held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, WILTON on TUESDAY 20th May 2008 at 7.00pm
Present Cllr A Kinsey, Mayor of Wilton
Cllr J Hinnis, Deputy Mayor of Wilton
Cllr Mrs B Belk
Cllr Mrs C Blackman
Cllr Miss M Clarke
Cllr T Abbott
Cllr T Batchelder
Cllr P Matthews
Cllr J Rhind-Tutt
In Attendance Mrs A C Purves Town Clerk
Mr H Abel Minute Secretary
Also Present Cllr I Seviour, Richard Munro, (WCC)
Apologies None
Cllr Kinsey in the Chair
44. To elect a Chairman
Nominations: Cllr T Batchelder (prop Cllr Matthews, sec Cllr Mrs Blackman)
Cllr J Hinnis (prop Cllr Rhind-Tutt, sec Cllr Seviour)
Cllr J Hinnis was elected by 5 votes to 4.
Cllr Hinnis in the Chair
45. To elect a Vice Chairman
Nominations: Cllr Matthews (prop Cllr Abbott, sec Cllr Kinsey)
There being no other nominations, Cllr Matthews was declared elected
46. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2008, having been adopted at the Full Council Meeting on 6th May 2008, were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
47. To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.
None were declared.
48. Matters arising from the Full Council meeting
· Dog Fouling – It was generally agreed that this had become a problem once again. After discussion it was agreed that a notice at Castle Meadow should be put on the gate (to replace the original). The Town Clerk be instructed to write to SDC asking what the Council’s policy was on dog fouling and seeking assurance that they would prosecute offending owners.
· Local Residents’ Parking – In previous discussions it had been agreed to maintain the status quo until after the development of the Naish site.
· Delegation of Services to the Town Council from the New Unitary Authority
Richard Munro, Wiltshire County Council Manager for the Delegation of Services to Town & Parish Councils Project addressed the meeting. He outlined the principles of the scheme:
v That each Council could choose which service(s) it did or didn’t want to take over.
v That a service level agreement would be drawn up for each chosen service.
v That a contract and agreed funding be negotiated for each chosen service.
v Contracts and funding would be for a period of 2 or 3 years.
v At the end of the contract period a new contract could be negotiated or the service handed back to the Wiltshire Council.
v Management of each service could be handled so that the local Council was responsible for operational tasking in the same way that the Parish Steward scheme operated at present.
v A list of local services and the Town Council’s willingness (or otherwise) to take them on was requested for 1st July 2008.
· Lorries Parked in Shaftesbury Road – Two incidents of lorries parking at the top of Shaftesbury Road were reported. On the first occasion 2 Polish lorries took a rest period there and on the second a Belgian lorry had taken a rest period there. It was agreed that the Town Clerk be instructed to send a letter to Wiltshire Constabulary asking if anything could be done to prevent similar situations arising in future.
49. Finance
A schedule of accounts dated 20th May 2008 in the sum of £1,632.77 was confirmed and authorised for payment. (prop Cllr Rhind-Tutt, sec Cllr Batchelder – all in favour) It was asked if it were legitimate to reclaim VAT on items purchased for the Town Plan. The Town Clerk was asked to seek clarification from SDC on the matter.
50. To Review other ongoing matters
· Sports Pavilion – It was agreed that local contractors should be contacted and invited to tender for work on fitting out the pavilion.
· Provision of Youth Facilities in Wilton. – A local advisory committee planned to meet with WCC Officers. A rumour was circulating at County Hall that Wilton Town Council had blocked the sale of land at Wilton Middle School. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to write setting the record straight. The Town Council was still waiting for WCC to respond to its offer for a portable building, to be provided by WCC, to be sited on Castle Meadow near the Felt Factory. Cllr Kinsey also reported that WCC Officers were exploring the possibility of purchasing the Barclays Bank building with a view to it housing Youth Facilities.
· Trees for planting in Wilton – There would be a meeting on 4th June in Minster Street to hear where the planned plantings should be. The trees are 10 Silver Birch, 10 Rowan, 5 Cherry, 3 Field Maple and 2 Hornbeam.
51. To receive monthly reports preceded by the Contractor’s Report
i. Contractor’s Report – No problems.
ii. Cemetery – Cllr Matthews reported that rabbits were a pest and the gravel still needed attention.
iii. Minster Street – Cllr Hinnis reported that it was being very well used.
iv. Bulbridge – Cllr Mrs Belk reported that Community Support Officers had been seen there on a couple of occasions.
v. Castle Meadow – Cllr Batchelder reported that knot weed was still a problem. Also, Alabare have rented the SDC building and are causing problems by parking 6 to 8 cars in the Lane. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to write to the Trust’s Landlords and take the matter up with them.
vi. Old St Mary’s Churchyard – The notice board has been oiled and looks good.
vii. Flouse Hole – Nothing to report.
viii. Wishford Road – Nothing to report.
ix. Council Offices – The exterior is now looking shabby since nearby properties have been recently decorated. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to seek quotes for painting the outside of the Council Offices.
52. To consider the creation of a by-law creating an alcohol free zone in the Market Place and its environs
After discussion it was generally thought that creating such a by-law would only drive the problem elsewhere. However, the Town Clerk was instructed to look into the situation more deeply.
53. To consider the refurbishment of the Councillors’ robes
The Clerk was instructed to seek quotes for the work.
54. To consider the creation of a small working party to review the Town Council’s internal audit systems and advise on any changes that should be made.
It was agreed that work was needed and the Town Clerk was instructed to come up with proposals which would be discussed at the next meeting.
55. Chairman’s Report
Cllr Kinsey opined that Richard Munro’s address had reassured members.
Cllr Abbott brought up the potentially libellous report in the May issue of Valley News. It was agreed to do noting about the matter and to encourage Members to submit positive items to the Valley News for publication.
56. Town Clerk’s Report
The Town Clerk reported on the following:
i. Sandy & Peter Borchet – Invitation to Members to attend a reception at St Edith’s on Friday 23 May at 7.30pm
ii. Primary Care Trust – There will be a PCT Briefing Meeting on Wednesday 28 May from 6.15 to 7.45pm at Southgate House, Devizes
57. To confirm the date of the next F&GPC meeting
Tuesday 17th June 2008 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.07pm.
Members of the Council considered the following matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, and Human Rights.
Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting – Tuesday 20 May 2008