Autism Spectrum Disorders Services Committee

of Lanark,Leeds and Grenville

Oct 29th, 2013 at 12:15

Frankville Education Centre 231 Hwy 29

Meeting notes: [action items bolded]

1-  In attendance: Liz Steinberg, Laura Oliver -UCDSB; Christine Cassera -CDC; Kevin Kapler –CMHL&G, Gillian Jackson [ICC/DS], Jenny Smith, Paula Coleman [ABA], Denise Wright [BDACI], Melanie Godwin -CDSBEO, Heather Ballinger –LCP, Maxine Weber [IBI]

2-  Minute taker -Maxine

3-  Approved notes of July 9, 2013 meeting

4-  The finalized work plan was reviewed and planning discussed for next steps as follows:

·  Evaluating impact –data collection will be compiled; both boards will forward data from last school review [June 2013], ABA [Heather] will co-ordinate with Lang Exp to determine a preschool estimate

·  Parent groups - Parent membership –Max will add list of services to parent invitation and then send to all members. Identified 4 groups to approach to share info and invitation as well [Max will forward a package to review with groups to the volunteer representatives –Heather, Denise, Maxine, Gillian]

Heather will check with AO regarding any parent group info they may have or a contact to discuss this with.

·  anonymous case discussion –ABA presented a resolved case for example –IBI had a case with complications of Adult Mental Health, Kevin was able so share info on AMH services. This lead to a discussion on ‘case management’ gaps.

5-  Kevin shared update on ASD resource HTML web page –will forward link to group

6-  Shared updates from Special Needs Reference Group meeting

·  Goal and data working group [as requested by UCDSB] –ABA is interested in also supporting this effort

·  UCDSB transitions in-service Nov 20 for LRC/LRT –Liz and Laura elaborated

·  OCTC working group to look at service gap in North Lanark/North Grenville [Penny Pincher –LCP is the lead]

7-  Updates/news from members as follows

·  CMHL&G –ASD transition groups on hold due to psychology vacancy- currently recruiting

·  Heather noted that Almonte/Kanata MPP has been meeting with families concerned about service delays, Denise noted similar in Brockville

·  ABA –Victoria Ketchum will fill in Mat leave in BV

·  Discussion about Boundary issues affecting service –onus is on services to coordinate

8-  Next meeting date was set for Jan 14th at 1:30 [Jan 21st for snow date] Laura will book space at Frankville. The meeting following this will be coordinated with SNRG.