Our aim istoprovide opportunities that assist to prepare confident, sociallyresponsible and adaptable individuals

Hambledon OSHCwas established in 1977 and has operated from the Hambledon State School grounds since 1995. Our program offers a wide range of activities that reflect the My Time Our Place Framework for School Age Children.

The framework acknowledges the importance of play and leisure in children’s learning and development and that their learning is not limited to any particular time or place.

We have highly experienced and qualified educators who aim to extend and enrich children’s wellbeing and development, providing programs in a safe, happy environment.

Support is available for children with additional needs provided by the Cairns & District Inclusion Support Agency.


Hambledon OSHC has a number of goals on which our service is based. These goals are based on the outcomes for children as outlined in the My Time, Our Place ’Framework for School Age Children. Our goals are to encourage children to;

  • Have a strong sense of identity
  • Be connected with and contribute to their world
  • Have a strong sense of well being
  • Be confident and involved learners
  • Be effective communicators

Service Philosophy Statement

This Philosophy statement provides the foundation for all activities, policies and procedures of the service.

Hambledon OSHC believes that each child has the right to be an active member of the community in which they live, to express their opinions and have their views considered in any decision that may affect them. We believe that the best interests of the children and their right to play as well as learn and develop in a safe and nurturing environment is the primary consideration in all decision making at the service and is visible in the actions, interactions and daily work with the children. We believe that children are active learners from birth and through rich, engaging environments and meaningful interactions; we can build a foundation for successful lifelong learning. We acknowledge that parents and families are the child’s primary nurturers and that respectful, collaborative relationships strengthen the capacity and efforts of families and SAC services to support their children and promote each child’s health and wellbeing. We believe that the intrinsic worth of all children and their families, their strengths and their right to be equitable access and participation on the community is clearly visible in all aspects of the service delivery. The service believes that children have the right to have their individual and cultural identity recognised and respected and we value Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as a core of the nations’ history, present and future.


This Service is operated by the Approved Provider Cairns and District Child Care Development Association Incorporated (C & DCCDAI) who are also the Approved Provider for the following Child Care Schemes in the Cairns area:- Balaclava Road Children’s Centre, Water St Occasional Care, Family Day Care Central, Inclusion Support Agency (ISA), Smithfield Child Care

These centers are all Community Based not for profit Organisations.

Approved Provider

President: Cheryl McAlister

Secretary: Kelly Kenney

Vice President: Lisa Seymour

Treasurer: Eileen Connelly

Botanic House

108 Collins Avenue

Edge Hill 4870

PO Box 489

Edge Hill Q 4870

Ph4032 1177

Fax4032 1690

Regulatory Authority

This service is Regulated and Assessed by the Far North Region

Early Childhood Education and Care,

Department of Education, Training and Employment.

Floor 2, Queensland Government Building

17-19 Sheridan Street, Cairns


PO Box 6094

Cairns Q 4870

Ph: 40373901


Statutory Authority

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

Level 15

255 Elizabeth Street

Sydney NSW 2000




Funding provided through the State and Federal Government – Family Assistance Office, Community Services and Inclusion Support Agency

Hours of Operation

The hours of operation are as follows for each program:

  • Before School Care (BSC) 6.30am to 8.30am
  • After School Care (ASC) 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Vacation Care (VC), Pupil Free Days (PFD) and Ministerial Holidays: 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Teachers Strike Days will also be catered for when required, times will be advised.

Non Profit

The Hambledon OSHC is a not for profit organisation. Fee payments need to be kept up to date as you may jeopardise the operation of these programs or forfeit your place/s.


  • This Service request fee monies to be paid 1 week in advance.
  • No refunds will be issued for absences.
  • Fees will vary in price and separate fees will be charged for OSHC, VC, PFD, Ministerial Holidays and Teachers Strike days.
  • Statements will be issued monthly and reminder notices are also sent out to parents.
  • Outstanding fees are forwarded to Prushka Debt Recovery Agency.” In the event where your overdue account is referred to this Agency and/or Law firm, you will be liable for all costs which would be incurred as if the debt is collected in full, including legal demand costs”.

We accept eftpos/credit card and cheque payments only no cash payments.

Booking Fees/Cancellation fees

You will be charged the normal feeif you give less than 1 weeks’ notice for OSHC and 2 weeks’ notice for Vacation Care programs or fail to give notice that your child will not be attending a program. Your child will be marked as absent and you will be charged the appropriate gap after CCB if eligible

*Please note that this Service requires a week’s notice for children leaving the Centre

And any changes to attendance must be in writing. You will not be eligible for CCB if your child is absent in that weeks’ notice

After hours and late fee

This centre closes at 6.30 p.m. Any child left after this time will incur at late fee of $25.00 each 30 minutes. If any child remains for more than one hour after closing time, the Edmonton police will be notified and the child will be placed into their care.

Child Care Benefit CCB & Child Care Rebate CCR from Family Assistance - Gap Fee

All parents are entitled to apply for CCB from Centrelink. CCB will reduce your gap fee if applicable and the parent/guardian will only pay the Gap Fee. CCB is means-tested (contact Centrelink for more information).

CCR is available weekly and can reduce the gap fee up to a further 5o%

Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Assistance JETCCFA

JETCCFA is available for eligible parents undertaking activities such as job search, work, study or rehabilitation as part of an employment pathway plan, to help parents enter or re-enter the work force.

If you are eligible for JETCCFA you are required to produce a copy of your eligibility to this service to receive a reduction in your gap payment

Changing Booked days

All changes to existing bookings must be in writing and it is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of any changes during before and after School Hours Care programs

Signing Children In and Out

National Legislation requires that the parent/guardian sign their child in and out daily. Children under 18 years of age cannot sign on behalf of the parent/guardian.

Parents/guardians must not let their children run out to their cars unsupervised, while signing out or communicating with the staff. The car park is out of bounds for all children unless accompanied by educators, parents/guardian (never leave children unattended in a vehicle)

Our responsibility begins when children actually arrive at the centre and have been signed in. Educators cannot leave children at the centre unattended to look for late children.


CCB is paid for up to 42 absence days for each child per financial year. After the 42 absences CCB will also be payable for absences taken where supporting documentation is provided (Illness, rostered days off, exceptional circumstances). If documentation is not provided you will be charged full fee

If your child are absent from our centre it is the parents/guardians duty to notify and inform us by phone, email or in writing. This applies for both the OSHC and VC programs.


It is the policy of the C & DCCDAI and the Hambledon OSHC and VC programs that a child who is ill before the commencement of the day not be accepted into either program on that day or days. This is for the protection of other children at the facility as well as the ill child. Please notify the centre if your child is suffering from any infectious or contagious illness. Children suffering from an infectious disease, exclusions will apply as per the national health & medical research council guidelines and a medical clearance is required on return.


Children who are younger than seven must meet the Australian Federal Governments immunisation requirements, or have an approved exemption from the requirements for the family to be eligible for Child Care Benefit (CCB). Refer to immunisation record in enrolment form

Non Immunisation

Children and educators will be excluded from the service if there is an outbreak of an infectious disease against which they have not been immunised. The period of exclusion will be in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s recommendations (


Medication shall not be administered to any child unless prescribed by a medical practitioner and the parent/guardian has given written consent authorising administration for the duration required. The written consent must clearly state:

  • child’s name
  • doctor authorisation
  • name of prescribed medication
  • dosages and times required

Medication must be given to educators upon arrival at the centre, so it can be stored in a secure place. Please do not leave medication in a child’s school bag.

Confidentiality and Protective Behaviour

All information obtained by this centre is held in confidence. This Centre has a protective behaviour (child abuse) policy and procedures to report to the relevant authorities and abides by their regulations and confidentiality clauses.

Behaviour Management

Educators will respond to difficult or disruptive behaviour when it occurs in a way that is both positive and encouraging to the child. Continuous disruptive behaviour or behaviour which endangers the health or safety of other children will lead to exclusion from the programs. Rules/expectations are displayed at the centre. The centre has a behaviour management policy and procedures in place.


Please do not allow your child to bring valuable items to the programs such as (IPods, PSP, Nintendo DS, jewelry, collectable cards or other current toys) as this causes jealousy, thieving and arguments. The service has no responsibility for these items.

Lost Property

Lost property is kept in a laundry basket at the entrance. Please check it regularly. All lost property is retained for approximately two weeks after the completion of each term or VC program It will then be donated to a charity organisation.

Morning and Afternoon Tea

Is provided by the VC program and for PFD. Afternoon tea only is provided by the OSHC We do not provide food in BSC however, we can store your child’s food if necessary (milk & cereals).


On most excursions children are required to provide their own lunch and a drink as there may not be any facilities to purchase or provide these items. When lunch provided is stated on the program, this means that all children will be provided with lunch and a drink.

It is important that you pack your child a healthy nutritionally balanced lunch.

Spending Money

Is optional and is left to the parents/guardian’s discretion. Do not leave money in your child’s bag, hand to a staff member on duty in the morning, and it will be taken on the excursion and given to the children at the appropriate time.

DVD’s & CD’s

Children may bring DVD’s and CD’s from home. They must be suitable for a child’s viewing (G or PG). Please mark your name clearly on the DVD and cases. A reminder the service is not responsible for these items.

Sun Protection/Swimwear/Footwear

Please ensure that when your child is attending any of the Hambledon OSHC and VC programs they have a broad-brimmed shady hat. Caps or a cap with a back flap are nolongeracceptable. The service supplies a 30+ sun screen lotion. Staff will apply sunscreen on all outings and zinc cream for extended periods of outdoor play (if your child suffersallergies you will need to supply your own sunscreen & zinc cream and written consent).

  • Children must have a sun smart shirt or spare t-shirt to wear whilst swimming.
  • Closed in shoes are now a requirement from the Education Department and must be worn at all times in the school grounds
  • Sensible and comfortable walking shoes are required as we walk to some of the excursion venues (thongs are permitted only on swimming excursions).
  • If children attend the VC programs without the appropriate attire the parent/guardian will be notified and asked to produce the correct attire or collect the child.


Movies are expensive. The service will organise a combo meal deal with the cinema. Educators will advise prices prior to excursion. Viewing times are unknown when the program is printed. Times will be confirmed and placed on the notice board for parent/guardian perusal when available

Roller Skating

Due to health & safety regulations and the service policy socks must be worn by each child on these excursions.

Thick long socks are preferable as the skates/blades can cause blisters on the shins and the heels.

Roller skating: we pay for skate/blade hire and entry.

Transport/Excursion Departures

We charter Big Cat Green Island Reef Cruises and Tropical North Charters bus service to provide transportation. This is hired solely by the program – no public access allowed. All seats are fitted with seat belts for your child’s safety.

Permission notes must be signed and dated before any child can attend and be escorted to excursions with this Service

Fresh Water Rivers & Parks

Some fresh water river/picnic parks have no town water supplied. Water is only available untreated directly from the river. Therefore please ensure that your child has an adequate supply of drinks with them for that day.

Water Games – Wet Days

Water pistols, guns and water balloons are permitted. Please hand to staff upon arrival at the program. Ensure your name is clearly marked on the item.

Arts & Craft Junk

Cereal boxes, small boxes, egg and milk cartons, plastic bottles, glossy magazines, cylinders and tubes are required. Toilet rolls are not allowed to be used in arts and craft due to health regulations. If you can supply the above items and any other suitable junk it would be appreciated.

Inclusive Practices and Cultural Diversity

As stated in our policy and philosophy this centre caters to all children. The program is designed to include children from various backgrounds e.g.: cultural, religious, gender, disability, we are proud of the Service’s inclusive practices.

Personal Information

This Service complies with the Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act, 2000 (Commonwealth) In order to protect children and better provide its services, the Service seeks and deals with personal and sensitive information relating to families, children and others. The Service respects the privacy of all individuals and seeks only information which it needs for these purposes and handles that information with confidentiality and sensitivity and in keeping with legal requirements. Our Service supports the principles of privacy and confidentiality. Types of information we collect includes personal information on employees, children and families which is used in the operation of our service. Personal information collected includes; Names, addresses and contact numbers for family members, children’s medical details, qualifications, recognised training and/or positions, places of employment

The Service obtains written consent of persons to the use of the information by the Service in connection with providing the services, delivering the program and complying with its Duty of Care to children, employees and other persons, including those giving the information. The Service may seek permission to share relevant information as required by law. This is done through enrolment and other related procedures as the new information is received.

The Service protects the rights of the individual’s privacy by ensuring that information collected is stored securely in a locked filing cabinet.

Records of the Service are only to be accessed by persons who need them for a reason for which the person giving the information has consented to it being used or, strictly in the case of emergency, to fulfill the Services Duty of Care and responsibilities

All educators are aware of the confidentiality of sensitive and personal information and abide by the privacy act.

Conflict Resolution

The Service will endeavor to solve all complaints or issues at the Centre service level. The Service reports to the management committee (Approved Provider) monthly and they will be contacted immediately if any issues arise. If issues cannot be resolved at the Centre level, the management committee will be involved in the consultation process. Their address is in the front of this booklet.

Hambledon OSHC