VRS2016/17 - bump

Use this form to request approval to pay VRS benefits to cases involving bump severance: to be completed by department A with information provided by department B regarding employee B
For cases not involving bump severance a separate form is available at

Department A

Dept/Faculty/UAS section which is closing a post / (Department A) / Division
Employee who has been offered VRS benefits but who will to move to employee B’s post / (Employee A) / Dept contact for questions about the application

Department B

Dept/Faculty/UAS sectionemploying employeeB who will voluntarily resign to create a vacancy into which employee A will move / (Department B) / Division
Employee wishing to voluntarily resign on enhanced terms / (Employee B) / Dept contact for questions about the application

Section 1: Details of the Voluntary Leaver (employee B)

Full name / Employee no.
Job title
Start of continuous service with the University of Oxford / Proposed date of resignation
Annual basic salary (at proposed date of resignation) / £ / Grade and scale point
Date of birth / Age at proposed date of resignation
VRS lump sum / £ / If individual wishes to waive any sum over £30,000 in exchange for additional pension benefits, give details
Pension scheme member? / Yes/No / If Yes, which scheme? / USS?☐ MEP cost (if applicable) £ ( attach quote from the Pensions team)
OSPS?☐ Other scheme?☐Give details:
Contract type / Permanent ☐
Fixed-term ☐
/ For fixed-term posts complete (a)-(c)
(a)Source(s) of funding:
(b)Length of contract remaining after resignation:
(c)how will closing this post bring unanticipated savings to the University over min 5 yrs?

Section 2:BusinessCaseforredundancy

Current costs and posts

1.Give details of all post(s) currently occupied by the employeeA (ie the employee who has been offered VRS but will move to department B, upon the voluntary resignation of employee B) and indicate which posts will be closedif a bump severance departure is agreed

Post / Grade / Post % FTE / Job title / Account code / To be closed?
1 / %
2 / %
3 / %

2.Savings from post(s) to be closed:

Post and title / 100% FTE salary cost* / Post % FTE / Cost prorata to FTE / Date of effect
(DD/MM/YY) / Savings Year 1 / Savings Year 2 / Annual savings
£ / % / £ / £ / £ / £
£ / % / £ / £ / £ / £

* Actual gross annual salary plus on-costs, including pension - at current year costs, do not allow for inflation

New costs and posts

3.Give details of any posts which would be upgraded or where there would be a change in hours resulting from the post closure(s) identified above

Job title / Name of postholder or ‘vacancy’
Current post / Revised post
Post / Grade / 100% FTE salary cost* / Post % FTE / Cost prorata to
(A) / Possible upgrade to / Possible new % FTE / Likely date of effect
(DD/MM/YY) / New cost pro rata to FTE
(B) / Extra costs for regrades/change in hours
(B) - (A)
1 / G. / £ / % / £ / G. / % / £ / £
2 / G. / £ / % / £ / G. / % / £ / £

* Actual gross salary plus on-costs if filled, use penultimate point of basic grade scale if vacant, current year costs

4.Give details of any new posts which would be needed as a result of the post closure(s) identified above

Post / Likely grade / Job title / Likely date of effect / 100% FTE salary cost** / Post % FTE / Extra cost prorata to FTE for new post(s)
1 / £ / % / £
2 / £ / % / £

**use penultimate point of basic grade scale, current year costs

‘PAYBACK’ CALCULATION (ie assessment of period within which net savings will finance the cost of VRS benefits)

5.Payback calculation SUMMARY

Year 1 / Year 2 / Ongoing
VRS lump sum payable to employee B (-)
If applicable, MEP(re:employee B) (-)
Savings on staff costs (department A) (+)
From table 2
If applicable, Extra costs from regradings/change in hours (department A) (-)
From table 3
If applicable, Extra costs from new posts (department A)(-)
From table 4
Total (+/-) / £ / £ / £

6.Explain below/attach the case for making the post(s) identified above redundant, and requesting approval for any new cases: include the following information:

  • any proposed restructuring
  • the potential impact on other staff, and how this will be managed
  • confirmation that the department will meet its strategic objectives and cover its core activities
  • if the post is externally funded, how contractual obligations to sponsors will be met
  • organisation charts showing (i) current structure (ii) proposed new structure, identifying all posts to be abolished, upgraded, or increased

Declaration by Head of Department A
I confirm that the proposed bump severance arrangement described above, and resultant post closure:
  • will be consistent with the operational needs and future plans of the University; and
  • will result in savings which will contribute to the ability of the relevant unit to keep within its budget.
Head of Department/Chairman of Faculty Board/Head of UAS Section)
Divisional Secretary for departments in academic divisions or GLAM
Katharine Thomas, HR Team leader For UAS Sections
Date / Declaration by Head of Department B
I confirm that:
  • the offer of resignation by the employee named above (employee B) will be entirely voluntary;
  • arrangements for this employee to leave were not at an advanced stage before 24 October 2016; and
  • my department has agreed to appoint employee A, named above, to the post vacated by employee B
Head of Department/Chairman of Faculty Board /Head of UAS Section

Supporting evidence attached:

☐Print-out from online VRS calculator confirming costs

☐(if relevant) MEP quote from Pensions

☐Copy of current contract of employment

☐Organisation chart(s) for Department A showing structure before and after the post closure and indicating any reorganisation or restructuring of other posts