Undergraduate Curriculum Forum


Adanti Student Center, Room 301


April 5, 2007


J. Fields Chair, N. Chrissidis, G. Cochenet, C. Coron, M. Fede, D. Flynn, M. Geelan, M. Gerali, R. Glinka, J. Goralski, S. Grubacic, M. Heidmann, R. Hunter, M. Kiarie, G. Kowalczyk, T. Lin, N. Marano, J. Mielczarski, R. Mugno, M. Narumanchi, J. Oppedisano, D. Pettigrew, H. Podnar, J. Rebeschi K. Rondinone, R. Vadens-Carr, M. Vancour, C. Weed, and D. Weiss.

I.  Call to order 9:35 a.m.

II.  Announcements

·  C. Weed announced that P. Oley walked out of Hospice. She is recovering at home and would love audiobooks.

·  D. Pettigrew announced the faculty-wide research conference.

·  N. Henderson announced the Gerald Graf presentation April 25th at 7:30pm.

·  J. Fields announced that both UCF secretaries turned down the position so they will keep looking.

·  T. Lin – announced that Women’s Studies has many speakers and a grad student conference.

·  C. Coron announced that the Assessment Conference will be held at WestConn.

·  There is an all day assessment workshop on April 26. Speakers will be presenting in the morning and be available for an open house later in the day.

III.  Approval of minutes of 3/15/2007.

All approved with one abstention.

IV.  Approval of minutes of 3/01/2007.

All approved with one abstention.

V.  Acceptance of standing committee minutes of 3/08/2007.

·  NMC – minutes accepted


1.  Motion to approve revised course proposals:

American History Specialization

HIS 311 – Workers in America I

HIS 312 – Workers in America II

HIS 313 – English Origins of American Law

HIS 315 – American Roots

HIS 318 – Women in American History, 1620-1890

HIS 319 – Women in American History, 1865-Present

HIS 350 – Colonial U.S. History I

HIS 352 – Early Republic

HIS 353 – Roots of Modern America: 1828-1865

HIS 354 – The New Nation: 1865-1918

HIS 355 – America Between Two Wars: 1919-1945

HIS 357 – Recent American History: 1945-Present

HIS 358 – American Frontiers

HIS 360 – U.S. Foreign Policy I

HIS 361 – U.S. Foreign Policy II

HIS 363 – New England: 1620-1860

HIS 364 – Travel to the Hawaiian Nation

HIS 365 – Hawaiian History

HIS 370 – Public History

HIS 371 – Historic Restoration and Preservation

European History Specialization

HIS 301 – The Roman Empire

HIS 303 – England and France in the Middle Ages

HIS 304 – Renaissance and Reformation

HIS 305 – Europe in the 17th Century (1600-1715)

HIS 306 – Europe in the 18h Century (1715-1789)

HIS 307 – Europe in the 19h Century

HIS 308 – Europe in the 20th Century

HIS 316 – History of Ancient Greece

HIS 317 – History of Rome from its Origins to Caesar

HIS 336 – Nazi Germany

HIS 373 – Bourbons, Revolution, and Napoleon: France 1789-1870

HIS 374 – The French Republic: Problems Since 1870

HIS 375 – Problems in Early Russian History

Non-Western History Specialization

HIS 300 – The Vietnam War Era

HIS 320 – History of Indochina Wars 1965-1993

HIS 340 – The Crusades

HIS 341 – Islamic Fundamentalism

HIS 342 – 20th Century China

HIS 344 – West Africa in the Modern World

HIS 347 – Cultural Confrontation in the Third World

HIS 372 – Major Powers of Latin America

2.  Motion to approve revised course proposals, HIS 100 – Western Civilization I & HIS 101 – Western Civilization II;

3.  Motion to approve revised program proposal, Minor in History;

4.  Motion to approve revised program proposal, Political Science BA, BS, BS-Ed

5.  Motion to approve revised course proposal, PHY 398 – Special Topics in Physics

6.  Motion to approve revised program proposal, Criminal Justice Minor

7.  Motion to approve revised course proposal, HON 230 – Cultures and Nationalism, 1750-1918;

8.  Motion to approve revised course proposal, MGT 105 – Managerial Communication

·  All NMC motions unanimously approved with one abstention.

·  NPIC – no business so no minutes to be accepted.

·  Ad hoc Committee on Standards – minutes not available at meeting.

VI.  Acceptance of standing committee minutes of 3/29/2007.

·  NMC – minutes accepted.


9.  Motion to approve the following Physics proposals:

New course PHY 370 – Modern Physics Laboratory

New course PHY 461 – Methods in Physics Research

Revised course PHY 400 – Classical Mechanics I

Revised course PHY 401 – Classical Mechanics II

Revised course PHY 471 – Capstone Experience in Physics

Revised program Physics – BS, BA, BS – Secondary Education

·  All NMC motions unanimously approved with one abstention.

·  NPIC – minutes accepted.

·  PRAC – minutes accepted

·  UWIC – minutes accepted.

·  UWIC presented motion to UCF:


UWIC endorses the TFYEC Pilot Program proposal.

·  Discussion ensued about First Year Experience.

·  Concerns were voiced about who would teach the classes: adjuncts, full-time, will we have enough sign up for this? Other concerns were about changing discipline-based courses to include all of the FYE objectives. The student social interactions online are not addressed in the FYE. Other concerns mentioned were about New Student Orientation, about increasing the credit load for our students, and replacing ENG 111 with FYE course (though that was not an actual plan, but a discussion).

·  No vote was held as time ran out at the meeting.

VII.  Adjournment 10:50 a.m

Undergraduate Curriculum Forum


Adanti Student Center, Room 301


March 15, 2007


J. Fields Chair, M. Camron, N. Chrissidis, K. Cummings, D. Flynn, J. Goralski, S. Grubacic, M. Heidmann, R. Hunter, G. Kowalczyk, T. Lin, N. Marano, K. Marsland, J. Mielczarski, R. Mugno, M. Narumanchi, J. Oppedisano, D. Pettigrew, H. Podna, K. Rondinone, E. Schmitt, C. Weed, D. Weiss, and E. West.

I.  Call to order 9:35 a.m.

II.  Announcements

·  J. Oppedisano announced that P. Oley is in a Hospice facility. Our prayers are with her.

·  D. Pettigrew announced that the 9th annual Faculty Research Conference will be April 21st.

·  C. Weed announced that D. Pettigrew’s book is being published and events are being held at Liel, France.

·  Members from the Strategic Planning Committee in attendance: M. Diamantis, R. Herron, and C. Thompson.

III.  Approval of minutes of 3/01/2007. Minutes missing attendance, will be approved at the next meeting.

IV.  Acceptance of standing committee minutes of 3/08/2007.

·  WACC – accepted 1/25 & 2/8. The following motions were voted on:

Motion: Henceforth, committee minutes will be approved by the WACC prior to submission to UCF.

All approved with 3 abstentions.

Motion: The WACC Writing Contest will be suspended this year.

Motion approved, with one opposition, and 3 abstentions.

Motion: For UCF to approve all of the W courses approved by WACC during the last few months (Complete list available from WACC).

All approved with 2 abstentions.

·  PRAC – accepted 3/8 minutes

Motion: PRAC by-laws be approved by UCF.

Discussion ensued over whether or not to accept by-laws when not all by-laws have been accepted and are not uniform. Vote did not occur.

·  UWIC – accepted 3/8 minutes. Several motions were brought to UCF.


1. The permanent FYE committee is composed of 16 members, with 6 from the School of Arts and Sciences; 2 from the School of Communication, Information, and Library Science; and, 1 each from the School of Business, School of Education, School of Health and Human Services, the Academic Advising Center, the Office of Assessment, the Office of Faculty Development, the Office of Student Affairs, and Student Supportive Services.

2. All members of the permanent FYE Committee have voting rights.

3. The permanent FYE committee's proposal for a permanent FYE program is not binding until it is approved by a university-wide faculty referendum.

A lively discussion ensued about the role of UCF, the role of non-academic members of FYE, and voting rights for all members or only academic members. Due to time conflicts (steering committee attendance) a new motion was made:

Motion: The motions on FYE will be tabled to continue discussion.

This motion was passed with a vote of 21-1-1 (approved-opposed-abstain).

·  Suspended acceptance of other minutes to attend to agenda item VII.

V.  Presentation on the Strategic Plan.

Discussion of Strategic Plan ensued. Some ideas about academic excellence were discussed: smaller class size and more full-time faculty hires. Also discussed the focus of the university: should we shift from a comprehensive university to a more focused goal. Should we pick our goal or will our lack of choice choose the goal for us? A final draft will be available in April.

VI.  Adjournment 10:50 a.m

Undergraduate Curriculum Forum


Adanti Student Center, Room 301


March 1, 2007


J. Fields Chair, A. Abugri, N. Chrissidis, C. Coron, S. DiFrancesco, M. Fede, D. Flynn, M. Geelan, S. Grubacic, M. Heidmann, R. Hunter, G. Kowalczyk, T. Lin, N. Marano, D. Marino, K. Marsland, J. Mielczarski, R. Mugno, M. Narumanchi, D. Pettigrew, H. Podnar, K. Rondinone, E. Schmitt, M. Shea, and D. Weiss.

I.  Call to order 9:35 a.m.

II.  Announcements

·  S. Williams is present for the First-Year Experience (FYE) discussion.

·  D. Pettigrew announced a University-wide lecture by Tom Parker on March 5 at noon.

·  Cinema du Monde screened “White” and will be screening “Welcome to Sarajevo” Wednesday, March 14 at 7:30. Film announcements are available under SCSU events under films.

·  M. Heidmann said the writing workshop is postponed until August.

·  E. Schmidt announced the lecture on childhood bilingualism

·  N. Henderson announced a lecture on the transition between high school and college.

·  M. Shea announced his talk on writing workshops from the Faculty Development Office, Mar 4 at noon in EN B253.

·  T. Lin announced the 64 Days of Violence. Next week, the lecture on Toilet-training, gender-neutral bathrooms, March 5 at 7:30 in EN C112. Check the Women’s Studies website for more details.

·  J. Fields mentioned A. Schlessinger passed away. Also, a total lunar eclipse will happen Saturday around sunset and barring weather, telescopes will be set up at Southern.

·  Town Hall Meeting from 1-3 (Friday) the pre-ultimate draft.

III.  Approval of minutes of 2/01/2007. (Note: no Meeting 2/15/07).

·  unanimous approval of minutes from 2/01/07 with one abstention.

·  Due to the visit from Provost Williams, the minutes will be moved to address FYE first.

IV.  Other Reports

·  First Year Experience Committee

·  Discussion ensued about the last FYE meeting. They discussed the four options: Honors College, LINKS, and two new versions, a common theme and a disciplined-based model. Questions arose about credit for students. S. Williams mentioned they are trying to implement faculty incentives (release time) for future semesters.

V.  Acceptance of standing committee minutes of 2/08/2007 and 2/22/2007.

·  NMC – minutes accepted


1.  Motion to approve revised program proposal, BA-HIS, BS-HIS (with teacher certification),

2.  Motion to approve revised course proposal, HIS 330, Religion and Society in the Byzantine Empire, and

3.  Motion to approve revised course proposal, HIS 343, Modern Eastern Europe

All approved with one abstention.

·  NPIC – minutes accepted

·  PRAC – minutes accepted

·  UWIC – minutes accepted. Several motions were brought to UCF:


HIS 313 is removed from the list of courses satisfying the AUR in World Civilizations.

All approved with one abstention.


Revised course proposal HIS 242 is accepted.

This motion was not voted on.

·  WACC – no votes made during the meeting due to lack of time.

Motion: Henceforth, committee minutes will be approved by the WACC prior to submission to UCF. The motion was passed unanimously.

Motion: The WACC Writing Contest will be suspended this year.

New Motion: The WACC requested that motions approved of during WACC sub-committee meeting be accepted without needing to be approved by UCF.

·  Discussion ensued. UCF rules dictate that all sub-committee motions must go through the main UCF body.

·  No vote was conducted.

VI.  Adjournment 10:50 a.m