CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3

May 22, 2003; rev. June 27, 2003

page 2

To: ALA/ALCTS/CCS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access

From: Task Force on Consistency Across Part I of AACR2

RE: Area 6: Proposed Revisions

This document is another set of revision proposals from the Consistency Task Force. It deals with Area 6, Series. The document consists of four parts:

A.  Summary of Decisions and Issues for Discussion. This section lists some of the major changes proposed, as well as other issues that might be worth discussion by CC:DA. It also includes a list of issues that are deferred for future discussion or referred to some other group for resolution.

B.  The revisions proper. The proposed revisions are marked up in the usual way. Only rules to be revised are included. Prior to each section is a listing of the changes proposed. The rationale for the change is given where it goes beyond consistency. In the revision proposals, the unique rules in Chapters 2–12 are highlighted in yellow.

C.  A clean copy. The clean copy includes all the chapters in Part I (except Chapter 13). Most of the rules included in the clean copies are completely unchanged, and do not appear in the revisions section of this document. They are included in the clean copy for ease of consultation.

D.  Appendix: Analysis of the Area 6 rules. This is a summary of the Task Force’s analysis of the Area 6 rules. The full analysis is available in CC:DA/TF/Consistency/ Area 6/2.

A. Summary of Decisions and Issues for Discussion

Outline of Area 6 rules: Unlike other areas, the X.6 rules in Chapters 2–12 consist of the preliminary (punctuation) rule [X.6A] and a single rule for “Series statement” [X.6B] referring back to 1.6. Only in Chapter 1 are there separate rules for each ISBD element. See the list of major changes below for a discussion of the navigational/reference structure of Part I as it relates to Area 6.

The following is an outline of the rules in Chapter 1:

1.6. SERIES Area

1.6A. Preliminary rule

1.6A1. Sources of information

1.6A2. Punctuation

1.6B. Title proper of series

1.6C. Parallel title of series

1.6D. Other title information of series

1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series

1.6F. ISSN of series

1.6G. Numbering within series

1.6H. Subseries

1.6J. More than one series statement

1.6K. Changes in series statement

Summary of decisions: The specific changes are described at the beginning of each of the sections below.

Issues for discussion: The following issues may merit particular attention (the numbers refer to revised rule numbering):

ü  Navigational references within Part I of AACR: At the April JSC meeting, it was tentatively decided that references from chapters 2–12 back to the rules in chapter 1 would be made for each ISBD area, but not for each element within an area if there were no special rules for that element in most chapters. This practice follows that already in place for Area 6: there is no subrule 2.6G, for example, referring back to 1.6G for rules on series numbering. A single general rule at X.6B1 in each chapter refers back to the 1.6 rules as a whole. For area 6, the only special rules are at 11.6B1, 12.6G2 and 12.6K.

In its response to 4JSC/ALA/49, ACOC suggested that chapter 1 include references forward to any special rules in chapters 2–12. Such references have been added here at 1.6B1, 1.6G2 and 1.6K.

ü  FRBR terminology: At the April JSC meeting, tentative decisions were made regarding the use of FRBR terminology in chapter 1. The Task Force were asked to incorporate these revisions in its proposals and to extend them across the other chapters.

ü  Examples: At the April JSC meeting, it was decided that only examples illustrating special rules would be retained in chapters 2–12; general examples would be moved to chapter 1. It was decided that decisions on which examples should be retained in chapter 1 would be left for the general review of examples for the new edition. Therefore, these proposals simply move the examples to an appropriate rule in chapter 1; only exact duplicates (the same series title) have been eliminated. The text of the revision indicates where the examples added to chapter 1 come from and where the deleted examples in the other chapters have been moved.

ü  Statements identifying the type of material to which the rule applies were to be given in bold italics as was done in the 2002 revision of chapter 12. This has been done in these revisions (e.g., 1.6B1).

ü  Chapter 4: Chapter 4 (Manuscripts) does not contain any rules for Area 6. We are recommending that 4.6 be added to make that chapter consistent. We recognize that in archival descriptive practices the term series is used for component parts of an archival collection, and that series as defined in AACR2 are unlikely to occur in a manuscript. However, we feel that the addition does no harm and might even be applicable on occasion.

ü  Punctuation: As with the other areas (except Area 3), we are recommending that the punctuation rules be removed from Chapters 2–12, as they are consistent in all chapters.

ü  Punctuation of examples: Because X.6B rules in Chapters 2–12 are not broken down by ISBD element, all of the examples in these chapters are complete, while most of those in Chapter 1 are not complete and therefore are not surrounded by parentheses. We recommend that parentheses be added to the examples in Chapter 1, using the bold ellipses to indicate where additional information has not been included in the example. Unfortunately, the font used for the examples in this document does not show bold text.

ü  Unique rules: There are special rules in Chapters 11 and 12. (a) 11.6B1 has to deal with two categories of series: those in which the microform appears, and (for reproductions) the series in which the original appeared. (b) 12.6B1 adds the traditional rule that series numbering of individual issues/parts of a serial are not recorded; 12.6B2 deals with changes in series statements for serials and integrating resources. We feel that these special rules are justified and recommend that they be retained (although a revision is needed in Chapter 11 to correct an error).

Issues deferred for future consideration or referred to other groups:

ü  Examples: The examples in Chapter 1 have been revised to include the surrounding parentheses and marks of omission (where they might be needed). The examples have not been checked to determine whether they are in fact incomplete. This should be done as part of the general review of examples for the new edition of AACR.

ü  Multiparts: 12.6K1 (currently 12.6B2) covers only changes to series statements that represent either serials or integrating resources. AACR2 needs to provide for changes to series statements that represent multiparts. The Task Force expects this issue to be dealt with by the Library of Congress in its continuing work on the rules for multiparts in AACR2.

ü  1.6G: The Task Force notes that there are only two cases in which a reference is made from the rules for series numbering (1.6G) to the rules for numbering in chapter 12 (12.3). It strikes us that a general linkage between these two sets of rules might be useful, as 12.3 covers cases that are relevant to series numbering but are not covered in 1.6G. However, the Task Force did not feel that this issue was within their charge, and simply raises the question for the record.

ü  1.6G2: A revision to this rule is needed to deal with integrating resources. Although the revision proposed below generalizes the rule to cover all serials, 12.6G2 (currently 12.6B1) is limited to serials. We feel that extending it to integrating resources requires additional consultation and should be a separate proposal.

B. Rule Revision Proposals

X.6. SERIES AREA: Contents

1.  Add 4.6 to the contents in Chapter 4.

2.  Add 12.6G and 12.6K to the contents in Chapter 12.

4.6. Series Area


4.6A. Preliminary rule

4.6B. Series statements



12.6A. Preliminary rule

12.6B. Series statements

12.6G Numbering within series

12.6K Change in series statement

X.6. SERIES AREA: Punctuation rules

1.  With the addition of 4.6, all of the punctuation rules in Chapters 1–12 are identical. Pursuant to our mandate from JSC, delete these rules and replace with a reference to 1.6A2.

2.  Since the punctuation rules in Chapters 2–12 consist only of a reference and, pursuant to the JSC agreement that consistent numbering is desirable, use the number X.6A2 for the punctuation rules.

1.6A. Preliminary rule

1.6A21. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.

For the use of the equals sign to precede parallel statements, see the appropriate rules.

1.6A12. Sources of information. Take information recorded in this area from the chief source of information or from any other source prescribed for this area in the following chapters. Enclose any information supplied from other sources in square brackets, within the parentheses enclosing each series statement.

2.6A. Preliminary rule

2.6A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.

2.6A2. Punctuation. See 1.6A2.

3.6A. Preliminary rule

3.6A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for the subseries by a comma.

3.6A2. Punctuation. See 1.6A2.

4.6A. This area is not used for manuscripts.

4.6A. Preliminary rule

4.6A2. Punctuation. See 1.6A2.

5.6A. Preliminary rule

5.6A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.

5.6A2. Punctuation. See 1.6A2.

6.6A. Preliminary rule

6.6A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.

6.6A2. Punctuation. See 1.6A2.

7.6A. Preliminary rule

7.6A1. Punctuation

For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C.

Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space.

Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses.

Precede each parallel title by an equals sign.

Precede other title information by a colon.

Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash.

Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon.

Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma.

Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon.

Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses.

Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop.

Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.