New Mexico Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee
March 11, 2003
State Records & Archives Center
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Chair: Jim Hirsch Recorder: Glenn Condon Called to Order: 9:30am
Agencies and Private Companies Represented: NM Office of State Engineer, Local Government Division, New Mexico Environment Department, NM Game & Fish, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources, New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department, New Mexico State Land Office, NMGIC, New Mexico Taxation & Revenue(Property Tax Division), NM Information Technology Management Office, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, New Mexico State Forestry, New Mexico Health Policy Commission, National Geodetic Survey, UNM/EDAC/RGIS, UNM/Division of Government Research, Sandoval County, Bernalillo County, New Mexico Department of Health, UNM Community Environmental Health, City of Albuquerque, City of Santa Fe, City of Rio Rancho, Bohannon & Huston, Brain-Storm Inc.
Highlight Corner –Keith Cunningham provided an overview of DFA’s Local Government Divisions efforts to implement a statewide E-911 program with a road centerline database.
Minutes: The January minutes were approved.
Information Technology Commission (ITC) –Vicki Gottlieb reported an IT Management Office (ITMO) summit is being planned. Legislative updates include changes to the Commission and certification; the funding for MagNet has been preserved during this session and funding for next year is being addressed. The following individuals have been appointed to the IT Commission: Moira Gerety, ITMO CIO, Chair; Richard Ulibarri (LANL), Vice Chair, Ed Lopez, GSD; Jan Goodwin, Tax & Revenue; Mark Duran, Director NM Manufactured Housing Assoc.; Raul Parra, President/CEO P2RS; Mike Ripperger, Public Regulation Commission; Liz Jenkins, Commission of Higher Education; David Oakes; President, Board of Education; Herb Pitts, Sandia National Lab; Ron Margolis, CIO, UNM Hospital; Vicent Kaniatobe, Double Eagle Development Corp.; Lanice Jiron, Engineer, NMSU Physical Sciences Lab.
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) – Amy Budge reports $600M in grant money is available through the Office of Homeland Security to assist state and local public safety and law enforcement personnel in the prevention, preparation, and response to terrorism. The application deadline is April 22nd. See for details. Vicki pointed out that there appears to be $6.4M for New Mexico for…"equipment, exercises and training at the local level, as well as some administrative and planning money at the state level". A review of the National Map by the National Academy of Sciences was brought to our attention; see The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) is proposing a name change to the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency. NSGIC is petitioning Congress with a “Declaration of Interdependence” which calls for a National Spatial Infrastructure. Bart Matthews will sign the document as a NMGIC representative for New Mexico; see The NSGIC midyear conference will be held in Denver March 29th thru the 31st; program topics include FGDC updates, NIMA 133 cities and state priorities for Homeland Security. FGDC announced the 2003 Coop Agreement Grants of $1M; categories include Meta-Data, Training, Clearinghouse Services and Canadian/US Trans Border Geo-spatial Data project; see online at Gar suggested state agency support for NSGIC activities. One possible mechanism is for state agencies to submit a Purchase Order to RGIS for miscellaneous support and possible agency membership dues.
Western Governor’s Association (WGA) – Rick Koehler. Governor Richardson will become WGA Chair this fall; currently he is Vice-Chair. Federal Agencies are looking into organizing regional focus groups to promote Geospatial One Stop; be prepared to hear more on this from the WGA. The US Department of Energy is developing standards for carbon sequestration that will provide funding for a GIS component. There is a good possibility of a southwest project because Dennis Gorham from Utah is on this committee. WGA will coordinate efforts among Governors to restore funding for the High Priority Mapping Program with USGS.
Statewide Cadastral Status - Heather Head of Taxation and Revenue announced that the Assessors Affiliate of the Association of Counties would like to drop the cadastral mapping regulations. These regulations require Counties to provide Cadastral data in GIS format to Taxation and Revenue. She would like support from other agencies that will benefit from a statewide GIS parcel layer. An agency briefing paper, much like what we did for the Statewide data acquisition, was requested. A briefing paper template will be circulated via e-mail.
Resource Geographic Information Council (RGIS) – Mike Inglis reported that the National Wetland Inventory/San Juan River Riparian project data from US Fish & Wildlife is available. The Socorro area was selected for Emerge Inc. to prepare digital orthophotography using a digital camera. This area was selected because it included urban, riparian, forest, and areas with high relief. This technology could be used for the statewide acquisition of digital orthophotography. An ADS-40 Digital Camera demonstration will be scheduled by Bohannan and Huston Inc. in the near future.
New Mexico Geographic Information Council (NMGIC) – Bart Matthews and Rick Koehler gave an update on the spring meeting. John D'Antonio will be the keynote speaker at the meeting. The agenda is posted on the NMGIC web site.
Geodetic News – Bill Stone announced the Earth Scope Project, a plate boundary study being conducted by the National Science Foundation, which may result in 10 GPS receivers being added to the CORS network in our state. NM Tech is assigned to the seismic component of this project. See
Colorado Plateau Data Coordination Group– Gar Clarke reported that a workshop will be hosted by the Navajo Data Resource Center on data sharing in cooperation with the Colorado Plateau group.
Agency Announcements -
Gar Clarke of the Office of State Engineer is looking for agencies willing to contribute towards the building of a statewide common annotation layer using MapPlex.
Old Business -
ESRI Enterprise Deployment License – The effort to project future license needs is still ongoing. A meeting with ESRI will be scheduled in April to continue the development of an agreement.
Statewide Data Acquisition Committee - Mike Inglis and Gar Clarke are still working on obtaining the Governor’s signature for the executive order and still soliciting briefing papers.
IT RFP Evaluation – Glenn Condon & Gar Clarke have volunteered to help review GIS contract proposals. Selected contractors will be placed under a blanket IT Purchase Agreement.
GISAC Website –Erik Aaboe reports difficulty with a domain name acquisition. Solicited help; Vicki will assist.
New Business –
NASA Student Internship Program - GISAC will convene a review committee and send recommendations on through the ITMO's Chief-Information-Officer to the Governor’s office for selection.
WGA Cadastral Forum - The WGA Cadastral Forum subcommittee will make recommendations on who will receive fully and partially compensated registration slots for the Cadastral Forum, which is going to be held in Salt Lake City next month.
GIS Strategic Plan Accomplishments - The need to identify Strategic Plan accomplishments was discussed. It was decided to present this information to the ITC by June. Jim will reconvene the Strategic Plan Sub-committee to address this issue.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be April 8, 2003 at 9:30 am – New Mexico Environment Department Conference Room.
Adjourned: 12:00pm