November 2009


  1. Present University Department: Philosophy
  2. 980 Faner Drive, Room 3026, Mail Code 4505, Carbondale IL 62901

(618) 453-7452,


B.A., University of Colorado, English, 1971

M.A., University of Colorado, Philosophy, 1974

Ph.D., University of Toronto, Philosophy, 1980


Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, SIUC, 19801987

Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, SIUC, 1987Present


A.Research Interests and Specialties: Idealism, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism, History of Philosophy, Ethics, Western Mystical Tradition.

B. Current Research Projects: Book: Nietzsche’s Agony.

C.Research Grants Applied for: John William Miller Fellowship, 1986-87.John William Miller Fellowship, 1986-87

D.Research Grants Received: John William Miller Fellowship, 1986-87, $10,000 stipend.

E.Research Honors and Awards:



A. Books:

Descrying the Ideal: The Philosophy of John William Miller. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1993.

A Fool’s Phenomenology: Archetypes of Spiritual Evolution. Lanham, Maryland: Hamilton Books, Rowan Littlefield Publishing, 2005.

B. Articles in Professional Journals:

"The Phenomenology of Forgetting," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XLIV, No. 1, (Fall l983), pp. 4560.

"Dialectic and Foundational Participation," Man and World, Vol. 17, (l984), pp. 5378.

"Heidegger and the Deconstruction of Foundations," International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, (December l984), pp. 347372.

"Mysticism and Gnosticism in Heidegger," Philosophy Today, Vol. 28, (Winter l984), pp. 358371.

"The Ethical Idealism of John William Miller," Bucknell Review, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, (1990), pp. 96110.

"Nietzsche's Passion: The Distraught Spirit and Archetypal Phenomenology," International Philosophical Quarterly, 35, No. 1, Issue No. 137 (March 1995): 5-24.

"The Concept of Act," Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. X, No. 3, 1996, pp. 161-171.

“The Problem of Evil in the Royce-Howison Debate,”The Personalist Forum, Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall 1997, pp. 107-121.

“Nietzsche at the Millennium,”Continental Philosophy Review, Vol. 32, 1999, pp. 49-62.

“Royce and the Destiny of Idealism,”The Personalist Forum, Vol. 15, No.1, 2001, pp. 45-58.

“The Sacred and the Secular and the Problem of the Advaita Vedanta,”Sophia, forthcoming.

C. Creative Contributions:

Dis-Honorable Mention, Bulwer-Lytton Execrable Prose Contest, 1983.

D. Chapters in Professional Books:

"Ricoeur and the Problem of Evil," The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, Vol., XXII, The Library of Living Philosophers, Lewis Hahn, Editor, Chicago: Open Courts Publishing Co., 1995, Chapter 19, pp. 451-471.

"Existence," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 146-150.

"Spirit," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 443-446.

"Will," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 491-493.

"Situation," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 433-435.

"Power," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 374-376.

"Ideology," Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon, (Greenwood Press), 1999, pp. 197-199.

E. Book Reviews:

Review article of John W. Miller. The Philosophy of History with Reflections and Aphorisms, Philosophy and History, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, pp. 132140.

Review of Richard Lanigan, Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric, Phenomenology and Pedagogy, vol. 3, no. 1 (1985).

Review of John Llewelyn, Beyond Metaphysics?, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 5 pages, 1989.


A. Teaching Interests and Specialties:

Idealism, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism, History of Philosophy, Ethics.

B. Teaching and Training Grants:

C. Teaching Awards and Honors:

Nominated Outstanding Teacher of the Year, College of Liberal Arts, 1983

D. Current Graduate Faculty Status: I

E. Number of Master's and Ph.D. Committees on which you have served: 110

Masters: 53Doctoral: 57

F. Names of Students who have completed Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations under your Direction:


Teresa MasearJerome Carpenter

Bruce D. SmithKen Buckman

Eric SniderSegweon An

Philip ThompsonDonald Maier

Thomas PriceGregory Holden

Gregory Holden Craig Hulfachor

Karen MorrisDavid Roberts

Kris Harrigan Adam Dike

David Roberts Christopher Nelson

Jared JuliusCorey McCall

Merlin KongJames Thompson

James ThompsonRussell Couch

Matt Sanderson

Adam Dike

David Falgout

Yue Zhang

Brent Barnett

Jeffrey Linz

Anthony Cashio

Jason Hills


A.Department Committees:

Graduate Committee, 19802006 (except 2003).

Preliminary Examination Committees on Metaphysics, 1980-2005, and Special Areas in Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Descartes, Kant, Gadamer, Nietzsche, Hegel, Marx, Habermas, Husserl, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Levinas, Ricoeur, Kierkegaard, Aquinas, Merleau-Ponty, 19802002.

Comprehensive Examination Committees on History of Philosophy, 19801985, 1997-98, 2000-2005.

Undergraduate Committee, 19821983

Search Committees, 19811982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005.

Acting Director of Graduate Studies, SpringSummer 1982

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Philosophy, SIUC, 19861988, 19901992, 1993-1994

B. College and University Committees and Councils:

College of Liberal Arts Council, 19821983

MerleauPonty Circle Planning Community for September, 1985 Meeting


A. Membership in Professional Associations:

American Philosophical Association

Heidegger Circle

International Phenomenological Society

Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

Society of Concerned Philosophers

MerleauPonty Circle

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

B. Offices Held and Honors Awarded in Professional Associations:

C. Consultantships:

D. Evaluations of Manuscripts for Journals and Book Publishers and of Grant Proposals for Agencies:

“The Ethics of John William Miller,”Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1995.

“John William Miller and the Feminine,”Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1996.

“Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature,”Dialogue, 1999.

“Walter Benjamin: An Unacknowledged Predecessor of Martin Heidegger,” Dialogue, 2000.

Collected Essays on Hocking, for Vanderbilt University Press, 1999.

The Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom (by Vincent Colapietro), Vanderbilt University Press, 2000.

“Violence and Secularization, Evil and Redemption,”Continental Philosophical Review, 2003.

The Active Life: Miller’s Metaphysics of Democracy (by Michael McGandy), SUNY Press, 2003.

“Can a Hermeneutics of Experience Yield an Experiential Hermeneutics?–Adorno and Heidegger reading Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2004

“The Applicability of Nietzschean Ethics,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2005

“A Personal Appropriation of Kierkegaard,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2006

“Values as Constitutive of the Will to Power,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2007

“Interpreting Feeling,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2008

“The Development of Deistic Ideas in Late Eighteenth Century Thought,”Journal of Religious History, 2009

“The Aesthetic Experience Likened to the Experience of Grief,”Continental Philosophy Review, 2009

E. Papers and Presentations at Professional Meetings:

"Heidegger and the Problem of the Holocaust," Philosophy Colloquium Series, March, 1980

"On the Question of Foundations in Philosophy," Philosophy Colloquium Series, February, 1983

Plenary Session, MerleauPonty Circle Conference, Carbondale, Illinois, September, 1985.

"A Reply to Hinman's 'Hermeneutics and Morality'," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Chicago, Illinois, October, 1985.

"Reply to Colapietro," "Reason, Conflict and Violence: John William Miller," Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, March, 1988.

"Nietzsche as Phenomenologist," Philosophy Colloquium Series, April, 1992.

"Distress of Hermeneutics," Philosophical Collaborations, April, 1994.

"The Concept of Act," American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Kansas City, May, 1994.

"Heidegger and the Nominative Function," American Semiotic Society, October, 1994.

"The Concept of Intention in Husserl and Heidegger," Philosophical Collaborations, SIUC, April, 1995.

“Dewey Larson and the Way of One,”Society for Unified Science, Louisville, KY, August, 1997.

“Authenticity, Agency and Heidegger’s ‘Who’,”Central States Philosophical Association, St. Louis, MO, October, 1997.

“The Problem of Evil in the Royce-Howison Debate,”Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Milwaukee, March, 1998.

“The Death of Heidegger,”Philosophical Collaborations, Carbondale, IL, April, 1998.

“To Domesticate an Anchorite,”Philosophical Collaborations, Carbondale, IL, April, 1998.

“Affectivity and the Development of Spirit,”Philosophy Colloquium Series, Carbondale, IL, April, 1998.

“Royce and the Destiny of Idealism,”Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Eugene, OR, February, 1998.

“Kierkegaard and the Problem of a Phenomenology of Spirit,”Philosophical Collaborations, March, 2001.

“Mauss on the Gift,”Philosophical Collaborations, March, 2003.

“The Religious Dimension of Bergson,”Philosophical Collaborations, March, 2004.

“Heidegger on Curiosity,”Philosophical Collaborations, March, 2005.

“Archetypes and Spiritual Evolution,”Woody Glen Conference, Indiana, August 2005

“Nature, Spirit, and Desire,”Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Charleston, South Carolina, February, 2006

“The Travail of the Tragic,”Philosophical Collaborations, March 2008

“Desire and the Problem of Psychic Energy,”Asilomar Conference on Comparative Philosophy, Monterey, California, June 2008

“Schelling and the Temporality of Personhood,”Western Carolina University, July 2008

Seminar Leader on Schelling and Personalism, week-long Personalist Conference, North Carolina, July 2008

“Paul Deussen and the Esoteric and Exoteric dimensions of the Indian and European Traditions,”Asilomar Conference on Comparative Philosophy, June, 2009


Courses taught at Menard Correctional Center: Ethics, Fall 1982, Existentialism, Spring 1983.