Minutes of the August 10, 2013

BarlowLake Association Meeting

The August 2013 Barlow Lake Association meeting was called to order by Mike Cunningham at 9:05 AM with 20homeowners and officers present.

The Association Officers and Area Captains were introduced by Mike Cunningham.

President: Luke Miller

Vice-President: Mike Cunningham

Treasurer: Don Visser

Secretary: Barb Cunningham

The June 8, 2013 meeting minutes were read by Barb Cunningham.

Elections were held and the current officers were re-elected to their positions.

Treasurer’s Report

Don Visser provided the Treasurer’s report. He expressed appreciation for the extra donations above and beyond the dues amount. The LakeAssociation balances remain essentially the same as last year. Dues receipts are a bit less than last year but dues continue to come in.

Y Camp/Barlow LakeAssociation Picnic – Favorable comments were heard from the Association members – good food, kids had fun. About 100 people attended. A thank you email was sent to Greg Dodd, Y Camp Director. It was suggested and approved that the Barlow Lake Association send the Y Camp a written thank you note with a donation to help pay part of the costs for the picnic. $200 was suggested and the audience was favorable to this.


Positive comments were heard about the July 2013 fireworks. The majority of those attending voted for Saturday, July 5th as the date for the 2014 fireworks. It was mentioned that a predictable start time for the fireworks would be helpful.

Fish Program

The current Fishing Contest results were provided to the members. Fish planting was discussed and Walleye or whatever the DNR will allow us to plant will be planted again. Mike Hoekstra will be contacted to get the process started.


Articles and pictures were requested for the newsletter and the website. One suggested article was a Memorial Section to notify BarlowLake residents of people who have passed away. This information will need to be provided to the Secretary.

Eurasian Milfoil/Weed Control update

The Milfoil Weed control special assessment is ending. Another special assessment must be set up by the Township to continue the weed control program. At the June Meeting there was a unanimous show of hands to continue the assessment. Again this August Meeting, all in attendance agreed to the continuation of the assessment. Tony Groves and Mike Cunningham will attend the Township Meeting in September to request the assessment program.

New Business/Other comments & notes

Mike Cunningham discussed the Mute Swan population control program that Barry County is implementing.After discussion amongst the members, the majority were in support of the program.

Open discussion on various lake issues included:


Lake rakes

Leaves and weeds in the lake

High water levels and bladder tanks and wakes from boats

After the discussion period, the meeting ended at 10:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Barb Cunningham