Summer, 2015

COURSE NUMBER NGR 7970L – Section 7562

COURSE TITLE Advanced Nursing Project

CREDITS 3 (1-3 credits per semester)


Pre or COREQUISITE NGR 7827 Outcomes Research and Evaluation


Kim Curry, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC

Clinical Associate Professor

(352) 273-6409 office

(813) 334-9028 cell

Office hours: flexible by appointment or telephone

Susan D. Schaffer, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC

Clinical Associate Professor

[email protected]

(352) 273-6366 office

(352) 598-4661 cell

Office hours: flexible by appointment or telephone

Robyn P. Gleason PhD, MPH, ARNP, FNP-BC

Clinical Assistant Professor

(352) 284-2123 cell

(352) 273-6347 office

Office hours: flexible by appointment or telephone

Tonja Hartjes, DNP, ARNP, ACNP-BC

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor

(352) 273-6396 [office]

Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

Cynthia Figueroa, PhD, ANP-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor-

352-273-6424 (O)

352-682-6363 (C)

Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

Maureen Curley PhD ARNP, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC Clinical Assistant Professor

Phone 352-273-6417

Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

Jane Houston DNP, CNM
Assistant Professor

Office: 352/273-6411


Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

Rose Nealis, PhD, ARNP, PNP-C
Clinical Associate Professor

Phone: 352-273-6412

Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

Hyochol “Brian” Ahn PhD, ARNP, ANP-BC
Assistant Professor

(352) 273-6385

Office Hours: Flexible by appointment or telephone

COURSE DESCRIPTION The advanced nursing project provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate synthesis of learning and expertise. This synthesis will be evidenced through the development and dissemination of a scholarly work that contributes to evidence-based practice in a nursing specialty. The student is expected to integrate knowledge, theory, and research to address a selected specialty issue or clinical problem. The application of knowledge from all previous courses is emphasized.

COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Propose a question or practice issue for which there is a need to acquire information from a

variety of sources.

2. Evaluate the evidence from research, theory, and other sources pertinent to the proposed

question or issue.

3. Appraise the evidence for its validity, predicted impact, and potential applicability to the

proposed question or issue.

4. Synthesize findings and draw conclusions to address the issue and propose


5. Analyze the limitations of the project and proposed solution(s).

6. Provide a scholarly presentation related to the project.


E-Learning in Canvas is the course management system that you will use for this course. E-Learning in Canvas is accessed by using your Gatorlink account name and password at There are several tutorials and student help links on the E-Learning login site. If you have technical questions call the UF Computer Help Desk at 352-392-HELP or send email to .

It is important that you regularly check your Gatorlink account email for College and University wide information and the course E-Learning site for announcements and notifications.

Course websites are generally made available on the Friday before the first day of classes.

CLASS SCHEDULE Three optional seminars will be offered for student guidance. All are at 7:00 pm

June 18 / Introduction / n/a / Curry
July 9 / Literature review/IRB / n/a / Curry
July 30 / Completion of part 1 / n/a / Curry


Supervison of project.


Student development of individual learning activities consistent with course objectives.

Required Learning Activity: conduct a podium presentation or poster presentation related to the project at the College of Nursing Research and Scholarship day at the Gainesville campus, or other venue approved by the Project Chair, prior to graduation.


Completion of individual learning activities (100%).


Course objectives for this course are individualized with the project supervisor according to the number of credits undertaken. Students not completing all individualized course objectives by the end of the semester will receive an incomplete or unsatisfactory for the course.


S = Satisfactory

U = Unsatisfactory.

For more information on grades and grading policies, please refer to University’s grading policies:

University and College of Nursing Policies:

Please see the College of Nursing website for a full explanation of each of the following policies -


Academic Honesty

UF Grading Policy

Accommodations due to Disability

Religious Holidays

Counseling and Mental Health Services

Student Handbook

Faculty Evaluations

Student Use of Social Media


Individualized to the project undertaken by the student.


Individualized to the project undertaken by the student.

Approved: Academic Affairs Committee: 02/05; 03/05; 10/07; 07/11; 01/12; 01/13

Faculty: 03/05; 11/07; 09/11; 01/12; 02/13

UF Curriculum: 02/06; 4/08; 03/09; 03/13




In conjunction with their Supervisory Committee, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students will submit in scholarly writing format a final report of their Advanced Nursing Project utilizing current APA guidelines. Please see description below of the “Final DNP Project” from the AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (2007)*. Upon final approval of the Supervisory Committee, the following sections that are relevant to the student project will be included in the paper:

Project Abstract (Maximum 500 words)

Section 1: Introduction

·  Statement of the problem

·  Significance of project for nursing and healthcare

·  Theoretical foundation (optional)

·  Clinical question or issue (optional)

Section 2: Critical Review of Pertinent Literature

·  Include theoretical, methodological, empirical research as applicable

·  Include rating of level and strength of any empirical evidence using an established evidence-based rating system (as appropriate)

Section 3: Methods / Project Description

A)  Pilot Study or

B)  Program Evaluation or

C)  Practice Change Initiative (quality improvement, research utilization, education program, etc.) or

D)  Integrated Literature Review

Section 4: Results / Outcomes

Contents of this section are dependent on the focus of the project

Section 5: Discussion and Conclusions

·  Summary of results or activities

·  Clinical implications / impact on practice

·  Limitations and suggestions for improvement

·  Suggestions for future clinical projects / clinical research

·  References

Section 6: Appendices (if applicable)

Final DNP Project

Doctoral education, whether practice or research, is distinguished by the completion of a specific project that demonstrates synthesis of the student’s work and lays the groundwork for future scholarship. For practice doctorates, requiring a dissertation or other original research is contrary to the intent of the DNP. The DNP primarily involves mastery of an advanced specialty within nursing practice. Therefore, other methods must be used to distinguish the achievement of that mastery. Unlike a dissertation, the work may take a number of forms. One example of the final DNP product might be a practice portfolio that includes the impact or outcomes due to practice and documents the final practice synthesis and scholarship. Another example of a final DNP product is a practice change initiative. This may be represented by a pilot study, a program evaluation, a quality improvement project, an evaluation of a new practice model, a consulting project, or an integrated critical literature review. Additional examples of a DNP final product could include manuscripts submitted for publication, systematic review, research utilization project, practice topic dissemination, substantive involvement in a larger endeavor, or other practice project. The theme that links these forms of scholarly experiences is the use of evidence to improve either practice or patient outcomes.

The final DNP project produces a tangible and deliverable academic product that is derived from the practice immersion experience and is reviewed and evaluated by an academic committee. The final DNP product documents outcomes of the student’s educational experiences, provides a measurable medium for evaluating the immersion experience, and summarizes the student’s growth in knowledge and expertise. The final DNP product should be defined by the academic unit and utilize a form that best incorporates the requirements of the specialty and the institution that is awarding the degree. Whatever form the final DNP product takes, it will serve as a foundation for future scholarly practice.

*Retrieved from The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice October 2006, P20

NGR 7970L

College of Nursing – Advanced Nursing Project

Title: Advanced Nursing Project

Student: / UF ID#
Faculty / Supervisory Chair:
Credit Hours: / Term/Year:
Course Description: The advanced nursing project provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate synthesis of learning and expertise. This synthesis will be evidenced through the development and dissemination of a scholarly work that contributes to evidence-based practice in a nursing specialty. The student is expected to integrate knowledge, theory, and research to address a selected specialty issue or clinical problem. The application of knowledge from all previous courses is emphasized.
Course Objectives:
Teaching Methods:
Learning Activities:
Approval Signatures:
Student: / Date:
Supervisory Chair: / Date:
Department Chair: / Date:
Original Copy to: ____Student Record Copy to: ____Student ____Supervisory Chair ____ Department Chair ____ DNP Coordinator _____

NGR 7970L – Section 7562 – Summer 2015 - Schaffer