Smith, p. 1


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Department of Philosophy & Religious StudiesAmes, IA 50010

Iowa State University(515) 232-2988

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Fax: (515) 294-0780


1991 – presentProfessor, Philosophy, Iowa State University

2003 - -presentDepartment Chair

1985 – 1991Associate Professor, Philosophy, Iowa State University

1980 – 1985Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Iowa State University


1969 – 1974B.A., Philosophy, Boston College, Summa Cum Laude

1974 – 1980Ph.D., Philosophy, State University of New York, Stony Brook


Specialization:Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Continental


Competence:Ethical theory, Feminism, Philosophy of Economics


Technology and Capital in the Age of Lean Production: A Marxian Critique of the “New Economy,” State University of New York Press, 2000.

Dialectical Social Theory and Its Critics: From Hegel to Analytical Marxism and Postmodernism, State University of New York Press, 1993.

The Role of Ethics in Social Theory: Essays from a Habermasian Perspective, State University of New York Press, 1991.

The Logic of Marx’s Capital: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms, State University of New York Press, 1990.


Lean Production: A Capitalist Utopia?, The International Institute for Research and Education, Amsterdam, 1994. (25,000 words).

Edited Volume

Dialectics: The New Frontier (co-edited with Bertell Ollman). Special issue of Science and Society, Vol. 62, No. 3, 1998.

  1. “Towards a Marxian Theory of World Money,” Marxian Theories of Money, Fred Mosely, ed. Palgrave/Macmillan (forthcoming).
  1. “Socialism and the Democratic Planning of Technical Change,” Readings in the Philosophy of Technology, David Kaplan, ed., Rowman and Littlefield, 2004 (319-36).
  1. “Argentina: A Test Case of Globalization,” to appear in Readings in American Government, Shelley, Swift, and Schmidt, eds., Third Edition, Wadsworth, 2003.
  1. “Technology and History in Capitalism: Marxian and Neo-Schumpeterian Perspectives,” Essays on Volume I of Marx’s Capital, Bellofiore and Taylor, eds., Plagrave, 2003 (217-42).
  1. “Globalisation and Capitalist Property Relations: A Critical Assessment of Held’s Cosmopolitan Theory,” Historical Materialism, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2003. (3-35).
  1. “Systematic and Historical Dialectics: Towards a Marxian Theory of Globalization,” New Dialectics and Political Economy, Rob Albritton, ed., Palgrave, 2003 (24-41).
  1. “On the Homology Thesis in Hegel and Marx,” Historical Materialism, Vol 11, No. 1, 2003 (165-74).

7.“Neoliberalism’s Fatal Flaws: A Critical Assessment of Joseph Stiglitz’s Globalization and Its Discontents,” International Viewpoint, No. 345, Nov. 2002 (31-5).

8.“Hegel: Mystical Dunce or Important Predecessor: A Reply to Rosenthal,” Historical Materialism, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2002 (191-206).

9.“Lean Production: A Case of Social Evolution?” in Evolution and Historical Materialism, Blackledge and Kirkpatrick, eds., Palgrave, 2002 (213-35).

10.“Surplus Profits from Innovation: A Missing Level in Volume III?” The Culmination of Capital: Essays on Volume III, Reuten and Campbell, eds., London: Palgrave, 2002 (149-73).

11.“Against Free Market Environmentalism,” in Social Ethics (6th edition), Mappes and Zembaty, eds., New York: McGraw Hill, 2001 (488-91).

12.“On Joseph McCarney’s Hegel on History,” Historical Materialism, No. 9, 2001 (217-25).

13.“On Rosenthal’s ‘Escape’ from Hegel,” Science and Society, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2000-01 (489-98).

14.“The Systematic Place of Technological Rents in Capital III,” Race, Class, and Community Identity, Light and Nagel, eds., Amherst, New York: Humanity Books, 2000 (117-32).

15.“Brenner and Crisis Theory: Issues in Systematic and Historical Dialectics,” Historical Materialism, No. 5, 2000 (145-78).

16.“A Reply to Fine, Lapavitsas and Milonakis on Dialectics and Crisis Theory,” Historical Materialism, No. 6, 2000 (139-44).

17.“Biotechnology and Global Justice,” The Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1999 (210-42).

18.“The Relevance of Systematic Dialectics to Marxian Thought: A Reply to Rosenthal,” Historical Materialism; No. 4, 1999 (215-40).

19.“Prospettive Sulle Globalizzazione” [“Perspectives on Globalization”] Vis-á-vis, No. 7, 1999 (57-76) [article commissioned by Italian journal of political theory].

20.“Value Theory and Dialectics,” Science and Society, Vol. 62, No. 3, 1998 (460-70).

21.“The Capital/Consumer Relation in Lean Production: The Continued Relevance of Volume II of Capital,” in Essays on Marx’s Second Volume of Capital, Arthur and Reuten, eds., London: Macmillan, 1998 (67-94).

22.“Marx’s Theory of Social Forms and Lakatos’s Methodology of Scientific Research Programs,” in New Investigations of Marx’s Method, Martha Campbell, ed., Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1997 (176-98).

23.“Technological Change, University/Business Relations, and the Public Good,” ISU Agricultural Ethics Forum, Spring 1997 (1-2).

24.“A Critical Comparison of the Neoclassical and Marxian Theories of Technical Change,” Historical Materialism, Vol. 1, No 1, 1997 (113-33).

25.“Free Market Environmentalism,” in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Moral Issues, Stephen Satris, ed., 5th Edition, Duschkin Publishing Group/Brown and Benchrule, 1996 (70-3).

26.“Habermasian Political Philosophy and Contemporary Trends in Production and Consumption,” International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 1995 (85-100).

27.“The Case Against Free Market Environmentalism,” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Vol. 8. No. 2, 1995 (126-45).

28.“Response to Jan Narveson,” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1995 (157-158).

29.“Flexible Production and the Capital/Wage Labor Relation in Manufacturing,” Capital and Class, No. 53, Summer 1994 (39-64).

30.“Wittgenstein, Davidson, and Analytical Marxism,” Science and Society, Vol. 58, No. 4, Winter 1994 (482-86).

31.“Marx’s Capital and Hegelian Dialectical Logic,” in Method in Marx’s Capital, Fred Moseley, ed., Humanities Press, 1993 (15-36).

32.“The Free Trade Agreement: Who Gains? Who Loses?” in Readings in American Government and Politics Today, Schmidt and Shelley, eds., West Publishing Company, 1993.

33.“The Politics of Postmodernism,” in Against the Current, July/August 1993 (22-25).

34.“A Note on the Models of Socialism Debate,” Science and Society, Vol. 57, No. 3, Fall 1993 (355-59).

35.“Publish and Perish: On the Separation of Research and Teaching,” In These Times, Vol. 17, No. 13, 1993.

36.“The Critique of Marxism in Baudrillard’s Later Writing,” Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1990 (322-28). Reprinted inParadigms in Political Philosophy, ISU Press, 1993.

37.“The Debate Regarding Dialectical Logic in Marx’s Economic Writings,” International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 3., September 1990 (289-98).

38.“On Liberty and Equality,” Contemporary Social Thought: Proceedings of the Society for Social and Political Philosophy 1982-1989, Klare Press, 1990 (58-66).

39.“The Environmental Crisis: Causes and Solutions,” Economic and Policy Information, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1990 (1-2).

40.“Analytical Marxism and Marx’s Systematic Dialectical Theory,” Man and World, Vol. 23, 1990 (321-43).

41.“Marx and His Critics on the Private/Public Distinction,” Terrorism, Justice, and Social Values, Edward Mellon Press, 1990 (311-28).

42.“Are Entrepreneurial Profits Prima Facie Deserved?”, Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1989 (8l-9l).

43.“Roemer on Marx’s Theory of Exploitation: Shortcomings in a Non-Dialectical Approach,” Science and Society, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1989 (327-40).

44.“A Critical Examination of the Arguments for Food Irradiation,” Public Affairs Quarterly: A Journal of Philosophy and Public Policy, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1989.

45.“On Winfield’s The Just Economy,” Owl of Minerva, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1989 (l03-14).

46.“Hegel’s Theory of the Syllogism and Its Relevance to Marxism,” Radical Philosophy, 48, Spring 1988 (30-5).

47.“Habermas and History: The Institutionalization of Discourse as Historical Project,” in At the Nexus of Philosophy and History, Bernard P. Dauenhauer, ed., University of Georgia Press, 1987 (201-22).

48.“Social Scientists Are Not Neutral Onlookers to Agricultural Policy”; “A Reply to Johnson,” in Is There a Moral Obligation to Save the Family Farm?, Gary Comstock, ed., Iowa State University Press, 1987 (176-86; 196-99).

49.“Hegelianism and Marx: A Reply to Lucio Colletti,” Science and Society, Vol. L, No. 2, Summer 1986 (148-76).

50.“The Class Position of the Technocracy as Reflected in Ornette Coleman’s and Pat Metheny’s Song X,” Against the Current, No. 6, 1986 (52-5).

51.“Habermas on the University: Bildung in the Age of Technology,” in Descriptions: The Journal of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 11, 1985 (274-85).

52.“Democracy and the Supply Side Argument,” in Leviathan: Proceedings of the Society for Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 1, Spring 1985 (90-8).

53.“Kant’s Political Philosophy: Rechtsstaat or Council Democracy?” The Review of Politics, Vol. 47, No. 2, 1985 (253-80).

54.“Two Theories of Historical Materialism,” Theory and Society, Vol. l3, No. 4, 1984 (513-40).

55.“Ethics and Politics in the Work of Jurgen Habermas,” Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1983 (333-51).

56.“Rawls and the Structural Limitations of the Capitalist State,” Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. XIV, No. 4, 1983: (pp. 689-703) (Special microfilm edition). Reprinted in Philosophical Essays on the Idea of a Good Society, Hudson and Peden, eds., Edwin Mellon Press, 1988 (pp. 19-31).

57.“Robert Nozick’s Critique of Marxian Economics,” Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1982 (165-88).

58.“The Scope of the Social Sciences in Weber and Habermas,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1981 (68-83).

Book Reviews

  1. Thomas Pogge, ed., Global Justice, to appear in Science and Society.
  1. Maurice Finocchiaro, Beyond Right and Left: Democratic Elitism in Mosca and Gramsci, to appear in International Studies in Philosophy.
  1. Andres Walicki, Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom: The Rise and Fall of the

Communist Utopia, to appearin International Studies in Philosophy.

  1. Marcus Roberts, Analytical Marxism, to appear in International Studies in Philosophy.
  1. Darren Webb, Marx, Marxism and Utopianism, to appear in International Studies in Philosophy.
  1. Daniel Bensaïd, Marx for Our Times, Science and Society, Vol. 67, No. 4, 2003-04.
  1. Terrell Carver, The Postmodern Marx, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXXV/I, 2003.
  1. Bonefeld and Psychopedis, eds., The Politics of Change: Globalization, Ideology and Critique, Historical Materialism, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002.
  1. Donald Weiss, The Specter of Capitalism and the Promise of a Classless Society, International Studies in Philosophy,Vol. XXXI/4, 1999.
  1. Tom Mayer, Analytical Marxism,International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXVIII/4, 1996.
  1. David Schweickert, Against Capitalism, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIX/I, 1997.
  1. Christopher Pines, Ideology and False Consciousness,International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXVII/4, 1995.
  1. Andrew Levine, The General Will, Science and Society, Vol. 59, No. 2, 1995.
  1. Philip Kain, Marx and Modern Political Theory, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1995.
  1. Steven Jay Gold, Moral Problems, Radical Philosophy Review of Books, No. 10, Summer 1994.
  1. Keith Graham, Karl Marx, Our Contemporary, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, 1994.
  1. Ernest Mandel, Power and Money,Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 1994.
  1. Paul Adler, ed., Technology and the Future of Work, The Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1994.
  1. Ramin Ramtin, Capitalism and Automation, The Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1993.
  1. Andrew Feenberg, The Critical Theory of Technology, Science and Society, Vol. 57, No. 4 Winter 1993.
  1. Bertell Ollman, Dialectical Methodology, Radical Philosophy Review of Books, No. 8, Summer 1993.
  1. Dick Howard, Defining the Political and The Politics of Critique, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIV/3, 1992.
  1. Antonio Negri, The Politics of Subversion, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, 1991.
  1. Alex Callinicos, Against Postmodernism,International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIV, No. l, 1992.
  1. Dick Howard, From Marx to Kant, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIV/3, 1992.
  1. Reuten and Williams, Value Form and the State, Science and Society, Vol. 56, No. 2, 1992.
  1. Richard Hedelson, Marxism and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. XI, No. 5, 1991.
  1. Kai Nielsen, Marxism and the Moral Point of View, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXIV/1, 1992.
  1. Martin, Vaupel, and Egan, Unfulfilled Promise: Collective Bargaining in California Agriculture, in Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. VII, No. 2, 1990.
  1. Dysart and Clawson, eds., Public Interest in the Use of Private Lands, in Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. VII, Nos. 3-4, 1990.
  1. Joseph McCarney, Social Theory and the Crisis of Marxism, Radical Philosophy Review of Books, No. 3, 1990.
  1. Chris Arthur, Dialectics of Labour: Marx and His Relation to Hegel,Against the Current, No. 22, 1989.
  1. Jim Merod, The Political Responsibility of the Critic, Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 1, 1988.
  1. W. A. Suchting, Marx and Philosophy,Science and Society, Vol. 52, No. 2, Summer 1988.
  1. Richard Miller, Analyzing Marx, Against the Current, No. 14, 1988.
  1. Norman Levine, Dialogue Within the Dialectic, Science and Society, Vol. 51, No. 1, 1987.
  1. Ira Gollobin, Dialectical Materialism, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. VII, No. 6, June 1987.
  1. Dick Howard, From Marx to Kant, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. VI, No. 10, 1986.
  1. David MacGregor, The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx, Science and Society, Vol. L, No. 4, l986-87.
  1. David Felix, Marx as Politician, Vitae Scholasticae, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1984).
  1. Gillian Rose, The Melancholy Science: An Introduction to the Thought of Theodor W. Adorno, Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 11, No. 4 (1982).

Work in Progress

Book:A Systematic Comparison of Competing Perspectives on Globalization

Articles:“Towards a Marxian Theory of World Money.”

“Is Globalization a New Stage in the History of Capitalism?”

Other Writings

1,500-2,000 word essays for The Drummer, an alternative newspaper based at Iowa State University. Topics included: The Future of Socialism in Sweden, The Politics of Rap Music, The GATT Treaty and the Environment, The Clinton Candidacy, The North American Free Trade Agreement, Clinton’s Appointments, The Separation of Research and Teaching in the University, Interest Rate Hikes by the Federal Reserve Bank, the “McDonaldization” of the University, Inequality in the U.S. Economy, Globalization, and Financial Crisis in Argentina.


Refereed and Invited Papers Presented at Professional Conferences

  1. “A Critique of Paul Davidson’s Proposals to Reform the ‘International Financial Architecture,” Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachusetts, November 4, 2003.
  1. “Towards a Marxian Theory of World Money,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Mount Holyoke College, August 4, 2003.
  1. “An Assessment of Joseph Stiglitz’s Globalization and Its Discontents, Radical Philosophy Association National Convention, Brown University, November 9, 2002.
  1. “Technology and History in Capitalism: Marxian and Neo-Schumpeterian Perspectives,” International Symposium in Marxian Theory, University of Bergamo, Italy, July 11, 2002.
  1. “Towards a Marxian Theory of the World Market,” International Symposium in Marxian Theory, Creighton University, June 22, 2001.
  1. “Surplus Profits from Innovation,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Amsterdam, July 12, 2000.

5. “Global Capitalism and Cosmopolitan Law: A Critical Assessment of David Held,” Radical Philosophy [United Kingdom] Conference (London), May 4, 2000; Radical Philosophy National Convention [U.S.], Loyola University of Chicago, November 7, 2000.

6. “Brenner and Crisis Theory: Issues in Systematic and Historical Dialects,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Mount Holyoke College (sponsor), Maine (site), August 11, 1999.

7. “Value Theory and Dialectics,” Socialist Scholars Conference, New York, April 1, 1999.

8. “A Critical Evaluation of Rosenthal’s The Myth of Dialectics,”Radical Philosophers Association National Convention, San Francisco State University, November 7, 1998.

9. “Biotechnology and Global Justice,” Bioethics Conference, Iowa State University, July 17, 1998.

10. “Five Perspectives on Globalization,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, University of Bergamo, Italy, June 7, l998.

11. “Reply to N. Scott Arnold’s Critique of Marxian Value Theory,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Mexico City, June 3, 1997.

12. “Technological Change, University/Business Relations, and the Public Good,” Bioethics Conference, Des Moines, January 8, 1997.

13. “Technological Rents in Volume III of Capital,” International Symposium on Marxian Theory, University of Amsterdam, June 5, 1996; Radical Philosophers Association National Conference, Purdue University, November 16, 1996; Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachusetts, December 7, 1996.

14. “Philosophical Defenses of Intellectual Property Rights,” Bioethics Conference, Bettendorf, Iowa, January 8, 1996.

15. “The Continued Relevance of Volume II of Capital,” New Paradigms in Social Theory Conference, Mount Holyoke College, June 6, 1995.

16. “The Impact of Conservative Policy Proposals on the Distribution of Technological Risks,” Project on Risks, Institutions, Science, and Knowledge, University of Iowa, April 1, 1995.

17. “Information Technology and Consumerism: Some Ethical Implications,” Radical Philosophers Association National Conference, Drake University, November 3, 1994.

18. “Marxism and Lakatos’s Methodology of Scientific Research Programs,” International Conference on New Directions in Social Theory, Mount Holyoke College, June 1994.

19. “Contemporary Trends in Production and Consumption: Implications for Social Philosophy,” Keynote Address, The Graduate Group for Marxist Studies Conference, State University of New York at Buffalo, April 9, 1994.

20. “The Neoclassical Theory of Technology,” International conference on New Directions in Social Theory, Mount Holyoke College, June 1993.

21. “The Case Against Free Market Environmentalism,” Bioethics Institute, Iowa State University, May 19, 1993.

22. “Markets and Planning in Socialist Societies,” Iowa Philosophical Society, October 1992.

23. “Flexible Production and Marx’s Dialectic of Social Forms,” International Conference on New Directions in Social Theory, Mount Holyoke College, June 1992.

24. “Democratizing Technical Change”, Iowa Philosophical Society, Des Moines, November 1991.

25. “Towards a Systematic Marxist Theory of Technology,” International Conference on Capital, Mount Holyoke College, June 4, 1991.

26. “Technology, Planning, and Democracy,” Radical Philosophers Association, October 1990.

27. “The Critique of Marxism in Baudrillard’s Later Writings,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Conference, October 1990.

28. “Jon Elster’s Critique of Systematic Dialectical Theories,” American Philosophical Association, New Orleans, April 1990.

29. “Baudrillard’s Postmodernism: A Marxist Critique,” Rethinking Marxism Conference, December 1990.

30. “A Critical Analysis of Dick Howard’s Defining the Political,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, October 1989.

31. “Roemer on Marxian Exploitation,” American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 1989.

32. “On Baudrillard and Marxism,” Society for Social and Political Philosophy, March 29, 1989.

33. “On University and Business Interlocks,” Religious Studies Conference on Education, Ames, Iowa, January 31, 1989 (published as op-ed piece in The Des Moines Register).

34. “The Debate Regarding Dialectical Logic in Marx’s Economic Writings,” Iowa Philosophical Society, Central College, November 12, 1988.

35. “Rationality and Irrationality in Science: A Test Case,” Mountain Plains Philosophical Society, October 8, 1988.

36. “The Debate Regarding Dialectical Logic in Marx’s Economic Writings,” University of Southern California (NEH Summer Institute on Marx’s Economics), June 18, 1989.

37. “Hegel’s Theory of the Syllogism,” American Philosophical Association, Cincinnati, April 29, 1988.

38. “Roemer on Exploitation,” Society for Social and Political Philosophy, April 8, 1988.

39. “Hegel’s Theory of the Syllogism and Its Relevance to Marxism,” Iowa Philosophical Society, November 6, 1987.

40. “Did Marx Commit a Petitio at the Beginning of Capital?” Society for Social and Political Philosophy, Bloomington, Illinois, April 11, 1986.

41. “Ideology, Agricultural Science, and the Family Farm,” Is There a Moral Obligation to Save the Family Farm Conference, Iowa State University, February 20, 1986.

42. “Miller’s Refutation of Technological Determinism,” Western Division American Philosophical Association meeting of the Radical Philosophers Association, April 16, 1985.

43. “A Case of Economic Injustice: The Feminization of Poverty,” Pacific Division American Philosophical Association meeting of the North American Society for Social Philosophy, March 21, 1985.

44. “Marxism and Religion,” Conference sponsored by the Marxist Education Press, University of Northern Iowa, October 12, 1984.

45. “On the Private/Public Distinction,” Presidential Address, annual meeting of the Society for Social and Political Philosophy, April 13, 1984.

46. “Rawls and the Structural Contradictions of the Capitalist State,” Western Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, April 27, 1984.

47. “Kantian Political Philosophy: Rechtsstaat or Council Democracy?” NEH Summer Institute on Kantian Ethics, Johns Hopkins University, August 3, 1983.

48. “The Society of Knowledge and Recent Democratic Theory,” Midwest Sociological Society, April 5, 1983.

49. “‘Liberty’ and ‘Equality’ in Business Ethics,” Society for Social and Political Philosophy, March 25, 1983.

50. “Habermas on The University: Bildung in the Age of Technology,” Society for Phenomenology and Existentialism, Pennsylvania State University, October 30, 1982.

51. “A Critique of G. A. Cohen’s Marx’s Theory of History,” Society for Social and Political Philosophy, St. Louis, Missouri, April 6, 1982.

52. “Nozick on the State and the Economy,” Iowa Philosophical Society, Grinnell, Iowa, November 14, 1981.