Religious Studies Year 8 ASSESSMENT GRID
Year 8 Trajectory / AO1Knowledge of religious beliefs and actions / AO2
Understanding how beliefs, teachings and sources affect actions / AO3
Analysing truth, meaning and purpose / AO4
Evaluation skills / Literacy competency
Use of Technical terms / British Values
1 / Is able to:
Refer to a religious belief or behaviour related to the topic. / Is able to:
Begin to identify simple connections between religious beliefs and behaviours with support. / Is able to:
Recognise questions about meaning purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Express an opinion. / Is able to:
Use capital letters and full stops.
Use a limited number of keywords in a simple sentence. / Is able to:
Listen to others politely.
Explore different views on ultimate questions or ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
2 / Is able to:
Describe a belief and a behaviour related to the topic. / Is able to:
Begin to identify connections between religious beliefs and behaviours. / Is able to:
Begin to construct their own questions about meaning purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Give a simple reason in support of a point of view. / Is able to:
Use capital letters and full stops regularly.
Use simple sentences which make sense on their own.
Spell a limited number of key words correctly and use them in context. / Is able to:
Understand different views on ultimate questions or ‘right ‘ and ‘wrong’.
Show awareness of the beliefs, values and opinions of others.
Beginning to understand the need for tolerance.
3 / Is able to:
Describe a limited number of beliefs and behaviours related to the topic. / Is able to:
Correctly identify connections between religious beliefs and behaviours. / Is able to:
Ask and recognise the importance of questions about meaning purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Give a reason in support of a point of view. / Is able to:
Use capital letters and full stops correctly.
Use simple sentences which make sense on their own.
Spell keywords correctly and use them in context. / Is able to:
Demonstrate awareness of beliefs from global communities.
Begin to develop respect for the values and opinions of others.
Discuss different views in a respectful way.
4 / Is able to:
Describe key religious beliefs and behaviours related to the topic with some accuracy. / Is able to:
Make a connection between a religious belief and behaviour, and may begin using appropriate examples. / Is able to:
Ask and begin to suggest answers to questions about meaning, purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Use a limited range of evidence and examples to support a point of view. / Is able to:
Use a wider range of punctuation (‘?,”).
Use connectives to create compound sentences.
Begin using PEE paragraphs.
Spell and use key words accurately. / Is able to:
Begin to demonstrate awareness of the differences between their own beliefs and those of other faiths and cultures.
Express their own opinion whilst showing respect for different beliefs, values and opinions.
5 / Is able to:
Accurately describe the key religious beliefs and behaviours related to the topic. / Is able to:
Offer a simple explanation ofhow a religious belief might affect the attitude or behaviour of an individual or community, using appropriate examples. / Is able to:
Ask and begin to suggest thoughtful answers to questions of meaning, purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Use evidence and examples to support a point of view. / Is able to:
Use a wider range of punctuation accurately (‘?,”).
Use connectives to create compound sentences.
Use PEE paragraphs.
Spell and use key words accurately in context. / Is able to:
Demonstrate awareness of differences between their own beliefs and those of other faiths and cultures. Express their own opinion whilst showing respect for different beliefs, values and opinions.
6 / Is able to:
Accurately describe several religious beliefs and behaviours appropriately in relation to the topic. / Is able to:
Offer a clear explanation of how religious beliefs might affect the attitudes or behaviour of an individual or community.
May be able to:
show developing awareness of different ways in which the same belief could be interpreted. / Is able to:
Give a range of possible answers to questions about meaning, purpose and truth.
Show a developing awareness that these can lead to further questions. / Is able to:
Present justified arguments, using evidence and examples. There may be some attempt to provide a balanced argument. / Is able to:
Use a wider range of punctuation accurately and effectively (‘?,”!;).
Use complex sentences.
Use PEE paragraphs securely.
Make connections between PEE paragraphs to develop a longer piece of writing.
Use a good range of specialist terms with facility. / Is able to:
Show awareness of the link between moral and ethical issues and religious and non-religious values and beliefs.
Understand the balance between holding personal beliefs and values, and the need to comply with legal and social values (e.g. human rights laws).
Discuss different religious and ethical opinions with respect and tolerance.
7 / Is able to demonstrate:
A good knowledge of a range of religious beliefs and behaviours
Awareness of differences between religious beliefs and behaviours within communities. / Is able to:
Offer a detailed explanation of how religious beliefs might affect the attitudes and behaviour of individuals and communities.
Show developing awareness of ways in which the same belief might be interpreted differently. / Is able to:
Analyse a wider range of responses to questions about meaning, purpose and truth.
Show awareness of the further questions this can lead to. / Is able to:
Present a balanced argument, using clear and detailed evidence and examples, and come to a justified conclusion.
Show consideration of varied interpretations of religious beliefs. / Is able to:
Use a range of punctuation accurately and to create impact on the reader.
Use simple, compound and complex sentences confidently to suit the context.
Use and adapt PEE paragraphs confidently to suit the purpose of the writing.
Use a good range of specialist terms with facility. / Is able to:
Demonstrate the link between moral and ethical issues and religious and non-religious values and beliefs.
Show awareness of the conflicts which can arise between personal values and the law or social/cultural values.
Discuss and offer justified conclusions in relation to different religious and ethical views with respect and tolerance.
8 / Is able to demonstrate:
Extensive knowledge of religious beliefs and behaviours.
Knowledge of varied interpretations of religious scriptures and the historical, social and cultural influences on these beliefs and behaviours. / Is able to:
Offer a detailed explanation showing how a range of different beliefs might affect the attitudes and behaviour of individuals and communities.
Show how the same beliefs may be interpreted in different ways. / Is able to:
Use a wide range of interpretations to both ask and evaluate and analyse questions about meaning, purpose and truth. / Is able to:
Present several justifications to create a balanced argument, before reaching a justified conclusion. A wide range of evidence and examples will be used.
Show evaluation of varied interpretations of religious belief. / Is able to:
Use punctuation and sentence structure critically to create the appropriate style of writing and reader response.
Use rhetorical questions effectively.
Use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision. / Is able to:
Explore historical, social and cultural influences on the links between moral and ethical issues and religious and non-religious values and beliefs.
Show awareness of the conflicts between competing human rights, and the role of the law in resolving these.
Discuss and offer critical analysis in relation to different religious and ethical views with respect and tolerance.