Minutes of the

Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Jefferson City, MO

Meeting of: December 11, 2003

Meeting called to order by: Bryan (KØEMT)


Minutes: Minutes from the November 13, 2003 meeting were approved and seconded.

It was noted that Ted Smith had passed his Technician test and was licensed now as KCØRDM. Ted was congratulated on becoming a ham.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report

Bank balance: $1,039.29 as of November 28, 2003

Dues received: NNØB, KDØXO, KØWYN, KCØQWB, KAØDLD, KBØVGO, KBØTIF, KAØOUV (last quarter, 2003—total $126.00 to be deposited. This amount is not included in the current bank balance).

Note: $50.00 is currently being held back as petty cash and is not included in the current bank balance.

A letter from Mary Hobart, K1MMH, the ARRL Chief Development Officer, was read and circulated. The letter extended condolences on the loss of Steve Klenc, KCØACQ, and expressed appreciation for the contribution in Steve’s memory to the Spectrum Defense Fund for Access BPL. Also, noted was that a similar appreciation letter had been received from Steve’s parents. This letter was circulated at the November, 2003 MMARC meeting.

Old Business:

2 meter Net Report: November 19 Tim (KAØOUV) NA

November 26 Bryan (KØEMT) 2 December 3 Bryan/Steve (KCØQWB/NNØB) 7

December 10 Steve (NNØB) 2

2 meter Net Controllers: December 17 Bryan (KCØQWB)

December 24 Bryan (KCØQWB)

December 31 Bryan (KØEMT)

January 7 Steve (NNØB)

2 meter Repeater Report: No problems noted.

Digi-peater Report: No problems noted.

Emergency Coordinator’s Report: No club report. Kevin (KCØCZI) reported on the FEMA Training that he attended. Kevin noted the need for the EC replacement for Cole County ARES. It was noted that the radio is now installed in the Jefferson City Police Department with antenna installation to follow. The names of those hams able to assist JCPD in an emergency are being submitted for access screening.

Modulated CW: Bryan (KCØQWB) reported progress on the efforts to complete the MCW kits. The parts are in and will soon be distributed. Tom (NØSS) is preparing the circuit boards.

Upcoming contests: Straight Key Night is on December 31, 2003.

Upcoming hamfests: The upcoming Winterfest in St. Louis was noted.

Cleanup Day: Bryan (KØEMT) suggested a cleanup of the club antenna supplies. The next Field Day Chairman (K9ZTV) suggested that he would take the lead on this effort.

2004 Club Officers:

Nominations were requested for new officers. No additional nominations beyond those received last month were received. A voice vote was held and the new officers were approved as follows:

President—Jack (NØKSF)

Vice President—Kent (K9ZTV)

Secretary/Treasurer—Rich (NØEAX)

The members also approved by voice vote that Steve (NNØB) would replace Kent (K9ZTV) on the club board.

New Business:


Kevin (KCØCZI) recommended that club members should go to the ARRL Website and read about the Amateur Radio Protection Act. It was suggested that the members write their senators and congressmen about this bill. Kent (K9ZTV) noted that he had talked to Congressman Ike Skelton about this issue.

Kent (K9ZTV) recommended that club members should consider donations to the ARRL BPL Fund.

Ron (N6CSS) noted that there was antenna legislation being developed. Ron volunteered to follow-up on this to gain additional information.

VE exams: None

Program: Bryan (KØEMT) provided a show and tell about his construction of the Norcal BLT Z-Match tuner. He also showed his latest work with manual screwdriver antennas.

Respectfully submitted: Richard H. Glassner, N0EAX, Secretary-Treasurer.

Visit the MMARC web page at: http://www.mmccs.com/mmarc