Data Exploration Project

Lauren Kemmeter


This dataset was collected as part of a clinical trial by Dr. Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at UCLA, to evaluate behavioral interventions for families with an HIV-positive parent. Our sample is 252 adolescent children of parents with HIV. The two variables I will examine are gender and the number of cigarettes smoked in the last 3 months among adolescents who have tried smoking cigarettes before. In this dataset there are 252 adolescents, but we will only look at the 132 who have smoked.

smokers <- filter(parHIV, AGESMOKE > 1)

Univariate Descriptions


## Female Male
## 70 62

ggplot(smokers, aes(x=GENDER)) + geom_bar()

From this table we see that among our 132 survey respondents who claimed they have tried smoking cigarettes, 70 are female and 62 are male.


## 1 2 3 4 8
## 29 29 15 10 49

ggplot(smokers, aes(x=SMOKEP3M)) + geom_bar()

From this table we see that, in the 3 months before being surveyed, 29 people have smoked fewer than one cigarette a day. 29 people have smoked 1-5 cigarettes a day. 15 people have smoked 6-15 cigarettes a day (about a pack). 10 people have smoked 26-35 cigarettes a day. 49 people not have smoked.

Bivariate Descriptions

table(smokers$SMOKEP3M, smokers$GENDER)

## Female Male
## 1 14 15
## 2 17 12
## 3 8 7
## 4 3 7
## 8 28 21

prop.table(table(smokers$SMOKEP3M, smokers$GENDER),margin=2)

## Female Male
## 1 0.20000000 0.24193548
## 2 0.24285714 0.19354839
## 3 0.11428571 0.11290323
## 4 0.04285714 0.11290323
## 8 0.40000000 0.33870968

ggplot(smokers, aes(x=SMOKEP3M, fill=GENDER)) + geom_bar(position="dodge")

These summary statistics tell us that among our 132 respondents who admitted to smoking cigarettes, no one smoked more than a pack a day in the last three months. More males (24%) have smoked less than one cigarettes per day than females (20%). More females (24%) smoked 1-5 cigarettes a day than males (19%). Among those who smoke about a half pack a day (6-15 cigarettes), the distribution is pretty equal between males (11.4%) and females (11.2%).


There were more female adolescent smokers than males in this dataset, but the data shows that males were among the heavier smokers. We can also see that a higher proportion of female smokers(40%) have not smoked in the last three months compared to males (34%)