In the Heart of the Sea Chapters 1 – 5 Study Questions


  1. Who is the 14 year old main narrative “voice” of the story?
  2. The Essex is a whaling ship out of which island port?
  3. Who is the Essex’s former captain and what is the name of the new ship he commands?
  4. How long (in feet) is the Essex?
  5. Two omens occur before the Essex sets sail--what are they?
  6. How is the mysterious sea monster described in the New Bedford Mercury?
  7. The Essex was considered an older vessel. How long had it been in service?
  8. Who were the Essex’s principal owners?
  9. Of what religious belief were most of Nantucket’s whalemen?
  10. On what day was the Essex sitting, fully loaded with cargo and crew, ready to sail?
  11. What ship left port the same day as the Essex?


12. What is the gist of the letter Captain Pollard receives from the owners of the Essex?

13. How tall was first mate Owen Chase?

14. What was Thomas Nickerson’s position/job aboard the Essex?

15. In what part of the ship is the forecastle?

16. Which crew members slept in the forecastle?

17. What was the “cure” for seasickness aboard whaling ships in the early 1800s?

18. What problem does the Essex encounter after they see the ship Midas?

19. About how far over (by degrees) is a ship tipped when it is “heeled” at sea?

20. What would the green hands say when they passed a homeward-bound vessel?


21. Where does the Essex first stop for provisions?

22. What is the Essex in desperate need of because of the squall damage?

23. Between which two cities does the crew of the Essex sight their first whale of the voyage?

24. How fast were the unsuspecting whales moving when the whalers approach them?

25. What happens to Chase’s boat?

26. If a whale proves too excited, what does the mate do?

27. Describe the “trying out” process of a sperm whale.

28. Why do many of the younger crew members buy the overpriced clothing from the ship’s slop chest?


29. What is screaming like a man overboard?

30. Because of what they see, the men know they are near ______?

31. After several luckless months off the Chilean coast, how many barrels of oil do Pollard and his crew boil down?

32. What is the most interesting item the Essex receives from the crew of the Aurora?

33. What is the name given to the area discovered by Captain Gardner of the Globe?

34. Who deserts and jumps ship at Atacames?

35. Why did he most likely desert?


36. By November 16, 1820, where was the Essex?

37. How far west of the Galapagos is the Essex by November 20th?

38. Who is at the helm of the Essex when the large whale is spotted?

39. Why doesn’t Chase spear or harpoon the whale when he has the chance?

40. What was the name of the whaleship which had accidentally plowed into a sperm whale in 1807 and sank?

41. What did the enormous whale knock off the bottom of the Essex when it attacked?

42. Why is a sperm whale uniquely equipped to withstand a head-on collision?

43. Where does the whale strike the ship, which causes it to sink?

44. How many men were crowded into Chase’s boat when Pollard and Joy approached the wreckage?

45. What is Chase’s reply when Captain Pollard asks, “My God, Mr. Chase, what is the matter?”