
Bruce A. Benet* Department of Finance

College of Business Administration

Central MichiganUniversity


Visiting Fellow, the Fred Arditti

Risk Management Center, DePaul University

third revision: March 30, 2017

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the ex ante performance of futures direct and cross hedges, where hedge ratios are adjusted to incorporate estimation period forecast error residuals. We examine the empirical question as to whether spot and futures price cointegration (adapting models of Davidson, Hendry, Serba and Yeo [7] and Engle and Granger [11]) merits hedging model adjustment-correction. ECM-based hedge ratio estimates offer potential improvements in econometric efficiency and hedge ratio stability, which may contribute to improved out-of-sample performance when compared to OLS

orwidely-acceptedunitaryhedgeratiostrategies.Usingdailydatefroma66-month(2006-2011)sample period, tested direct hedges experience lower out-of-sample performance variability; while ECM­ adjustedcrosshedgeeffectivenessincreases7%-14%whencomparedtoOLSapproaches.Gains

in ex ante hedging performance are even greater (18% to 46%) when compared to alternate strategies.

*Associate Professor of Finance. Please send comments to 302Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859 (). The author gratefully acknowledges various & suggestions from Fred Arditti, Adam Gehr, Tom Howard, and comments from anonymous JFQA referees; as well as expert data and computer help from Irina Krop and JohnRichard. This is a preliminary draft, and is not for quotation without the author's written permission. Comments are welcome at (616) 724-0066 or (312) 362-5153.


l. INTRODUCTION. Numerous studies in the hedging literature (e.g., [3] [8) [16]) compare

futures effectivenessexpostversusexante.Thesestudiesgenerallyreportpoorerorlessconsistentperformance for the more realistic out-of-sample hedges. Reduced ex ante hedging performance

may be attributable in part to intertemporal instability of hedge ratios.[1]Since a real-world hedger

(e.g., a firm repeatedly "anticipation hedging" against increases in the price of raw materials used

in production) cannot determine an optimal hedge ratio ex ante, it may simply use a "one-for-one"

hedge ratio strategy, or (more appropriately) forecast next period's ratio based upon historical

spot-futurescorrelations. Yet either such approach in the presence of changing correlations

causes the firm to under or over-hedge, resulting in unanticipated and unwanted gainsorlosses.

Period-to-period hedging performancewouldfluctuate, often dramatically as result of missing

ex post optimal hedge ratio targets.


earlierhedge period result in poorer risk-reduction some days orweekslater? Many researchers

have studiedthedynamic nature of futures prices and hedges in various frameworks. GARCH [5],

ARIMA [14] [25], binomial diffusion [28], conditional probability-based [33] and random walk [21]

time series processes have investigated to model time-dependent spot-futures price and covariance

relationships, with possible impactonhedgeratios. Yet these highly sophisticated statistical

andmathematical models havenotbeenthoroughly tested in an ex ante framework, wherestable

spot-futures correlations play a crucialrole across multiple hedging periods.

We investigatewhethercointegration[2] between realized spot prices and futures prices may

contribute to priceseriesnon-stationarity,andtherebyundermine intertemporalcorrelation stability

(andthereby bias estimated hedgeratios). Our study focuses on the error-correctionmodel (ECM)

as an extension to themoretraditional Ederington [9] methodology. We first empirically investi-

gate the spot-futures cointegration question in ahedgingcontext.Time series models related to

work by Davidson. Hendry, Srba and Yeo[7]andEngle and Granger [11], as well as test

statistics suggested by Phillips and Peron ([30] [32]) help identify cointegrated time series

and estimate the size of forecast error residuals.[3] These residuals are then used to construct

ECM-based adjusted hedge ratios. In-sample and out-of-sample effectiveness is compared between

adjusted, OLS, and one-for-one (unitary, sometimes described as “naïve”) hedge ratio benchmark

strategies. We focus upon the performance of ex ante hedges, since such outcomes are truly more

representative of hedge success actually available to real-world futures market participants. We

examine the effectiveness of sample foreign currency. interest rate and stock index futures direct

and crosshedges during a 5 ½ year sample period using daily spot (cash, index) and futures prices.

This study asserts two contributions to extant futures hedging literature. First, our explicit

examination of spot-futures cointegration focuseshedging success ontorealized future spot prices.

We argue this is an equally appropriate hedging model perspective to evaluate hedging performance.[4]

Secondly, we believe our empirical findings support the use
of “residual” ECM-based hedge ratio

adjustment techniques as means to increase stability of out-of-sample hedge ratio estimates,

and thereby improve ex ante hedging effectiveness.[5]

  1. METHODOLOGY. The ECM-based hedge ratio adjustment procedure used in this study is a

three-stage regression approach. First, price series of varying "realization lengths" are tested (using

methodsof DHSY [7], Engle and Granger [l1] and Phillips and Perron ([30] [32]) for spot-futures

price seriesintegration and cointegration; and to examine relative size of any forecast error

residuals. Integrationand cointegration parameterestimatesprovide information concerning

spot and futuresprice stationarity, as well as whether any non-stationarity may be corrected

via statistical adjustment techniques. Secondly, forecast error residuals are incorporated into

a hedge model similar to the Ederington[9] OLS approach. The resulting ECM-based hedge

model is applied in (immediately prior) estimationsub-periods to obtain adjusted hedge

ratio ex ante forecasts.[6] For comparison, OLS ‘unadjusted’ hedgeratios are also

estimated in this second stage. Third and finally, hedge ratio forecasts are next implemented

into subsequent (immediately subsequent) hedge test sub-periods. ECM-based hedge

ratio performance is compared (using multiple hedging effectiveness (HE) measures) to

results obtained using OLS techniques and traditional one-for-one hedges, which serve as HE

out-of-sample performance benchmarks. The balance of our paper section two describes the

adapted ECM-hedge ratio adjustment methodology and tests ingreater detail.

We begin by proposing the following unrestricted autoregressive[7](AR) model specifying relationships between spot and futures prices (commodity, stock index, FX and/or interest rates):


where: St+k; St+k-1 represent current period and last hedge period's (respectively) spot prices

realized at the hedging horizoninterval (k)

ft,k; ft-1,kare current period and ( beginning of) last hedge period'sfuturesprices for contracts with k days remaining in thehedge

vt+k represents a residual or disturbanceterm

α; βare parameter coefficients

Note that the above model is slightly different from other traditional hedge models, which

focus upon contemporaneous spot-futures prices relationships as a determinant of hedging effectiveness.[8]

Our model focus, however, is upon realized future spot price St+k as a principle HE determinant. Any deviation between ft,k (contracted at the beginning of the hedge period) and St+k (realized at hedge horizon) are reflected in basis changes due to (partial or complete) convergence. Basis changes, also

known as"basis risk" to hedgers, generate dollar gains or losses which determine practical success

or failure of a real-world hedge.10 Thusourforward-looking hedgingmodel emphasizesperformance athedgehorizondatek1 (e.g., when a firm's business-related required spot transaction must occur).

This more general model is not subject to the specific zero coefficient constraints on a.1 and fl:

such as in the Ederington model. However, Moser [24]proposes that the coefficient restrictions

α1+β1+ β2= +1.0, β2= -l+Ф, and α1= l-Ф be imposed onto model equation (1). Hisreasoning

for such parameter constraints and restrictions is likely presence of cointegration between current

futures prices ft,k and ‘realized’ spot prices at end of the hedging horizon St+k. Moser’s proposals

are consistent with those by Benet [3] in that “static” and “dynamic” hedge nature (and HE) of an

ex ante hedge are appropriately best preserved through such constraints on the cointegrating parameter.

Assuming cointegration, improved price series stationarity and model efficiency wouldbe

achieved by differencing ft-1,k and St+k-1 terms to estimate a prior hedge period forecast error

residual term. Rearranging equation (1) according to the above restrictions, we obtain an simplified

error-correction model (ECM) framework in testableform:


(NOTE:β1*=1.0(theoreticallyduetotheconstraints): St+k-1= St in a "rollover"hedge)

The prior hedge period forecast error residual (3rd RHS term) is an error-correction tothis

period's model. The ECM time series is assumed stationary. We next may compare equation (2)

above to the "levels" form of the Ederington [9] hedge model withouterror-correction:


Should spot-futures price comtegration be shown to exist, our alternative hedge model specification distills down to omitted variables and econometric efficiency questions. If β2(Ф-1) is

Statisticallysignificantduetotheeconomicimportanceofforecasterrorresidualstothemodel,β1*fromequation(2) above may be interpreted (and used) as an adjusted hedge ratio. We argue that this adjusted hedge ratio wouldbeamoreefficientelasticityestimatethan OLSrisk-minimizingratios

(as estimated from equation (3) abovebecause: 1)the model is more appropriately specified to include realized future spot price and additional information of the error-correction term[9]: and 2) the cointegration correction may result smaller standard errors for the adjusted hedge ratio, relative to traditional OLS estimates. Our second stage is in-sample estimation of ECM-adjusted hedge ratios.

A related empirical question is whether model specification changes and estimation efficiency

gains will favorably affect hedge ratio stability, and thus improve hedging effectiveness ex ante.

The third stage of our regression methodology is an empirical test and comparison of the

ECM-based hedge model equation (2) versus the OLS model equation (3) and traditional

one-for-one “naïve” hedges. For our out­ of-sample effectiveness tests, relative performance is

measured, where hedge ratio forecasts generated frompricecorrelationsinprioralternating

andnon-overlapping"estimation"sub-periodsareimplemented into (immediately) subsequent

"hedge test" sub-periods. Unlike GARCH or VAR labors, this three-step hedge ratio

adjustment procedure is relatively readily implemented by real world practitioners; yet is also

offered as alternative to in-sample beta and one-for-one ratio calculations commonly employed

in today's derivatives markets for hedging purposes. Note that our model and tests are consistent

with "conditional" hedge ratio models such as those proposed by McKnew and Fackler [23]

and Myers [26]. Suchapproachesassumethathedgersconsiderallavailableinformationat

thetimeofhedgeconstruction. The ECM-adjusted strategy proposed here incorporates

additional (potentially valuable) information of prior hedge period forecast errorsinto the

calculation ofnext period's ratio. Additionally, our focus upon ex ante strategies, which

use only price and covariance information actually available at the beginning of the hedge period

(as opposed to "unconditional" in-sample estimation found in much of the futures hedge literature)

qualifies our ratios as "conditional" in a very real sense, albeit in a somewhat competing

manner to those in the papers mentioned immediately above.[10]

Since there is no consensus at present as to the most theoretically-correct/appropriate

futures hedging effectiveness measure, we calculate two alternative performance measures

in this study. Our first hedging effectiveness measure 1s the traditional Ederington [9]

risk-minimization measure obtained from OLS regression estimation of equation (3)above:

HE1=cov(St.ft)2== r2 Var(St)Var(ft)


This effectiveness measure is generally accepted and is widely used in numerous hedging studies. It subject to criticism, however, since it is unconditional and its risk-minimization objective implicitly considers only one possibleoutcome from a variety of hedgers' risk-returnpreferences.Asecondmore general risk-return performance measure proposed by Howard-D'Antonio [16):


HE2= |l- 2λρ+λ2


λ= _(rf/σf)

(r, - 1)/σs



rf, rs = the expected one-period percentage change returns for the futures and spot.

σf,, σs =the standard deviationofone-periodpercentage returns for the futures and spot,respectively.

ρ = the correlation between futures and spot changes.

The HE2 performance measure Illustrates risk-versus-return tradeoffs of the chosen

hedge position in a manner similar to the Sharpe index common to the investments literature;

whileincorporating the spot-hedge correlation considered to be crucial to the success of futures

hedges.[11] Model prices are tested in logarithmic form, which (appropriately) permits interpretation

of estimated coefficients as elasticity-type hedge ratios. As mentioned above, out-of-sample

effectiveness results are emphasized inthis study.We believe such ex ante strategies provide

results more ngndicativeofsuccessavailable to actual futuresmarkethedgers. Ex post in-sample

results are also estimatedandpresentedfor econometric comparisonpurposes. Unlike forward

contracts, the limited number of available futures contract delivery dates requires us to focus our

hedge model upon a (admittedly arbitrary) hedging horizon date at time t+kfor "realization", rather

than delivery. Therefore, we examine one-week, two-week and four-week horizons.

3. DATA. We test ECM-based adjusted, OLS and one-for-one hedge ratio strategies focusing on

stock index, foreign currency, and interest rate futures contracts. For an available data sample

period of April. 2008 to September,2011, end-of day (last transaction, not ‘settlement’)

prices for "nearest" S&P 500 futures contracts are extracted froma "tick-to-tick" data tape

provided from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME )[12]; while allmatched corresponding

‘underlying’ S&P 500 indicies are obtained from the Wall Street Journal. For greater realism

and more general applicability of our methodology, a stock index futures cross hedge is tested

in this study: Wilshire 5000 daily spot changes (as would approximate value fluctuations of a

widely-diversified index fund) are covered via S&P 500 futures price change hedges. We

deliberately construct this spot-futures mis-match to investigate cross hedge performance

and impact of what practitioners typically describe as “tracking error” upon our ECM-

based hedge ratio adjustments- and consequential out-of-sample performance- as

described in Section 2 above. Daily Wilshire 5000 index values are also collected from WSJ.

Foreign currency hedges are represented in this study by Japanese yen (spot and) futures.

Nearest contract prices weregatheredfrom the IMM Yearbook. We use daily JY settlement prices

from January, 2009 to December, 2011 in order to (roughly) correspond with our available stock

index futures data.Japanesespot currency rates and Thai baht spot exchanges rates were scanned

from the WSJ to test foreign exchange direct and cross hedges, respectively. Our study also examines interest rate futures hedges. U.S. Treasury Bond futures data was provided to us by the Chicago

Board of Trade (CBOT) for a December, 2006 to May, 2011 sample period; while 20-year, 8%[13]

(or closest available) spot T-Bond prices quotes came from a T-Bill/T-Bond data set obtained from

the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Gaps in T-Bond spot and futures data were filled from the

Wall Street Journal.The interest rate cross hedge examined in this study is a U.S. T-Bond futures

hedge of the Merrill-Lynch U.S. Corporate Bond Index (l0+ year maturities). We believe this cross

hedge is fairly representative of approaches used to reduce interest rate risk exposure by certain real-world bondmarketparticipants. Cross hedges are examined in this study fortworeasons.

First, cross hedging (in the strictest technicaldefinition) is actually quite common, due to a diversity

of investor spot positions and the relatively small number of traded futures contracts. Secondly, we believe a prioi that some econometric benefit of ECM-based hedge ratio adjustment manifests in

form of improved intertemporal hedge ratio stability. Previousstudies[13][22]suggestthatdirect

hedgesarelesssusceptibletovariableratiosout-of-sample; while the instability problems seem more

severe for cross hedges. Thus we would anticipate (hope for?) more substantial ex antehedging

effectiveness improvements be demonstrated for the crosshedge strategies tested in this research.

Estimation and hedge test sub-periods are structured to be non-overlapping, alternating periods

across the entire sample. One-week, two-week and four-week estimation and hedge test periods

are examined (see illustration ONE). This econometric approach corresponds to (and readily permits

overall performanceevaluationof)rollingone,twoandfour-weekrollinghedgesinanout-of-

sampleframework. Partitioning the dataset in this manner parallels a common ex ante strategy

of using last period's estimated hedge ratio as a "best guess" as to the subsequent hedge period's

optimal hedge ratio. Although there is no consensus in the literature as to a standard out-of-sample

empirical test; we believe our approach is more realistic, and introduces less bias than previous

studies which partition price data into arbitrarily (and often very large/long) historical time segments.

Shorter sampling intervals are also more representativeof real-world hedging practices, such

as typical hedge rebalancing intervals and contract liquidity and maturity constraints. For the

numerical example at the end of the paper (see Table SIX and related discussion), an alternate

"calendar time" methodology is used, and dollar-based hedge performance (net hedge gains/losses)

are averaged across 26 successive two-week hedge test periods. We vary sub­ period window

intervals, not only for robustness checks, but to investigate the empirical relationship between

out-of-sample effectiveness and estimation period length. The stock index futures tape data is

limited to a 66-month time period which includes 1393 end-of-day price observations. Foreign

currency and interest rate futures spot and futures time series are 1517 observations in length.

4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS.4.1. Cointegration and Forecast Error Tests.Following Phillips

and Peron [30] [32], tests for time series integration and cointegration are performed, with results

reportedin Table ONE. The mechanics and properties of the Z-test statistic used are fully described

in the paper appendix. We first present integration test results for all of the ninetime series included

in our study in panel A. Using critical values for an adjusted t-statistic Z(t) suggested by Fuller [12 ],[14]

we cannot reject the null hypothesis of a unit root I(l ) for any spot or futures prices included

in this study. Presence of unit root is indicative of a non-stationary time series. which we contend

would impact hedge “beta” HR estimation, intertemporal instability of ratios. and resulting ex ante

hedging effectiveness. Results from panel A strongly suggest both spot and futures priceinstability.