual shutter that blocks the laser beam exit. This shutter stops the radiation from coming out of the laser but the laser continues to function on the inside.
  • Electronic shutter that blocks the laser cavity. This shutter blocks the oscillator cavity. No radiation comes out but the flashlamps continue to operate.
  • Temperature interlock. It turns the system off if the cooling water temperature is too high.
  • Laser lid interlock. It turns the system off if the operator removes the laser cover.
Passive engineering controls include:
  • The laser beam enters another laser and never comes out. This minimizes the possibility of an exposure.
  • The laser table is surrounded by plastic shielding, which is not transparent to laser radiation.
b. Address emergency shutdown procedures.
Two types of emergencies are possible: laser accident or laser malfunction. In the event of an accident, immediately close both laser shutters (electronic and manual) and offer help to the victim.
This laser can malfunction in several ways. IF
  • The sound coming from the laser is abnormal (loud snapping sound, irregular electronic discharges, etc.)
  • You see water dripping from the laser
  • The laser beam started a fire.
Do the following:
  • Press Stop on the control pad
  • If the control pad is not accessible or the problems persists after pressing “Stop” power down the system using the power switches.
  • To be on a safe side, unplug the power cord.

#4 / Designated Area: Indicate the designated area for performing this process in the laboratory.
Laser table A in RH385 is the only area where this system can be operated.
#5 / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): State the personal protective equipment selected and required. Examples: safety spectacles, work gloves, respiratory protection, steel toe shoes.
Personal protective equipment includes:
  • Laser goggles must be worn by all people in the vicinity of an operating laser.
  • No jewelry(must be removed from people who adjust the laser optics).

#6 / Important Steps to Follow: List the specific sequence staff should follow to avoid hazard.
Refer to the instrument manual for the start up and power down procedures. A short version of these procedures is provided at the end of this document.
#7 / Emergency First Aid Procedures:
  1. Describe immediate medical treatment required in case of personnel exposure.
-Complete online incident report form at
If someone gets hit in the eye with a direct or scattered laser beam:
  • If there eye is bleeding or/and vision is impared send the person to the emergency room asap.
  • If there is no obvious damage set up an urgent appointment with an eye doctor.

#8 / Training & Competency Requirements: Describe necessary training and demonstration of competency for performing the hazardous operation.
Everyone operating the laser must:
  • Pass the UCI laser safety course
  • Read the laser manual
  • Read this SOP

#9 / Identify waste stream and disposition of unused stock of chemicals
List concentrations and amounts of hazardous wastes or emissions and control measures.
Additional guidelines regarding hazardous waste at :
N/A. No waste is produced by this laser.
#10 / Decontamination and spill clean-up procedures

As the Principal Investigator, it is your responsibility to ensure that all individuals listed in this protocol is taught correct procedures for the safe handling of hazardous materials involved in this study. It is also your responsibility to assure that your personnel attend Lab Core Safety Training and other applicable safety training courses.

Both PI and all persons associated with the protocol must sign the following acknowledgement:

I have read, asked questions, and understand the hazards of and safe working procedures for the activity/materials described herein.

PI Signature:DATE

Other Personnel:

Name/ SignatureDATE



Summary ofOperating Procedures for Continuum Powerlite Nd:YAG-Laser

Last updated on October 2, 2018

PPE required

  • Laser goggles

Start-up procedure:

  1. Ensure Cooling Water is ON – You should feel the water flow from connection lines in the back of the lab, over gas-cylinder rack
  2. Turn on Main Breaker. The CG604C pump will also turn on.
  3. Turn on AC power switch located on front panel, PU620C
  4. Turn key to the ON position (counter-clockwise). Wait a few seconds (~15) for the laser to finish diagnostics, MANUAL MODE is displayed on the remote box RB601
  5. Press the AUTO/MANUAL button on the RB601 and press START key.
  6. The laser heads should be flashing and the system will cycle to program (PGM#1)
  7. Turn the SEEDER switch to ON position (side of laser)
  8. Allow the system to run for 30 minutes (without Q-switching) – Check temperature gauge on PU620C, it should stabilize after ~ 10 minutes, if it continues to increase, Cooling water from water circulator is not on and laser should be shut off until water flow is returned.
  9. Select program (PGM#6), by pressing the program up button on the RB601.
  10. Press ACTIVATE key, to engage PGM#6
  11. Press the Shutter and Q-SWITCHbutton on the RB601. The four LED should be on. You should hear a “click” sound as the shutter opens.
  12. Open the desired wavelength port. Laser radiation is now leaving the laser.

Shut-Down procedure:

  1. Press the Stop button on the RB601. The LED should go off and the LED on the Shutter button should also go off. The flashlamps should stop flashing.
  2. Close all wavelength ports.
  3. Turn keyclockwiseon front panel of CU601C to the OFFposition.
  4. Switch OFF AC power. Located on the front panel of PU602C.
  5. Switch off the MAIN BREAKER.
  6. IMPORTANT. Turn the SEEDER switch to STANDBY.